返归自然,returning to nature
1)returning to nature返归自然
1.Specifically,human s discovery is the core content of the enlightenment sense,returning to nature is spiritul direction of the enlightenment sense,confession consciousness is self-sublimation of enlightenment spirit,the critique feudalism is ultimate direction of t.具体说来,人的发现是启蒙意识的核心,返归自然是启蒙意识的精神旨归,忏悔意识是启蒙精神的自我升华,批判封建意识是启蒙思想的终极指向。
2.In the 1930 s,it highlighted the idea of returning to nature.五四乡土文学以揭示病苦为核心,表现出批判蒙昧的启蒙意识;三十年代乡土文学以皈依乡土为指向,表现出返归自然的启蒙意识;四十年代乡土文学以审视人性为核心,表现出改良人生的启蒙意识。
2)natural flowback自然返排
3)return to nature返回自然
1.She lived a closed life with simple experience and felt painful about life, "rebelled society"fancied living a free life of transcending realism ("return to nature") ,Wuther-ing Heights is in reality and autobiography about Emily s state o.这使她难以适应社会,生活封闭,经历简单,对人生充满痛感;精神上“反叛社会”,幻想超现实的自由生活(“返回自然”)。
2.This shows the theme"the rebellion against society and return to nature "in the novel.《呼啸山庄》借老、少两代人的爱恨情仇的描写,表现了自然之爱与社会之爱,自然、自由的生活与充满压迫、偏见的世俗规则的秩序化社会的矛盾冲突,表达了“反叛社会、返回自然”的主题。

1.couldn't tolerate city life anymore and went back to nature.不能再忍受城市生活,返回自然
2.Return Nature--The way how Tao yuanming experienced life;返回自然——陶渊明对生命的体验方式
3.New Thoughts on the Theme of Wuthering heights;反叛社会 返回自然——《呼啸山庄》的主题新论
4.The Roundabout Return of Natural Disposition-From Wang Wei to Su Shi;自然性情的迂回归返——从王维到苏轼
5.The log() function returns the natural logarithm (base E) of a number.函数的作用是:返回一个数值的自然对数。
6.Returning to Nature,and Recovering Human s Original Nature--An Ecocritical Analysis of Wuthering Heights;回归自然 返璞归真——《呼啸山庄》的生态批评
7.Automatic return. Flip horizontally for return to right.自动返回。水平翻转返回到右部。
8.2.5 Methods, arguments, and return values2.5 方法、自变量和返回值
9.fast-back top-down analysis快返回自顶向下分析
10.Later, the landing vehicle would carry them back to the command module for the return trip to Earth.然后,他们再乘坐登月舱返回指令舱,以返回地球。
11.From one's own front door to home or foreign hills or sands and back again,从自己的家门出发到国内国外的山区或沙滩上露营然后返回,
12.Then we'd see if they could return on their own to Ontario the following spring.然后我们再观察这些雁能否在第二年春天自己返回安大略
13.I'm trying to prevent the reversion of my garden to nature.我正在试图防止我的花园返回一片荒芜的自然状态。
14.Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function. See Help for the equation used返回γ函数的自然对数。有关方程式的信息,请参阅帮助
15.Louis will be dethroned and returned to the wild on Saturday.到12日晚节日结束时,路易也将卸任并重新返回大自然。
16.Then click the Back button to return to the previous screen.然后,单击“上一步”返回上一个屏幕。
17.Then return to this wizard page and click Next.然后返回这个向导页并单击“下一步”。
18.May every good person return home safe and sound!五月每一好人返回家庭的安然无恙!

natural flowback自然返排
3)return to nature返回自然
1.She lived a closed life with simple experience and felt painful about life, "rebelled society"fancied living a free life of transcending realism ("return to nature") ,Wuther-ing Heights is in reality and autobiography about Emily s state o.这使她难以适应社会,生活封闭,经历简单,对人生充满痛感;精神上“反叛社会”,幻想超现实的自由生活(“返回自然”)。
2.This shows the theme"the rebellion against society and return to nature "in the novel.《呼啸山庄》借老、少两代人的爱恨情仇的描写,表现了自然之爱与社会之爱,自然、自由的生活与充满压迫、偏见的世俗规则的秩序化社会的矛盾冲突,表达了“反叛社会、返回自然”的主题。
4)return to nature回归自然
1.After a careful examination of the images found in Gucheng’s poems, this paper points out that the supreme state in Gucheng’s ideal realm is nothing but a return to nature and a female nation.对顾城诗歌意象的解读显示 :回归自然和女儿国是顾城理想王国的最高境界 ,在理想的追逐与破灭中 ,又对死亡有着独特的预测性体验 ,最后漂泊无依的顾城渴望家并终于回归了“家”。
1.In the research it applies the concept of "nature" into the children s art education, and the viewpoint of "back-to-nature" art education for children is put forward.本研究将“自然”的概念引入幼儿艺术教育领域,提出回归自然的幼儿艺术教育理念。
6)return to the nature回归自然
1.A return to the nature——on aesthetics in ZhangWei s novels;回归自然——论张炜小说审美价值观
2.For instance,the core of Greek mythology is to comply with nature,the vice in the middle ages is against the nature,the spirit of the Renaissance is surpassing the nature,the advocates in the Age of Enlightenment is to return to the nature,the romantic literature eulogizes the nature,the realistic literature reflects the nature,and modernist literature apotheosizes the nature.长期以来,欧美文学一直围绕着自然在做文章,比如希腊神话中的遵循自然,中世纪的违反自然,文艺复兴时期的超越自然,启蒙时期的回归自然,浪漫主义的歌颂自然,现实主义的反映自然,现代主义的神话自然,等等。
3.However,the return to the nature and modern social development seems contradictory in the process,which cannot be neglected by the tourist subjects,objects and the media.如何在发展生态旅游中,展示和进一步培育黔东南以山青林茂、水绿天蓝、苗寨侗乡和多姿多彩的民族风情,在着力发掘,有效保护,科学开发利用中,既能回归自然,返朴归真,又能对接现代,促进历史性跨越,就必须把握住回归与对接的"度"。
