本体知识,Ontological knowledge
1)Ontological knowledge本体知识
1.Research on the Methods of Product Development Based on Ontological Knowledge Driven Innovation;分析支持产品创新开发的本体知识构成,阐述由产品基元进行自组织进化创新的原理。

1.Study of Text-based Chinese Ontology Acquisition;基于文本的中文本体知识获取的研究
2.Research on Ontology Knowledge Database for Forest Fire Fighting Decision;面向森林灭火决策的本体知识库研究
3.Study on Natural Language Interface to Ontology Knowledge Bases;本体知识库的自然语言查询接口研究
4.Research on Semantic Search Based on Ontology Repository Reasoning;基于本体知识库推理的语义搜索研究
5.Research on Semantic WIKI Based Ontology Repository基于语义WIKI的本体知识库研究
6.Knowledge Creation Mechanism Based on Epistemological and Ontological Perspectives;知识创造机理:认识论-本体论的观点
7.Study on Knowledge Expression Based on Ontology in Grab Knowledge System;挖掘机知识系统中基于本体的知识表示研究
8.Knowledge,Knowledge Capital and Knowledge Capital Loss;知识、知识资本与知识资本蚀耗分析
9.Research on Ontology Based E-learning System;基于知识本体的E-learning系统研究
10.On Ontology-based Historical Knowledge Element;基于本体的历史年代知识元应用研究
11.Researches on Ontology-based Knowledge System Modeling Framing and the Example;基于本体的知识建模框架及实例研究
12.Ontology-Based Knowledge Acquisition and Analysis of Website Architecture;基于本体的网站结构知识获取与分析
13.User Profile of Knowledge Communities Based on Ontology;运用本体构建知识社群的用户profile
14.Research on Technology Knowledge Ontology Building and Description Method;技术知识本体构建及其描述方法研究
15.Ontology-Based Knowledge Management in ODSS;ODSS中基于本体的知识管理研究
16.Research on Ontology Mapping Methods in the Product Knowledge Management;产品知识管理中的本体映射方法研究
17.Research and Implement of Knowledge Retrieval System Based on Ontology;基于本体的知识检索系统研究与实现
18.A construction method of the subject knowledge database based on ontology;一种基于本体的学科知识库构建方法

knowledge ontology知识本体
1.Innovation design techniques of popular ornament based on knowledge ontology;基于知识本体的流行饰品创新设计技术
2.Research on topic maps based on Web knowledge ontology;基于Web知识本体的Topic Maps研究
3.Representation hiberarchy of product knowledge ontology was analyzed and configuration knowledge classified levels and some relative concepts were presented such as component,function,port,resource, relation and constraint etc.针对目前在配置知识描述和共享方面存在的一些问题,提出了基于本体的产品配置知识表达方法,分析了产品知识本体的表达层次结构,定义了配置知识的分类层次和产品配置知识本体的特定建模概念,如部件、功能、端口、资源、关系、约束等,并结合水泵产品建立了相应的产品配置知识本体模型,运用本体建模语言DAML+OIL进行水泵产品配置知识描述,从而使配置模型易于表达和共享。
1.Construction of Ontology in Chinese Language Framework Network;汉语框架网络知识本体构建研究
2.Design of ontology based semantic information retrieval framework;基于知识本体的语义信息检索框架设计
3.Research on Ontology Based E-learning System;基于知识本体的E-learning系统研究
4)knowledge base of ontology本体知识库
1.Research on the design and implementation of knowledge base of ontology in intelligent tutoring system;智能辅导系统的本体知识库的设计和实现研究
2.This paper has designed and implemented the event-noun knowledge base of ontology, in order to improve the performance and efficiency of this system.本文设计和实现了面向机械设计的汉语言理解系统中事件名词本体知识库,来提高系统性能和效率。
6)Ontological Knowledge tree本体知识树
