马克思辩证法,Marx dialectics
1)Marx dialectics马克思辩证法
1.Historical Dimension:On the Marcuse s Understanding about Marx Dialectics;历史纬度:马尔库塞对马克思辩证法的理解

1.Practical Dialectics: Exposition of Marx Dialectics;实践辩证法:马克思辩证法的定性阐释
2.Animadverting and Exceeding--Marx s Dialectics and Hegel s Dialectics;批判与超越——马克思辩证法与黑格尔辩证法
3.The View of Practice and the Fundamental Spirit of Marxist Dialectics;实践观点与马克思辩证法的根本精神
4.History and Transcendence;历史与超越——马克思辩证法的特征
5.Re-examination on the Relation between Marx s Dialectics and Hegel s Dialectics:An Understanding in the Horizon of Marx s Historical Dialectics;马克思辩证法与黑格尔辩证法关系之再考察——马克思历史辩证法视域中的一种解读
6.Historical Dimension:On the Marcuse s Understanding about Marx Dialectics;历史纬度:马尔库塞对马克思辩证法的理解
7.This thesis t hinks that subject is the joint betwe en marx dialectics and Hegel dialectics.从理论逻辑看,主体是马克思辩证法和黑格尔辩证法的联结点。
8.Collapse of Capital Logic: The Critical Nature of Marx's Dialectics;瓦解资本的逻辑—马克思辩证法的批判本质
9.The Revolutionary Change of Marx s Dialectics Theory and Its Contemporary Value;马克思辩证法理论的革命性变革及其当代价值
10.Practice Limit and Marxist Dialectics--Second Deliberation with LU Jian-jie;实践限度与马克思辩证法——与陆剑杰同志再商榷
11.Marxist's dialectics is the methodology of the futurology.马克思主义辩证法是未来学的方法论。
12.Critique and Transcendence of Hegel s Dialectics by Marx;马克思对黑格尔辩证法的批判与超越
13.Dialectics:Hegel,Marx and Post-Metaphysics;辩证法:黑格尔、马克思与后形而上学
14.The changes of Dialecticsin in Western Marxism Field;西方马克思主义视域下辩证法的嬗变
15.Establishment of Marxist Social Practice Process Dialectics论马克思社会实践过程辩证法的确立
16.Marxist Philosophy Is Practical Dialectics Instead of Material Dialectics;马克思哲学应是实践辩证法而不应是唯物辩证法
17.From Speculation to Revolution: Marx s Inversion of Hegel s Dialectic;从思辨到革命——马克思对黑格尔辩证法的颠倒
18.Innovation of the Thinking Modes in the Visual Threshold of Marxist Dialectics马克思主义辩证法视阈下思维方式的创新

Marxism dialectics马克思辩证法
1.In recent years,in the derivative process of "original ecology" explanation on Marxism dialectics,some explanations for "secondary ecology" seem to deviate from its original spirital core.近年来,在对马克思辩证法做"原生态"解读与超越的衍义进程中,出现了某种程度上的偏离马克思辩证法本真精神的倾向。
2.For the sake of digging Marxian philosophical contemporary value and exerting its contemporary spirit essentiality, this article aim at opening out the theoretical inbeing and objective of liberating internal power as realistic man of Marx based on reflection the course of annotation Marxism dialectics.为了充分开掘马克思哲学的当代价值,发挥其作为“时代精神精华”的功能,有必要在反思马克思辩证法诠释历程的基础上,敞开其作为实现人的解放之内在力量的理论本性和旨趣。
3)Marx's dialectics马克思的辩证法
4)marxist dialectics马克思主义辩证法
1.Deng Xiaoping Theory Stage of Marxist Dialectics:A Philosophical Consideration of the 30th Anniversary of China s Reform and Opening-up;马克思主义辩证法邓小平理论阶段——关于改革开放三十周年的哲学思考
2.theory with practice and analysis with synthesis and the consistency of logic and history of Marxist dialectics to explain the basic theory and on the characteristics and reasonable of the existing thinking modes to carry out the review and on this basis to establish the location and dialectical thinking of an innovate thinking modes.本文运用理论联系实际、分析与综合、逻辑与历史相一致的方法对马克思主义辩证法的基本理论进行了阐释,对现存思维方式的特征及合理性进行了审视,并在此基础上确立了创新思维方式的目标定位及辩证思考。
5)Marxism dialectical materialism马克思主义唯物辩证法
6)dialectical logic history of Marxism马克思主义辩证逻辑史
