实践一元论,fulfillment monism
1)fulfillment monism实践一元论
1.Primarily on the basis of Gramsci s "Prison Notes",Gramsci s "philosophy thought is summarized into three aspects:fulfillment monism,material concept and concept of human nature.主要根据葛兰西《狱中札记》这部著作,把葛兰西的"实践哲学"思想归纳整理为三方面内容:实践一元论、物质观和人性观,该思想值得肯定的地方有,认为马克思主义哲学是对唯物主义和唯心主义的综合与超越、强调了马克思主义哲学的实践性与从实践出发理解物质,局限性包括对唯物主义的误解和排斥、具有主观主义倾向的实在观与夸大意志的决定作用。

1.Material Monism or Practical Monism是物质一元论还是实践一元论——评西方学者是对恩格斯实践与认识理论的诘难
2.On the Trine information Dual knowledge and Monistic Ontology;论三元信息、二元知识与一元本体的实践互动
3.Exploration on Theory and Practice about Cold Chain Mode of Cold Energy Accumultion Small-size Containerized Cargo Unit Ntegration;蓄冷式小型集装单元一体化冷链模式理论与实践探索
4.Transcendence and Regression--On Daoyi s Practice of Dualism Transcendence Theory of Dhyana Sect;超越与回归的“平常心”——论道一对禅超二元对立思维的实践
5.Integration of Curriculum Development with Curriculum Assessment--The Practical Approach of MI Theory;课程开发与课程评估一体化——多元智力理论的实践取向
6.Evaluation and Thinking of National Integration and Multiculturalism in Theory and Practice对国家一体化和多元文化主义理论与实践的评价和思考
7.On the Yuan Fu s Creations Practices of "Absorbing the Essence from the Sao and Fu of Han Dynasty";论元代辞赋“祖骚宗汉”的创作实践
8.Core of Multiple Intelligences Theory and Their Application in TEFL;多元智能理论的原则与外语教学实践
9.Utilizing Multiple Intelligence Design Integration Practice Activity;用多元智能理论设计综合实践活动课
10.An ounce of practice is worth a pound of theory.一分实践当得十分理论。
11.Theory should consist with practice.理论应与实践相一致。
12.On Sidgwick s Dualism of Practical Reason and Its Theoretical Significance;试析西季威克的实践理性二元论及其理论意义
13.Disputes on Practice and Appropriate Solutions--Including a viewpoint of practical process实践论纷争及其出路——兼论一种实践过程观
14.Practice and Study of "Unity of Four" Training Mode“四元一体”培训模式的实践与研究
15.From Duality-Opposion to Multi-Element Coexistance--Clearing-up the Misunderstanding of Duality-Opposion Thinking of the Practice Aesthetics;从二元对立到多元共存——走出实践美学争论的二元对立思维误区
16.Research on Practice and Theory of Diversification Development of Railway;铁路多元化经营发展的理论与实践研究
17.Practical Research on Application of Multiple Intelligences Theory to Aerobics Teaching of Higher Learning Institutes;多元智能理论在高校健美操教学中的实践研究
18.Study on Geographical Teaching Practice According to the Multiple Intelligences Theory;多元智能理论视野下的地理教学实践研究

1.Among them,thoughts of praxis-meta-ontology and epistemology are especially remarkable.其中实践一元本体论思想和认识论思想显得尤为突出。
3)dualism of practical reason实践理性二元论
1.Henry Sidgwick could not reconcile the conflict between utilitarianism and egoism on the basis of experience,and so leave dualism of practical reason as a famous dilemma in the history of moral philosophy.西季威克在经验的基础上无法调和功利主义与利己主义的冲突,在道德哲学史上留下了著名的实践理性二元论困境。
4)integrated theory and practice理论-实践一体化
5)the unification of theory and practice理论与实践统一
6)theoretical practice all-in-one理论实践一体化
1.The teaching method of theoretical practice all-in-one is an advanced pedagogy.理论实践一体化教学法是一种先进的教学方法,现以本院医学影像技术专业的医学影像诊断课为探索对象,阐述了对理论实践一体化教学的认识并结合课程改革对理论实践一体化教学法实施中对实训环境、课程设置、配套教材、师资队伍、质量评价等进行了一些实践与探索。
