哲学形态,philosophical morphology
1)philosophical morphology哲学形态
1.Beginning from tracing Marxs “Philosophie aufheben”, this paper reveals the significance of Marxs philosophy revolution from the perspective of transformation of philosophical morphology, by examining the differenc.本文从梳理马克思有关“消灭哲学”的言论开始,通过对马克思哲学与传统西方哲学的差别性比照,从哲学形态转变的意义上揭示了马克思哲学革命的意义所在。

1.Worldwide Philosophy of Universities and the Transition of Chinese Philosophy of Universities世界大学哲学形态与中国大学哲学转向
2.A Study of Marx s Philosophy Revolution From the Perspective of Philosophical Morphology;超越哲学同质性神话——从哲学形态转变的视角看马克思的哲学革命
3.A psychological study of philosophical morphology--A resurvey of the five morphemesin psychology哲学形态的心理学考评——心理学的五种历史形态考察之二
4.Development of Philosophy Modality & Thinking Mode--The Difference between Eastern & Western Philosophical Thinking Mode;论哲学形态和思维方式的发展——兼论中西哲学思维方式之不同
5.On Trans-Cultural Philosophy-Based Equal Dialogue in Translation of Ancient Classics of Han Culture;论汉典籍哲学形态身份标识的跨文化传输
6.The Natural Philosophy of Plant Form植物形态的自然哲学
7.Another Form of Environmental Philosophy: Human Ecology(the first half);环境哲学的另类形态:人文生态学(下)
8.Another Form of Environmental Philosophy: Human Ecology (the first half);环境哲学的另类形态:人文生态学(上)
9.The Scientific Philosophical Idea in German Ideology;《德意志意识形态》中的科学法哲学观
10.Research on Value Philosophy of German Ideology《德意志意识形态》价值哲学思想探微
11.On the Construction of Marxist-philosophical Contemporary Formation;试论马克思主义哲学当代形态的建构
12.Three Patterns of Personality Identity in the History of Western Philosophy;西方哲学史上人格同一性的三种形态
13.On the Law and Main Form of the Localization of Marxist Philosophy in China;马克思主义哲学中国化:规律和形态
14.Modality Transcendency-Directional Choice of Future Philosophy Development;形态超越:未来哲学发展的方向性选择
15.Reduction of Confucianism through Rectifying of Historical and Contemporary Conditions:A Comment about the Cultural Attitude and Academic Methods of Promotion of Confucian Analects孔子哲学的精神历史学和知识形态学构成
16.On the Combined Formation of Marxist Philosophy with the Traditional Chinese Philosophy in the 1930s and 1940s;20世纪30年代~40年代马克思主义哲学与中国传统哲学结合的形态
17.Discuss Ideological Feature of Technology Philosophy--Take Sviet Union-Russia Technology Philosophy as Individual Case论技术哲学的意识形态特征——以苏联-俄罗斯技术哲学发展为个案
18.He regards philosophy/metaphysics as the structure of a pathological language.哲学/形而上学在他看来是某种病态语言的结构。

philosophy morphology哲学形态学
3)the new formation of philosophy哲学新形态
1.The ultimate aim of the sinicization of Marxist Philosophy is to establish the new formation of philosophy,and it will bring the new theoretical resources to the development of the global civilizat.马克思主义哲学中国化的最终目标,是要建立中国化的马克思主义哲学新形态,这将为后工业时代全球文明的进步和发展提供新的哲学理论资源。
4)morphology of Chinese philosophy中国哲学形态
5)Chinese philosophy in a new morphology中国哲学新形态
6)Chinese and the Western philosophy types中西哲学形态

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀