知性思维,intellectual thinking
1)intellectual thinking知性思维
1.In my article, I want to convey that the thinking of modern science is substantially intellectual thinking.近代科学对人们的物质生活和精神生活的巨大影响是众所周知的,但人们对近代科学思维方式的实质的认识却存在着一定的误解,尤其是很多马克思主义学者很可能会认为近代科学思维是一种辩证的思维,而本文认为近代科学思维的实质是知性思维,它恰恰是一种与马克思主义哲学上所说的辩证思维方式相对立的形而上学的思维方式。
2.the intellectual thinking mode.索洛维约夫被誉为俄罗斯哲学史上最伟大的思想家,他认为西方哲学的危机源于其所固有的缺陷,即知性思维方式。
3.Distinct intellectual thinking based on classical formal logic and served as a kind of thinking fashion infiltrate thorugh human selfconsciousness of practice,as was featured by Helladic civilization.类属边界表现清晰的知性思维构筑在古典形式逻辑之基础上,而作为一种思维方式,渗入人类自我意识的实践活动,其中以古希腊文明为代表昭示了这一过程。

1.The “ Return " of Modern Cognitive Thinking to Dialectical Thinking --A Reconsideration of Cognitive Thinking and Dialectical Thinking;现代知性思维向辩证思维的“复归”——关于知性思维和辩证思维的再思考
2.Structural Character of Thinking of Knowledge and Its Significance of Teaching on Creative Thinking;知识的思维结构特性及其在创新思维培养中的教学论意义
3.Pursuing the Thinking Mode of Certainty Knowledge and Its Modernity Result;追求确定性知识的思维方式及其现代性后果
4.On perceptual knowledge and rational knowledge;论知性和理性——人类思维把握世界的两种方式
5.vision is the first headspring of wisdom,especially,the creative thinking is carried on through the image. The combination of lingual thinking and visual thinking fills in the gaps between the sensibility and logos,aesthesia and thinking,arts and science.语言思维与视觉思维的结合,弥合了感性与理性、感知与思维、艺术与科学之间的裂缝。
6.Modern Children s Cognitive Development and Cultivation of Creative Thinking Ability;现代儿童认知发展与创造性思维能力培养
7.The Blame to the Intellectuality and Logic Thinking of Human Being by Zhuangzi--Hermeneutics of Qiwulun;庄子对人类知性及逻辑思维的责难——《齐物论》解读
8.Sense and Sensibility: the Recognition of Ideological and Political Theory s Teaching;理性与情感:思想政治理论课教学的认知维度
9.Cultivation of College Students Creative Thought in Knowledge Economy Age;知识经济时代大学生创造性思维的培养
10.The Cognizance and Creative Thinking During Autonomous Foreign Language Learning;论自主性外语学习过程的认知和创新思维
11.Valuing Knowledge Structure, Training Inventive Thought;在知识结构教学中培养学生的创造性思维
12.On the Mechanic and Method of the Strategic Knowledge Transforming into the Thinking Ability;论策略性知识向思维能力转化的机制与措施
13.Extruding the Progress of Exploring Knowledge and Fostering the Ability to Think Inventively;突出知识探索过程培养创造性思维能力
14.Metaphor,Cognition and Creative Thinking Modes;从认知角度看隐喻及隐喻式的创造性思维方式
15.Thinking and Translation--From the Viewpoint of Conceptual Thinking and Figurative Thinking思维认知与翻译——以概念思维与形象思维为视角
16.Subject Attribute of Art History Research --Reflections on the Scientific Classification of Knowledge;艺术史研究的学科属性——反思知识谱系分类法的科学思维模式
17.On Learners' Collaborative Knowledge Building--A Process Model Based on Reflective Thinking论学习者的协作知识构建——基于反思性思维的过程模型
18.The Relationship Research about Meta-cognition and Creative Personality, Creative Thinking on the College Students;大学生元认知与创造性人格、创造性思维的关系研究

intellectuality thinking mode知性思维方式
3)comprehensible experience of thinking思维知性体验
4)intellectual thought pattern知性思维方法
5)Cognitive Thinking认知思维
1.The internal cause of the development and change of word meaning results from the cognitive thinking of language users to extend primary meanings of a word to more or less other related meanings via metonymic devices like metonymy and met.认知语言学认为语言是受认知环境和社会环境制约的,词义发展和变化的内因来源于语言使用者的认知思维,通过人类认知手段(如转喻、隐喻)由一词的基本意义向其他意义延伸。
2.Based on the idea of “the principle of cognitive economy” and from the point of informationprocessing and cognitive thinking, the paper makes an analysis of the language materials collected from CAEXPOand the analysis reveals that there are translation inadequacies such as semantic redundancy, overuse ofmodifiers and Chinglish in the translated investment guides.基于“认知经济原则”的思想,本文从信息处理与认知思维角度出发,对从中国-东盟博览会上收集来的语料进行剖析,发现投资指南翻译中存在着词汇语义蕴含冗余信息、译文修辞过多、中式英语现象普遍存在等问题,指出翻译要适当调控译入语的信息量,以便更好地提高应用翻译质量。
6)metacognitive thoughts元认知思维
1.The article discusses the connotation of metacognition and its role in English learning,and analyzes the employment of metacognitive thoughts in oral English learning,and also puts forward that how to employ cognitive thoughts effectively in oral English learning is a important subject in research.文章讨论了元认知的内涵及其在英语学习中的作用,分析了元认知思维在英语口语学习中的运用,并指出英语口语学习如何更有效地运用于学生的元认知思维是一个重要的研究课题。
