善良意志,good will
1)good will善良意志
1.In his book Principle of Moral Metaphysics,Kant,with good will as the logical starting point of his moral philosophy and absolute order as the logical intermediary and through strict rational reasoning,established his moral kingdom,that is,objective kingdom.康德在《道德形而上学原理》一书中,以善良意志为其道德哲学的逻辑起点,以绝对命令为逻辑中介,通过严密的理性推理从而建立起其道德王国即目的王国。
2.Kant s moral philosophy began from moral motives, which clarified the apriority of good will and responsibility and regular pattern.康德道德哲学从道德动机入手,阐明了善良意志、责任、规律的先验性,主观原则和客观规律的符合原则,定言命令的强制性、普遍性和必然性,得出"普遍立法""、人是目的""、意志自律"三大道德法则。
3.Kant thought that the good will is the source of moral worth.康德认为 ,善良意志是一切道德价值的源泉 ;一个彻底善良的意志 ,它的原则必定表现为定言命令 ,即道德律 ,善良意志也是自律意志 ,只有有意识地尊重道德律的行为 ,即出于责任的行为 ,才具有道德价

1.To ensure the absolute goodness, we should act in according to the pure good will.要保证行为的绝对的善,就只能是出于纯粹善良意志而行为。
2.He was strong-willed and warm-hearted, and he adored her.他意志坚强,心地善良,对她爱恋至深。
3.Thus the good will seems to constitute the indispensable condition even of worthiness to be happy ...由此看来,善良的意志甚至是该不该得到幸福的不可缺少的条件……
4.spirit of friendly familiarity and goodwill between comrades.同志间的友情和善意。
5."benevolence:an inclination to perform kind, charitable acts."仁慈:表现为有善良、慈善行为的意向。
6.An inclination to perform kind, charitable acts.仁慈表现为有善良、慈善行为的意向
7.an act intending or showing kindness and good will.有善意或显示良好意愿的行为。
8.Comparison of WANG Yang-ming s "Innate Knowledge" and Kant s "Free Will";王阳明“良知”与康德“自由意志”比较
9.Comparing with and Enlightening On Kant s "Free Will" and Wang Yang-Ming s "Innate Knowledge;康德“自由意志”与王阳明“良知”之比较
10.A good or benevolent spirit.善良的精灵,守护神好意的或慈善的精灵
11.Discussion on Free Will and Moral Goodness in Practical Philosophy论实践哲学中的意志自由与道德至善
12.One is attention to conscience; the other is a spirit of good will.其一是注重良知,其二是心怀善意。
13.A Research into the Problem of Cultivating Students Good will Quality in Maths Teaching;数学教育中培养学生优良意志品质问题的研究
14.Training of Students Characters in Vocational College Sports Teaching;高职体育教学中学生良好意志品质的培养
15.On Forstering Students Good Will and Charactors in PE Teaching of Higher Education;论高校体育教学中学生良好意志品质的培养
16.Freewilland Innate Conscience--A Comparison of Kant s and Wang Yangming s Moral Philosophy;自由意志与良知——康德与王阳明道德哲学之比较
17.Research on Wang Yang-ming s self-discipline of intuitive knowledge;王阳明良知自律的研究——兼与康德意志自律比较
18.He had been chosen to complete and perfect the revelation of God's will.他被挑选去完成并且改善上帝意志的启示。

kind will善良意志
1.The kind will is the core concept and base in Kant′s ethics.善良意志是康德伦理学中的核心概念和基础。
2.Starting with moral motives,Kant s moral philosophy clarified the apriority of kind will and responsibility and regularity,the conformity of subjective principles and objective laws,and the compulsion,universality and inevitability of categorical imperative.康德道德哲学从道德动机入手,阐明了善良意志、责任、规律的先验性,主观原则和客观规律的符合原则,定言命令的强制性、普遍性和必然性,得出"普遍立法"、"人是目的"、"意志自律"三大道德法则。
3)norm and good will准则与善良意志
4)Try to Discuss Kant's Kind Will论康德的善良意志
1.From the psychological angle, goodness is a kind of personality, which manifests in cognition, attitude, emotion, and behavior.从善良的涵义及其结构出发,阐述了德育是以"善良"为基础的观点,并提出了"善良"和"爱心"为核心一个圆柱式的结构关系模式。
2.From a psychological point of view, goodness is a virtue, which is embodied in cognition, attitudes, feelings and behaviors.从心理学角度看,善良是一种人格品质。
3.Based on goodness of ruling by man in China and the West, the article explores the ultimate reason and difference of ruling by man and studies the achievement and predicament of it.本文以中西人治思想中的“善良”为线索 ,探讨了人治思想的终极理由及其差异 ,解读了人治理念的实现途径及其困境 ,从而论证了从人治到法治是人类社会发展的必然选择。

让善良晒晒太阳——智慧在线丛书作者:小虫作坊 著出版社:浙江人民出版社isbn:721302406x印次:1纸张:胶版纸 出版日期:2002-9-1字数:116000版次:1目录:在心底给善良安个家[序言][辑一] 让善良晒晒太阳1.让善良晒晒太阳2.乖巧与外貌无关3.给生命一次机会4.预订一张心情的船票5.与良知开个玩笑6.别让善良倒下7.你的良心敢上天平吗8.送上一轮明月9.数一数面前的白石子10.锯掉你的椅背11.改变本性没那么容易12.盯住黑纸上的白点[辑二] 将悬着的心放下来13.活出意义来14.不小心会上记忆的当15.解开心底的枷锁16.偶像是如何诞生的17.悟道在于心灵的自觉自灵18.掀起真相的盖头来19.成功的名字不叫困难20.给往脸上贴金找个理由21.戴副透视镜看表象22.骗子躲在心灵的暗角里23.将悬着的心放下来24.毛病不一定非在自己[辑三] 跳出心灵的玻璃罩25.做自己命运的主人26.跳出心灵的玻璃罩27.落入“二手”生活的圈套28.智慧在思量之间29.谁会连奶奶和妈妈都分不清30.特色为你打造优势31.做自我心灵的裁判32.狐狸为什么不怕狼33.找上帝要一根金手指34.切莫成为时间的笑柄35.无知的鸡最无畏36.成功的捷径[辑四] 每个人都有两幅图37.每个人都有两幅画像38.谁能称出情书的分量39.机关算尽太聪明40.1的后面可以加几个041.误把他乡当故乡42.将猴子从地球开除43.借给信任一双慧眼44.跨越生命的恐怖地带45.生个儿子取名莫扎特46.从零开始47.把聪明挂在心坎上48.权威有时是一只假苹果[辑五] 一个手指按不住几百只跳蚤49.心性映照着照中的世界50.拆除心灵的定时炸弹51.别折断了想像的翅膀52.愿望在空守中枯萎53.谁不想当“富爸爸”54.怎样得到一个大苹果55.别与造物主讨价还价56.找架梯子上天堂57.把浪漫的情杯点燃58.千万别自以为聪明59.你会自己走路吗60.一个手指按不住几百只跳蚤