事实与规范,facts and norms
1)facts and norms事实与规范

1."Human Flesh Search":the Distinction and the Dual Perspective from Facts and Norms“人肉搜索”:事实与规范的双重视角及其分野
2.On Regularization in the Making and Actualization of Military Regular Documents论军事规范性文件制定与实施的规范化
3.Exploring on Relationship between Value,Norm and Fact in Law Practice;法治实践中价值、规范与事实关系初探
4.The Relationship of Legal Facts and Legal Norms in Judicial Decision;司法裁判中法律事实与法律规范的关系
5.The Design and Implementation of New Event Mechanism Based on CORBA Specification基于CORBA规范的新型事件机制的设计与实现
6.from the viewpoint of evidence,adjudicative facts are the facts reproduced according to the evidence rule on the basis of the objective facts;从规范事实的角度看,裁判事实则是依据实体法规范裁剪过的事实。
7.Social Disorder and Social Norm:the Historical Investigation on Xiangxi Bandits Riot on March 2nd;失范与规范:对湘西事变的历史反思
8.The Normative Capacity of Facts:Factive Folk Norms and Their Significance in Legal Method事实的规范力量——论事实性民间规范及其法律方法意义
9.acts contrary to our code of ethics; the facts point to a contrary conclusion.行为与我们的道德规范相对的;事实指向一个相反的结论。
10.Research on Design and Production Norms of Military Multi-Media Teaching Materials and Design and Implementation of Its Management Tools;军事多媒体教材制作规范及其管理工具的设计与实现
11.Relation between “Facts” and “Values”: the Political-legal Implications of a Philosophical Problem;“事实”与“规范”的关系:一个哲学问题的政治—法律含义
12.Introjecting Rule、Fact and Proof in the Special Scene--Explaining It with Justice Process as an Exemple;融贯于特定场景中的规范、事实与证据——以司法过程为例
13.On Distribution of Burden of Proof and Theory of Facts of Essentials--Review on transition of traditional civil law norm in China;证明责任分配与要件事实理论——兼议我国传统民法规范的转换
14.Views on Judicial Methodology:From the Relationship between Regulation and Fact司法方法论的若干问题思考——以规范与事实之间的关系为视角
15.diverge from the truth, norm, usual procedure不符合事实、 规范、 一般程序.
16.Fact Proposition, Value Proposition, Norm Proposition and Their Logic事实命题、价值命题、规范命题及其逻辑
17.Between Facts and Norms:An Author s Reflections在事实和规范之间:一个作者的反思
18.On Stipulation and Prevention of Litigation Risk in Civil Suits;论民事诉讼中诉讼风险的规制与防范

Normative Facts规范事实
3)factual norm事实性规范
4)normalization and regulationsY规范与实施
5)fact and rule事实与规则
6)factive folk norms事实性民间规范
1.As the kind of law norms whose only carrier is conduct,factive folk norms have a special attribute known as tacit knowledge.事实性民间规范作为民间法中仅以行为作为存在载体的规范类型,具有"默会知识"的属性,这就使得它不仅与实在法相区分,而且也与可言述的其他民间规范明显不同。

《宋朝事实类苑》  宋代史料辑集。原名《事实类苑》。宋代江少虞辑。生卒年不详。江少虞字虞仲,常山(今属浙江)人。徽宗政和进士。调天台(今属浙江)学官,为建州(今福建建瓯)、饶州(今江西波阳)、吉州(今江西吉安)太守,俱有治绩。此书成于高宗绍兴十五年(1145)任吉州时。江少虞的著述除此书外,有杂著经说奏议百余卷,已佚。    《宋朝事实类苑》78卷,记录了北宋太祖至神宗120多年间的史实,分"祖宗圣训"、"君臣知遇"等24门。其中以诗文为内容的,有"诗歌赋咏"、"文章四六"2门。其他各门,涉及诗文的地方也不少。引用的诸家记录约50种,其中半数以上已失传或残缺。失传的书中属于诗话的,即有《名贤诗话》和《三山居士诗话》两种。残缺的书中,有的与诗文关系密切,如记载杨亿平生见闻的《扬文公谈苑》和张师正的《倦游杂录》二书,《说郛》和《类说》都曾选辑。此书引用《杨文公谈苑》达一百几十条,引用《倦游杂录》亦近百条,比《说郛》和《类说》所辑多了一些。所引之书,现虽有传本,但江氏所据者为原本或接近原本的版本,而又全录原文,不加增损,往往可以订补今传本的讹脱。    通行本有上海古籍出版社1981年排印本。又有63卷本。