先验的自由,transcendental freedom
1)transcendental freedom先验的自由
2)transcendental freedom先验自由
1.Kant pressed how knowledge is possbile for how transcendental freedom is possible, from that he pressed for how practical freedom and morality are possible.康德由知识何以可能逼出先验自由的可能,进而引申出实践自由和道德何以可能,凸现出自由概念在其道德哲学中重要地位。
3)the transcendental freedom先验自由
1.To resolve the sharp conflicts in modern times which hume s cepticism opposed the mechanism to the relation of freedom to necessity, Kant produced his theory of the transcendental freedom.康德的先验自由理论是为了解决近代休谟的怀疑论和机械论在自由与必然问题上的尖锐冲突而提出来的,为解决这一冲突康德在论证中突出使用了二分法。
4)freedom first自由优先

1.Freedom Priority to Virtue--An Analysis of Rawls s Ethical Thoughts;自由优先于德性——罗尔斯伦理思想的一种解读
2.Is Liberty prior to Utility?;自由优先于功利?——从罗尔斯对功利主义的批评来看
3.Individual First or Community First?--On the Contending between Liberalism and Communitarianism;个人优先还是社群优先?——评自由主义与社群主义之争
4.EU Believes Global Trade Negotiations Enjoy Priority over Europe-Singapore Free Trade Zone欧盟认为全球贸易谈判优先于欧星自由贸易区
5.Research on Placement Algorithm Based on Less Flexibility First Principles;基于最小自由度优先原则的布局算法研究
6.The Preemption in Ancient China s Restriction to the Freedom of Contract;中国古代优先购买权对契约自由的限制
7.Independence or Precedence:--A Debate about Liberty between Nozick and Rawls;“独立性”与“优先性”——诺齐克与罗尔斯的自由之辩
8.Individual s Freedom and Social Order:Unity of Opposites and the Priority of The Criminal Law;个人自由与社会秩序的对立统一以及刑法的优先选择
9.Moral Freedom in a Determined World先定世界中的道德自由
10.We have to first allow freedom as it is the source of creative thinking.首先是“自由”,若没有“自由”又何来创意呢?
11."These zones tend to get priority access to raw materials, have freedom to offer their own financial banking services, and can issue their own export licenses on some goods."这些特区能优先进口原材料,有建立自己金融业务的自由,还能就某些货物发放出口许可证。
12.The Trademark Office, of course, gives precedence to the person who files first.商标局对申请在先的自然予以优先。
13.As it is very strenuous to concentrate on both, our brain will naturally make a subjective choice of priority.由于要同时集中看两个很困难,我们的大脑会很自然地做一个主观的优先选择。
14.It insists that the unity of a nation should be preferable to democracy and freedom, therefore the individual should devote for his nation without any additional condition.坚持国家的统一与秩序优先于民主和自由,鼓吹个人为国家无条件奉献。
15.Hospitals, water and sewage treatment plants and phone company installations rated special preference because of their essential nature.医院、自来水和污水处理工厂以及电话公司设施,由于它们的重要性而享有特殊的优先权。
16.software priority interrupt程序优先级中断-由程序进行中断
17."Destination/router address pairs, in priority order"按照优先级排列目标/路由器地址对
18.paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock由优先股转成的实收 资本

transcendental freedom先验自由
1.Kant pressed how knowledge is possbile for how transcendental freedom is possible, from that he pressed for how practical freedom and morality are possible.康德由知识何以可能逼出先验自由的可能,进而引申出实践自由和道德何以可能,凸现出自由概念在其道德哲学中重要地位。
3)the transcendental freedom先验自由
1.To resolve the sharp conflicts in modern times which hume s cepticism opposed the mechanism to the relation of freedom to necessity, Kant produced his theory of the transcendental freedom.康德的先验自由理论是为了解决近代休谟的怀疑论和机械论在自由与必然问题上的尖锐冲突而提出来的,为解决这一冲突康德在论证中突出使用了二分法。
4)freedom first自由优先
5)Congenital freedom先天自由
6)priority of basic liberties基本自由的优先性
1.Based on reviewing his grounds of argument, his reasoning, and criticism made by other theoreticians, I made further analyses on the priority of basic liberties, difficultie.本文从追溯罗尔斯理论的思想渊源和现实基础入手,分析了罗尔斯分配正义理论在政治哲学以及分配正义理论演变中地位,讨论了罗尔斯建构其思想体系的方法论,并在认真考察罗尔斯理论的论据和思想逻辑的基础上,在考察其他思想家对其提出的批评的基础上,进一步分析了基本自由的优先性、差别原则的困难以及再分配的根据和限度等几个重要理论问题。

必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedom  of口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。