责任伦理学,responsibility ethics
1)responsibility ethics责任伦理学
1.This paper makes some meaningful researches on Kant s responsibility ethics.康德的责任伦理学是在责任这个纯粹要领基础之上建立起来的。

1.Basis of Responsibility Ethics with a Sustainable Development--Modern effect of Jonas Responsibility Ethics;可持续发展的责任伦理基础——约纳斯责任伦理学的现代效应
2.Ethics of the Responsibility in the Technological Civilization: On Hans Jonas;技术时代的责任伦理学:论汉斯·约纳斯
3.Reason,Relativity,and Responsibility in Computer Ethics;计算机伦理学中的理性、相对性与责任
4.Obligation or duty is most fundamental concept in ethics.责任或义务是伦理学中最基本的概念。
5.Responsibility and Responding: On Heidegger s Original Ethics;责任与应答——海德格尔原伦理学初探
6.Explanation of Reason of Enterprise s Social Responsibility in the Field of Ethics;伦理学视野中的企业社会责任理由解读
7.Ethics of Technology and Metaphysics--on Hans Jonas the Imperative of Responsibility;技术伦理与形而上学——试论尤纳斯《责任原理》
8.Ethical Responsibility of Scientists and Engineers for Science and Technology;科学家和工程师对科学技术的伦理责任
9.The Responsibilty, Power and Ethic and Moral Accomplishment of the Editors of University Journals高校学报编辑的责任、权利与伦理道德修养
10.The Ethical Dilemma of the Research and Development of Weapons and the Moral Obligations of Scientists;武器研发的伦理困境与科学家的道德责任
11.What Is Education: The Standpoint of Ethic of Responsibility of Pedagogy;教育是什么——兼论教育学的责任伦理立场
12.A Tentative Study on the Twoness of Science and Technology and the Scientists Ethical Responsibility to Society;科技成果二重性与科学家社会伦理责任初探
13.Responsibility and Ethics:Analysis of Bok's Thinking of Social Services at University责任与伦理:博克的大学社会服务思想简析
14.On "Ethics of Harmonious Relation": Beyond "Ethics of Conviction" and "Ethics of Responsibility";关系和谐伦理:信念伦理和责任伦理之外
15.Chinese Nation s Ethical Liability Thoughts:The Value of Ethical Liability Spirit in the Construction of Harmonious Society;中华民族的责任伦理思想——责任伦理精神在构建和谐社会中的价值
16.On the Librarians' Ethics--Thought Based on Ethics of Responsibility and Responsibility to Others论图书馆员伦理——基于责任伦理和为他责任的思考
17.The Redefinition of Corporate Social Responsibility-Ethical or Legal伦理责任抑或法律责任——对公司社会责任制度的重新审视
18.Responsibility ethics:rational approach tostandardizing administrative jurisdiction;责任伦理:规范行政自由裁量权的理路

An Research on Responsibility Ethics责任伦理学研究
3)ethical responsibility伦理责任
1.Along with the higher destroy ability and more danger aftereffect which bring by engineering intervene the nature,it needs to develop a new responsibility-environment-ethical responsibility-for the engineer.随着工程对自然的干预和破坏能力越来越巨大、后果越来越危险,工程师需要发展一种新的责任意识,即环境伦理责任。
2.This paper analyses the internal and external factors affecting the ethical responsibility of engineers by presenting its historical development.通过对工程师伦理责任历史演变的梳理,分析了影响工程师伦理责任的内、外在因素,认为要使工程师承负时代赋予的伦理责任,就必须:建构工程师与雇主、社会和自然的互动、共生、和谐、可持续的发展关系;规范工程师职业伦理,明确法律责任;造就生态化工程师。
3.The ethical responsibility of school is dual,including the ethical responsibility for not only teachers development,but also students growth,both of which are related to each other.学校的伦理责任具有双重性,既包括对教师发展的伦理责任,也包括对学生成长的伦理责任,而且二者具有关联性。
4)Ethics responsibility伦理责任
1.This paper explains concept, connotation and content of ethics responsibility, and analyse the approach of upgrade library ethics responsibility.文章对图书馆伦理责任的概念、内涵和内容进行说明,指出了提升图书馆伦理责任的路径。
5)responsibility ethics责任伦理
1.Basis of Responsibility Ethics with a Sustainable Development——Modern effect of Jonas Responsibility Ethics;可持续发展的责任伦理基础——约纳斯责任伦理学的现代效应
2.On Public Officers Administrative Responsibility Ethics;试析公务员的行政责任伦理
6)ethics of responsibility责任伦理
1.On the Librarians' Ethics——Thought Based on Ethics of Responsibility and Responsibility to Others论图书馆员伦理——基于责任伦理和为他责任的思考
2.Based on the philosophical critique and ethical assessment of science and techology,the tries to reconstructs a new theory which is called the ethics of responsibility.他基于对科学技术的哲学批判和伦理评估,尝试建立一种新型的伦理学,即责任伦理。
3.The responsibility is the research object for ethics of responsibility,the role is the least,the most basic,the most simple,the most abstract category for ethics of responsibility,and it runs through the resea.角色是个体的社会面具,角色是个体在特定社会关系中的坐标点,也是社会关系网的结点;责任依附于角色,角色永远与责任联系在一起,对角色的认同也就是对责任的认同;责任伦理以责任为研究对象,角色是责任伦理中最小的最基本的最简单的最抽象的范畴,并贯穿于责任伦理研究的始终,因而,角色可以充当责任伦理的逻辑起点。
