强力意志,the will to power
1)the will to power强力意志
1.Nielzsche commented on his theory of “Artists" based on “the will to power".尼采以强力意志为本体,阐述其艺术家理论。
2.According to the most works of Nietzsche, I think the idea of superman is divided into two periods: In the first period, the superman is the new kind of man who has the will to power, creation, transcendence and positivity.我根据对尼采众多著作的阅读,认为尼采的“超人”内涵分为前后两个时期:以《苏鲁支语录》为界,前期的超人是一种拥有强力意志,富有创造性、肯定性和超越性的新型人,他们是未来世界的统治者,是占少数的贵族;后期的超人是过程和结果的统一,他从凡人中觉醒,孤独痛苦但坚强、勇敢、不屈不挠,进行着反基督教、反世俗道德的斗争。

1.On Nietzsche' Subjective Metaphysical Thinking of "Will to Power"论尼采的“强力意志”主体性后物理思想
2.Nielzsche commented on his theory of“ Artists" based on“ the willto power".尼采以强力意志为本体,阐述其艺术家理论。
3.Nietzsche s Will to Power:An Attempt to Overturn Schopenhauer s Pessimism;颠覆叔本华生存意志中悲观意识的尝试——试论尼采强力意志的悲剧精神
4.Lacking firmness of character or strength of will.意志薄弱的缺乏坚强性格或意志力量的
5.He hadn't enough strength of mind to refuse.他意志力不够坚强,无法拒绝。
6.I am strong-willed, and I never withdraw before difficulties.我意志力极强,决不会在困难面前退缩。
7.She'll need an iron will in order to succeed.她若想成功, 需要有很强的意志力。
8.Leaders are expected to have the will and ability to defeat an enemy.要求指挥员有打败敌人的坚强意志和能力。
9.Occupation does not give them the right to impose their will on the Iranian people.占领军没有权力将他们的意志强加于伊朗人民。
10.the strength of character, the spirit of enterprise, the desire for continuous improvement, and the versatility to cope with vagaries in life;具备坚强意志、勤奋进取的精神和应变能力;
11.There is no such thing as a great talent without great willpower.没有坚强的意志力就谈不上有伟大的才华。
12.He has strong will, and nothing can stop him doing what he wants.他意志坚强,想干的事任何力量都阻止不了。
13.Increasing personal will, honing skills, attaining magical goals.增强个人的意志,磨练能力,达到魔术目标。
14.My eldest son has a strong will.我的长子意志坚强。
15.Only men of great resolution“唯有意志非常坚强的人
16.He has, above all, a strong will.而且他有坚强的意志。
17.strong will, belief, determination坚强的意志、 信念、 决心
18.strength of character, mind, will性格、 思想、 意志的坚强

will to power强力意志
1.His contemporary,Nietzsche inherited Schopenhauer volition theory but animadverted Schopenhauer s pessimism in his survival volition and replaced it with an active attitude toward life-the will to power.19世纪,叔本华建立了他自己悲观厌世的人生哲学,和他生活在同一世纪的另外一个著名的哲学家尼采继承了他的意志学说,却反其道而行之,他批判叔本华的生存意志中的悲观意识,代之以激情澎湃的人生态度去诠释他的关于意志的学说——强力意志
4)strong will坚强意志
1.A Study on Middle School and High School Students Willpower Questionnarie;中学生意志力问卷的编制
2.The cultivation on willpower of the college students with visual impairments and P.E.teaching;视障大学生意志力的培养与体育教学
3.Santiago is typical of strong-willed person in Hemingway s The Old Man and the Sea,whose character of solitary struggle and whose extraordinary willpower make Santiago,the fisherman himself a poem for extolling human s spirit.他孤独奋斗和执着追求的性格以及非凡超人的意志力,使得桑提亚哥这个渔夫本身就成为赞颂人的精神的一首诗。
6)the will of power权力意志
1.In addition, Mao Dun highlighted Nietzsche s theory of "superman" and "the will of power".他还十分重视尼采的超人哲学与权力意志说。
