哥白尼式革命,Copernican revolution
1)Copernican revolution哥白尼式革命
1.Culture value management theory which surpasses and sublates traditional management theory pattern comprehensively,is a profound "Copernican revolution" based on human subject nature in management idea history,which is different in approach but equally satisfactory in result with Kant s "Copernican revolution".文化价值管理理论是对传统管理理论模式的全面超越和扬弃 ,这种以突现人的主体性为核心的管理理论的“哥白尼式革命”与康德的“哥白尼式革命”有着异曲同工之趣。
2.As everyone knows, Kant had accomplished a Copernican revolution in the epistemology with reversing the relation of the knowledge and the target, the influence of it is various.众所周知,康德以其对知识和对象之间的关系的颠倒实现了认识论上的“哥白尼式革命”,康德哲学的影响是多方面的。
3.The so-called Kant\'s "Copernican revolution," which refers to the transition from one mode that "knowledge" depends on "object" to another mode that "object" depends on "knowledge," is not simply an epistemological revolution,but one new way of philosophical thought.从"知识"以"对象"为转移到"对象"以"知识"为转移的这种所谓康德"哥白尼式革命"并非单纯地是一种认识论的革命,而是一种新的哲学思维态度的确立。

1.a Copernican revolution in modern art.现代艺术上的哥白尼式革命
2.Clarification of the Misunderstanding of Kant's Philosophy澄清对康德“哥白尼式革命”的误解
3.Copernicus Revolution in Aesthetic Research--An Analysis of Kant s Transcendental Aesthetic Methodology;美学研究的“哥白尼式革命”——康德先验论美学方法论解析
4.From "Metaphysics" to "Practical Metaphysics":On the Substance of Kant's Copernican Revolution in Philosophy从“形而上学”到“行而上学”:康德哲学哥白尼式革命的实质
5.“The Copernican Revolution” and the Predicament of Philosophi cal Speech;“哥白尼式的革命”与哲学言说的困境
6.Humanistic Significance of Kant s Copernicus Revolution;康德“哥白尼革命”的人本主义意义
7."Revolution of Copernicus" on the Philosophy of Law--Analyse on Kant s Philosophy of Law;法哲学上的“哥白尼革命”——康德法哲学思想浅析
8.The aesthetic mode of thinking in Kant's philosophy change the disagreement.在此基础上论述了康德“哥白尼革命”的真正含义是以审美为根基的思维方式的变革。
9.The field has enjoyed its own quiet Copernican revolution in recent years.最近几年,该领域独自安静地经历了哥白尼式的改革。
10.The Belief in Perfection and the Appearance of Modern Sciences --About the Intrinsic Role of Aesthetics Factors in the Process of Copernican s Revolution;完美信仰与近代科学的诞生——试论审美因素在成就哥白尼革命中的内在作用
11.The Elizabethan Government and the Netherlands Revolution: the Foreign Policy of Balance of Power;伊丽莎白政府与尼德兰革命:均势外交政策
12.The authority for this new Copernican revolution derives, as of the old, from hard scientific evidence.这次新的哥白尼式的解放,其真实性依旧来自于确凿的科学证据。
13.August Revolution in Indonesia印度尼西亚八月革命
14.bourgeois revolution in Netherlands尼德兰资产阶级革命
15.Galileo kept quiet about Copernicus.因此,伽利略对哥白尼的论点保持沉默。
16.Galileo continued and expanded the work of Copernicus.伽利略继续并拓展了哥白尼的工作。
17.The idea behind Copernicus hypothesis was not new.哥白尼假设所包含的思想并不是新的。
18.Here is how Copernicus summed up his picture of the solar system.这是哥白尼对他的太阳系图景的概括。

Copernican revolution哥白尼革命
1.This thesis puts the isomorphism of some concepts related to the Copernican revolution in some subjects in order.这篇文章对哥白尼革命在若干学科中的同构性现象作了一些梳理。
2.His study of the Copernican revolution constituted the starting point of his philosophy of science.作为历史主义学派的代表,库恩的科学哲学首先是历史哲学,其有关哥白尼革命的研究,构成了日后发展起来的科学哲学思想的出发点。
3)Copernicus Revolution哥白尼革命
1.Copernicus Revolution is an important part of Kant s Critique of Pure Reason.康德"哥白尼革命"是其批判哲学的重要一环。
4)On the Copernican Revolution论"哥白尼革命"
5)the Copernicus Revolution of criticism of theology神学批判的"哥白尼式革命"
1.On the Relation between Science and Correctness——Using Ptolemy’s and Copernicus’ Theories as an Example;试论科学与正确之关系——以托勒密与哥白尼学说为例
2.The Search for the Harmony of Universe by Copernicus and Kepler;论哥白尼开普勒对宇宙和谐之探求
3.The introduction of the Heliocentric Theory proposed by Copernicus into China is a major event in the cultural exchange between China and the West.哥白尼日心地动说之传入中国,乃中西文化交流之大事,历来为学界所重。
