先验自我,transcendental ego
1)transcendental ego先验自我
1.As a matter of fact,transcendental ego for its nature inter-subjectivity makes epoche and reduction become the basis of metaphysics.一直以来,先验自我被看成是孤立的主体;相应地,悬搁、还原被看成是现象学认识论的主要手段与途径。
2.The reconstruction of metaphysics of Kant includes two main parts, that is, the construction of "transcendental ego" and the demarcation between philosophy and religion.康德关于形而上学的重建,包括“先验自我”的构建和哲学与宗教的划界两个主要部分;前者是整个康德哲学的基础和出发点,哲学与宗教的划界是“先验自我”原则的贯彻。
3.The construction of reflective philosophy of "Ego" in German classical philosophy comes through such a logical developmental process as "transcendental ego" of Kant, "Active ego" of Fichte and "Absolute identity" of Schelling, and arrives at the supreme and the most Abstract identity in philosophy of Hegel.德国古典哲学关于“自我”的思辨哲学的建构,经历了康德的“先验自我”、费希特的“行动自我”、谢林的“绝对同一”的“自我”的逻辑发展过程,并在黑格尔哲学中达到最高、最抽象的同一。

1.The Worldless Transcendental Ego --On Heidegger's Phenomenological Critique of Kan's Ego无世界的先验自我——论海德格尔对康德自我概念的现象学批判
2.Husserl: From Transcendental Ego to Life-World From Marxist Perspective胡塞尔:从先验自我转向生活世界——从马克思的观点看
3.407: The request requires user authorization. The client must first authenticate itself with the proxy.该请求需要用户验证。客户端首先必须通过代理进行自我验证。
4.An Experimental Study of the Training of Self-Education Ability in Young Pioneers Activities;少先队自主活动与小学生自我教育能力培养实验研究
5.I intend to forgive those ancestors who were involved in scientific experiments that involved dolphins, whales or nature.我意愿宽恕那些涉及与鲸鱼、豚或大自然相关的科学试验的祖先。
6.Is there price predetermination between domestic and international investors?--Evidence from share A and B at Shenzhen Stock Exchange;国内外投资者间存在价格先导性吗?——来自我国股市A、B股的检验
7.First of all, please allow me to introduce myself.首先,请允许我自我介绍。
8.We have to check out first.我们必须先办验关手续。
9.I believe that theories are prior to observations as well as to experiments.我认为理论先于观察,也先于实验。
10.I learn them by myself for some time,我自己先学一段时间,
11.Self-construction: Confucian Theory of Self"自我"的建构:先秦儒家的自我理论
12.We welcome the advanced experiences and modern technology from the Western countries, but that doesn't mean we'll gulp down them我们欢迎来自西方国家的先进经验和现代化的技术,但这并不意味我们将不加分析地全盘接收。
13.I had better (ie I think I should) begin by introducing myself.我最好(我想我应该)先作一下自我介绍.
14.Liberty and Rights: the Transcendental Implications in the Legal Philosophy of Immanuel Kant;自由与权利:康德法哲学的先验线索
15.An Adaptive Pedestrian Tracking Algorithm with Prior Knowledge融合先验知识的自适应行人跟踪算法
16.According to our experience, in order to build socialism we must first of all develop the productive forces, which is our main task.根据我们自己的经验,讲社会主义,首先就要使生产力发展,这是主要的。
17.I intend to forgive ancestors who experimented upon nature absolute and upon all dimensions that they existed throughout time and space and form.我意愿宽恕在所有密度对大自然绝对试验,使其遍及时空与形态而生存的祖先。
18.let's take some shots of ourselves.让我们先拍一些我们自己的照片吧!

transcendental self先验自我
1.Far more than that,the self-constructed transcendental self is by nature self-responsible.先验自我是胡塞尔现象学的阿基米德点,它具有自明性,并在不断的明见呈现过程中构建自身,说明自身。
2.Transcendental philosophy started with Descartes s philosophical principle which makes the world objective in subjectivity with "transcendental self" as the Archimedes s point.先验哲学肇端于笛卡儿"我思故我在"的哲学原则,以"先验自我"为阿基米德点而使世界在主观性中客观化。
3)On Prior-Experience Ego论先验自我
4)the transcendental self-consciousness先验自我意识
6)transcendental freedom先验自由
1.Kant pressed how knowledge is possbile for how transcendental freedom is possible, from that he pressed for how practical freedom and morality are possible.康德由知识何以可能逼出先验自由的可能,进而引申出实践自由和道德何以可能,凸现出自由概念在其道德哲学中重要地位。

先验的和超验的  西方的宗教或唯心主义哲学的一般术语。欧洲中世纪经院哲学就已使用过,I.康德第一次把这两个术语作了区分。在康德哲学中,这两个术语是不能相互替换的。所谓"先验的",在认识论中有先于经验的意思。康德用来表示在先天可能的范围内,关于认识方式的知识。康德所说"先验的",是指这样一种特殊知识:它不涉及对象,而只涉及我们认识对象的形式,并且在这种形式中也只限于先天可能的形式。康德借此企图说明,先天知识为什么是经验之所以可能的一般条件以及为什么只能限于经验的使用。这种理论知识的体系就是康德的先验哲学,即所谓观察先天知识的限界、本性与可能性的一门科学。    所谓"超验的",一般指思维或意识的一种活动性质,即超出经验世界的界限而进入超经验的领域。在康德的先验唯心论体系中,"超验的"是理性的辩证本性的表现。与知性不同,理性追求绝对的完整性,即无条件者,而经验的东西只具有相对的完整性,即有条件者。因此,理性所追求的无条件者就超出了经验的界限,它在经验世界中没有相应的对象。康德指出,理性这种对经验世界的超越是必然的,问题在于对这种理性的必然性要有批判的认识。康德认为理性超越经验界而必然形成的只是"理念",它们只具有规范性的意义,不存在于经验界,因而不是认识的对象,而是"物自体"。理性的理念有三种:"心灵",是主体的绝对统一;世界或宇宙,是客体的绝对统一;上帝,是主体与客体的统一。康德认为,旧的形而上学正是对于理性自身超越作用的必然性没有批判的认识,因而陷入了"假相",即把"物自体"当作了可认识的对象,产生一系列谬误推理和二律背反。康德认为,知识是"内在的",不能超出主体可能的经验,理性的超越作用是必然的,但要予以批判的考察即规定它的正当地位。