流动的现代性,liquid modernity
1)liquid modernity流动的现代性
1.This paper aims at systematically studying the theory of "liquid modernity",scrutinizing and analyzing in the perspective of Marxism.本论文旨在对鲍曼“流动的现代性”思想进行系统的研究,并给予马克思主义的审视与评析。
2.Zygmunt Bauman is a contemporary well-known British sociologist, whose research on modernity, post-modernity and liquid modernity is quite original and unique.齐格蒙特·鲍曼(Zygmunt Bauman)是英国当代著名的社会学家,他对“现代性”、“后现代性”,以及“流动的现代性”的研究颇有创见,独树一帜。

1.Fluid Modernity Theory and the New Perspective of Modern Chinese Literature Research;流动的现代性理论与中国现代文学研究的新视野
2.Exploration and Analysis of the Liquid Modern Consumption Society--Reading Comments of Society Under Siege by Zygmunt Bauman;流动的现代性消费社会探析——读齐格蒙特·鲍曼《被围困的社会》
3.Vicissitudes River Water of Flowage Centuries --On "Modernity" threads of the Chinese Contemporary Literature;流动百年的沧桑河水——论中国当代文学的“现代性”脉络
4.Rural Labor's Flow in View of Chinese Modernization;中国现代化视野下的农村劳动力流动
5.Controllership and Optimization for the Automated Storage & Retrieval System of Modern Logistics;现代物流中自动化立库的管控与优化
6.Research of Automatic High-rise Warehouse Based on Modern Logistics;基于现代物流的自动化立体仓库研究
7.New Development of Package Engineering Discipline Pushed Forward By Modern Logistics;现代物流推动包装工程学科的新发展
8.Discussing about the modern rational spirit in the modern Olympic sport;现代奥林匹克运动中现代理性精神的体现
9.Character and Development of Modern Good Circulation In China;从现代物流的特性看其在我国的发展
10.FLOWING TRAVELERS AND IMAGINARY UTOPIA: The significations of modernity of the two narrative patterns in Chinese novels from 1848 to 1919;“流动”的旅行者和“想象”的乌托邦——近代小说两种叙事模式中的现代性意味
11.The Control of the Duty Loss of Modern Governments Public Power;现代政府公共权力责任性流失的控制
12.Thoughts about the Circulation Modernization in China;推进我国流通现代化建设的理性思考
13.Changes of Sexual Love Consciousness in Chinese Modern Novels Creation;中国现代小说创作中性爱意识的流变
14.The Musical Idiosyncrasy of the Major Painting Art School in the Modern West西方现代主要流派绘画艺术的“音乐性”
15.Build a modern city on the rational thinking Logistics Park对构建现代城市物流园区的理性思考
16.Logistics Strategies for Promoting the ModernizationProcess of Regional Business Circulation;推进区域性商贸流通现代化进程的物流战略
17.The Flow of Contemporary American Population and Its Regional Influence当代美国的人口流动及其区域性影响
18.Difficult Position of Pop Culture--An analysis of the postmodernism and modernity in the film Unknown Pleasures流行文化的困境——《任逍遥》中的后现代性与现代性解读

Anti-modern Modernity反现代的现代性
1.Anti-modern Modernity: The Wrong Road of Rewriting Literature History反现代的现代性:“重写文学史”的歧路
3)dynamic system of modernity现代性的动力机制
4)the modernity of law法的现代性
5)the modern sex love现代的性爱
1.CAO Xue-qin advanced the "sentiment principle" for the sexual relations in the future society as he criticized the patriarchy society,which reflect the sexual relations better than "the modern sex love".曹雪芹对父权社会批判的同时,提出了未来社会两性关系的“情缘定则”,它比“现代的性爱”更能反映未来社会的两性关系。
6)modernity of human beings人的现代性
1.While network culture characterized by modernity, the modernity of human beings is its basis.网络文化饱含着现代性的韵味,而人的现代性是贯穿其中的主线。

流动性陷阱的现代解释流动性滞存主要包括:⑴、居民和企业的现金窖藏;⑵、银行的存差。 银行的存差部分可以变为国债和在中央银行的存款。国债部分可通过政府支出花出去,用于实体经济部门,而在中央行存款的部分则只能滞存于银行系统内。 至于企业和居民的现金窖藏,则明显是流动性滞存。 窖藏还有另一种形式,就是当银行存差过大时,银行为减轻存款利息负担,会降低居民和企业在银行存款的利息率,进一步取消存款利息,甚至对存款收费。在银行不是通过贷款,而是直接通过存款来获益的情况下,就相当于存款者通过银行来窖藏现金,这与租用银行保险箱类似。这时,银行成了吸收资金的%26#8220;黑洞%26#8221;。真正的流动性陷阱就出现了。