世界图像,world picture
1)world picture世界图像

1.The Digital Era and Literary Art Essays;“世界图像时代”的“仿像”与“模拟”
2.Zhifang waiji:World Image and Seeking Novelty Overseas《职方外纪》:世界图像与海外猎奇
3.Movies in the Cultural Context of the "World Image"--JIA Zhang-ke s Movie The World as an Example;“世界图像”文化语境中的电影——以贾樟柯的影片《世界》为例
4.Nietzsche's ontology was the ever-changing world of power quanta, this is comparatively correspondent to the world picture of modern physics( quantum field theory).尼采的本体论是变幻不息的力量子的世界,这比较符合现代物理学量子场论的世界图像
5.Words and images are being sent throughout the world.语言与图像传遍整个世界。
6.Picture,Portraiture and Meaning:The World of Meaning of Jean-Luc Nancy;图像、肖像,以及意义显现——让-吕克·南希的意义世界
7.A Frequency Domain Approach to Image Registration Using Small World Clonal Selection Algorithm采用小世界免疫克隆算子的频率域图像配准
8.Chart of the World General Surface Current Circulation《世界表层环流图》
9.But the virtual world realism of an Internet imbued with 3-D imagery然而具有三维立体图像功能的因特网所创造的逼真的虚拟世界
10.Mathematical Planning and World Image:Critique on Heidegger s Anti-science Thought;数学筹划与世界的图像化——评析海德格尔的反科学思想
11.the world looks like a black-and-white photo.世界就像一张黑白照片。
12.He made an attempt on the world record.他试图打破世界纪录。 the third largest in the world,号称世界第三大图书馆,
14.World Electronic Navigational Chart Data Base世界电子导航图数据库
15.They attempt to master the world.他们企图驾驭世界。
16.They' ve got a map of the world.他们有一幅世界地图。
17.attempt to attain world domination企图取得世界统治地位
18.World Bank Atlas conversion rates世界银行图表集换算率

image world影像世界
1.It is helpful for understanding by dividing image world into 3 parts: the nature image world,the vision world and the created image world.将纷纭复杂的影像世界加以概括提炼,可以划分为三个范畴:自然影像世界、人的视觉影像世界和人类创造的影像世界。
3)the imaginational world想像世界
1.The thesis thinks that the internal structure of "the fiction about problems" has two parts: One is the real world, the other is the imaginational world.赵树理这一在文本中体现出来的鲜明的政治意识形态性正是在社会主义条件下对阿尔都塞意识形态理论的再创造:他通过对现实矛盾与现实黑暗的理想主义超越,用意识形态的逻辑建构出一个想像的世界,以想像世界征服现实世界,来突显主流意识形态的巨大力量,最终使现实世界与想像世界达到和谐与统一。
4)Mirror World镜像世界
5)world map世界地图
1.The paper introduced the making process of the Series World Map, discussed the relationship between current world map and Series World Map, and presents two improvements for the World Map of Eastern Hemisphere Edition of the Series World Map.介绍了《系列世界地图》编制过程中的具体内容,探讨了《系列世界地图》与我国现行世界地图的内在联系,并重点论述了《系列世界地图》中"东半球版世界地图"对我国现行世界地图的两点改进。
2.The scholars internationally have noted the world maps in Chinese of Father Matteo Ricci from the very beginning as those maps were the results of the early interactions between east and west.利玛窦世界地图是东西文化交流的重大课题。
6)world view世界图景
1.It is news that brings us a fresh world that can be called "world view".而新闻是人们所了解的最新鲜的世界,它不断地向每个人及时地展现世界的最新鲜的面貌和状况,因而可称之为“世界图景”。

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