历史理性,historical reason
1)historical reason历史理性
1.Therefore,historical reason is not a certain being,only existing in the course of generativism.历史理性就其本质而言,既不是人的先天本质,也不是神的意志,更不是客观的自然必然性,而是在人的实践活动之中生成的、在人类历史发展的过程中积淀下来的人的理性和社会理性。
2.The novel is full of historical reason and unique humanity spirit at the same time.小说充满着历史理性精神,同时又具有鲜明独特的人文蕴涵,是历史理性与人文精神基点上的和谐之音。
3.This reversion has brought forth a genuine affinity between historical reason and human concern which attracts much attention in the kingdom of lit.文学主体性回归后的中国新时期文学,在探寻“历史理性”与实现“人文关怀”之间,获得了一种动态平衡的张力;从而实现了“五四”人文主义文学精神的复归,传统现实主义创作方法向着多层面、多元化的方向开放与包容,表现出一个时代完整而成熟的风貌。

1.On the Possibility of the Historic Rationality on the Historic View of Karl·Beopul;历史理性如何可能——评卡尔·波普尔的历史观
2.The Nature of History and Explanation of It: on Hegel s Historic Reason & Logical Reason;历史的本性与解读——谈黑格尔的历史理性与逻辑理性
3.The Reflection of Historical Reason:Discussion on Mr Ma Er in The Scholar;历史理性的回声:试析《儒林外史》中的马二先生
4.History is the Trick with Rationality?--on the history in the eyes of Hegel;历史是理性的诡计?——浅议黑格尔眼中的历史
5.Enlightenment,Reason and History--Concept of History in The Concept of Enlightenment;启蒙、理性与历史——《启蒙的概念》中的历史观念
6.Historical Rationality and Rational Historicalness --From Hegel to Marx;历史性的合理性与合理性的历史性——从黑格尔到马克思
7.The principles, theories, or methodology of scholarly historical research and presentation.编史工作学术性历史研究和历史再现的原则、理由或方法
8.A Tendency Back to the Characteristics of Historiography Historical Epistemology Studies and the Theory ──Historical Epistemology Studies and the Theory Construction of Contemporary Chinese Historiography;向历史学特性的回归──历史认识论研究与当代中国史学的理论建设
9.From positization of rationality to historicization of rationality --On the great historical turn of Philosophy of Science in 20~(th_century;由理性实证化到理性历史化——论二十世纪科学哲学的历史转向
10.Interpretation of the Philosophical Meaning of Er Yuehe s Historical Novels;实践理性:二月河历史小说的哲理意蕴
11.The Historical Inevitability of the Rejuvenation of Western Theoretical Psychology;论西方理论心理学复兴的历史必然性
12.Historical Understanding and Validity of Interpretation in Translation翻译中的“历史性理解”及“解释的有效性”
13.A historc transition of the theoretical form of Marxism──on the historical position of Deng Xiao-ping s Theory;马克思主义理论形态的历史性转折──论邓小平理论的历史地位
14.On the Epistemological Characteristics of Historical Discipline in the German Classical Historicism;试论德国经典历史主义史学的学科理论特性
15.On Voltaire s Rational Conception of History and the Origin of His Methodology for History Research;论伏尔泰的理性史观及历史认识的方法论根源
16.High School History Theory and Practice Research of Reflective Learning;高中历史反思性学习理论与实践研究
17.The Possibility and the Historical Mission of Constructing Universal Ethic;构建普世伦理的可能性及其历史使命
18.Look Back the History:The Rationality Examines about Mao Dun s Creation Model;回眸历史:对茅盾创作模式的理性审视

historical rationality历史理性
1.The reason that the historical rationality’s rising in Zhou Dynasty has three aspect factors,besides the ruler’s advocation,there have two factors,they played the influential role.中华民族历史理性的崛起发端于周代。
2.Based on Slavish Complex of the scholars attached to politics and the author s life experience,Mr Ma Er is presentation that personality and human collective unconsciousness exits,and is a spokesman of author s historical rationality.从中国文人依附政治的奴性情结出发,结合作者的身世和当时的社会现实,马二先生是人性在现实中的本真表现,也是文人"集体无意识"下人格的一种极致表现,还是作者历史理性回声的代言人。
3.Some theorists criticize that writers become perplexed and puzzled when choosing historical rationality or humanistic spirit.一些理论家批评作家在历史理性和人文精神的选择中出现困惑和迷惘 ,因此 ,随着社会的发展 ,一些“晚生代”作家开始另辟蹊径 ,抛却了对历史精神和人文精神的苦苦探索 ,转而投身到“本我精神”的执着追求。
3)historic reason历史理性
1.In this dissertation I try to make a point, through finding and reading the logical reason and the historic reason, Hegel has exposed the union of opposites between the logic and history being as the nature of the world history.黑格尔通过对历史理性与逻辑理性的解读 ,揭示出世界历史的本性就在于逻辑与历史矛盾的对立统一 ,它不只是我们把握世界历史发展的可靠、有效的依据和线索 ,同时也是历史借以表达自己、实现自己的途径和内在动力 ;由此对历史的合理性解释 ,便演绎出人类社会历史发展观念与热情之间矛盾对立的纵横经纬 ,而人类对自身自由的追求也正是在逻辑与历史的对立统一的矛盾运动中得以展示和实现的。
4)history rationality历史理性
1.The west modern philosophy of science rationality has evolved from logic rationality to history rationality.西方现代科学哲学理性经历了从逻辑理性到历史理性的演进。
2.Mainly using the sight of practice, view of history and the method of unity of history and logic in Marxist, this thesis verifies the evolvement of the modern west philosophy of science rationality systematically and considers the west modern philosophy of science rationality processes three phases: logic rationality, history rationality, historical logic rationality.本论文主要运用马克思主义的实践观、历史观和历史与逻辑的统一的方法,系统地考察了现代西方科学哲学理性的演变,认为西方科学哲学理性的演变过程经历了三个阶段:逻辑理性、历史理性、历史的逻辑理性。
5)historical nous历史理性
1.Tian Zhong-ji s scribble is a typical case,it contains sharp news sensitivity and abundance historical nous.田仲济的杂文既体现了应有的新闻敏感,又蕴涵着强烈的历史理性精神。
6)historicization of rationality理性历史化
1.From positization of rationality to historicization of rationality ——On the great historical turn of Philosophy of Science in 20~(th_century;由理性实证化到理性历史化——论二十世纪科学哲学的历史转向
