《诗经》学,the study of the Book of Songs
1)the study of the Book of Songs《诗经》学
1.Except the diction and interpretation on some sentences,there is no difference in the gist of the study of the Book of Songs in Han Dynasties.汉四家《诗经》学在经文用字和对具体诗句的解读上有差别,但要旨并无不同。

1.On the Study of the Book of Songs of the Independent Thinking School in Qing Dynasty;清代《诗经》学独立思考派《诗》学研究
2.On Explanatory Poem Study of The Book of Songs in Han Dynasties;汉代“《诗经》学”说《诗》方法浅探
3.Several Problems on The Book of Songs and Poetics of Bamboo Slips in Shanghai Museum;上博竹书《诗论》与《诗经》学的几个问题
4.Poetic Experience and Poetic Significance in Maritain s Poetics;马利坦诗学中的诗性经验和诗性意义
6.The Academic Tenet of the School of Textual Research on The Book of Songs in Qing Dynasty;清代《诗经》考据学派《诗》学宗旨论析
7.On the Influence of Mao s Poetry and Its Confucian Classics Explanation on the Literary Value of Tang Poetry;《毛诗》及其经学阐释与唐诗文学价值
8.The Study of Classics of Confucian Poetics through Confucius,Mencius and Xunzi s Citing and Reviewing Poetry;从孔、孟、荀引诗、说诗看儒家《诗》的经学化进程
9.Comparing the war poetries in The Book of Songs with Iliad on the aesthetic style荷马史诗与《诗经》中战争诗的美学风格比较
10.Liuxie s Explanation to the Book of Songs and Poetics Construction of the Dragon Carved in the Heart of Literature;刘勰的《诗经》阐释与《文心雕龙》诗学建构
11.Image·Discipline·Poetics--Unscrambling the image of the birds-beasts-vegetation in "the Book of Songs";图像·规训·诗学——《诗经》鸟兽草木图像发微
12.On the Interpretation of The Book of Poetry by Shiyi Huitong;论《诗义会通》对《诗经》的文学解读
13."On Poetries of Poetic Theories: The General Token of Yi's Ancient Scripture Poetics." Yi's Literature Biweekly , February 15, 1996."以诗论诗──彝族古代经籍诗学的整体表征",《彝族文学报》1996年2月15。
14.Allegoric poetics of the “Dukedom’s Poetry” in Book of Songs;关于《诗经·国风》的寓言诗学——现代阐释学视野中的《毛诗序》
15.Economic Studies in Confucian Culture Setting《The Book of Songs》 as an Example;儒家文化的经济学初探——以《诗经》为例
16.The Cultural Connotation of the Hunting Poetry in Book of Songs and Its Impact on Later Literature;《诗经》田猎诗的文化内涵及其对后世文学的影响
17.On the Poetic Preference,Value and Vacancy in the Study of The Book of Songs by the School of Discussion in Ancient Chinese History;论古史辨派《诗经》研究的诗学取向、价值与缺失
18.Poetry Origination VS Law Principle--Analysis of The Book of Songs Situation Creation;诗学之正源 法度之准则——《诗经》意境创设透析

Qing Poetry Talks On the Study of The General Anthology of Poetry诗话诗经学
3)the study of The Book of Songs诗经学
4)shijingological literature《诗经》文学
5)the Han School of Classical Philology on "the Book of Songs"诗经汉学
6)Empirical poetics经验诗学

《诗经》中的美育心理学思想《诗经》中的美育心理学思想psychological thought on aesthetic education in Shi Jing  《诗经》中的美育心理学思想(Psy-ehologieal thought on aesthetie edueationin shi Jin妇《诗经》是我国第一部诗歌总集。它反映了西周初期到春秋中叶的人民生活、社会风气,含有丰富的美育心理学思想。《礼记“经解》:“孔子曰:‘入其国其教可知也,其为人也温柔敦厚。诗教也。”,温柔、敦厚都属于性格方面的品质。这种心理品质是诗教的结果。又说:“其为人也,温柔敦厚而不愚,则深于诗者也。”说明受诗教精深的人,不但性格优美,在智力发展方面也受到良好的影响,所以“不愚”。《毛诗序》:“诗者,志之所之也,在心为志,发言为诗。”诗要表达的志,自然是心理问题,即把头脑中的思想、情感、意志,用生动的艺术语言表达出来,就是“诗”了。诗言志,即用诗中蕴含的思想情感去教育和感染人。在表达方法上采用了“赋”、“比”、“兴,,三种艺术手法。“赋”者敷陈其事而直言之也,相当于文学写作的叙述法。“比”者,以彼物比此物也;“兴”者先言他物以引起所用之辞也。比、兴相当于比拟、借喻、明喻、隐喻等修辞手法。从心理学的道理解释,比、兴就是对比联想。《国风·关雌》以雌鸡相鸣,歌颂淑女君子的爱情;《邺风·凯风》以“棘心伙“黄鸟”等自然景物引喻孝敬母亲的思想:《魏风·伐檀》以讽刺的笔法描写劳动人民对剥削阶级的憎恨,把美丑善恶作了鲜明的对比。《诗经》中寓有美育心理学思想的诗篇是很丰富的,是先秦诗教的典范。 (哑团撰甘欣然审)