合乎理性,the reasonable
1)the reasonable合乎理性

1.His action consists with reason.他的行动合乎理性
2.The quality or condition of being rational.合理性合乎理性的性质或状态
3.There is, by the way, an area in which a man's feelings are more rational than his mind.附带说一句,在某种场合,一个人的感情比理智更合乎理性
4.Governments and peoples do not always take rational decisions.各国的政府与人民并不总是作出合乎理性的决定的。
5.Reasonableness and Toleration;合乎理性与宽容——罗尔斯《政治自由主义》中的宽容观
6.The Secretary had barely justified this requirement;有关行政官员几乎不能证明这一要求的合理性;
7.It seemed the only logical thing to do.看来那样做才合乎常理.
8.Joan was the ideal person.琼是一个合乎理想的人。
9.a reasonable attitude, conclusion合乎情理的态度、 结论
10."A really good relationship should be about being fair and being equal,"says psychologist Sidney Crown.“真正良好的两性关系应该是近乎合理平等的,”心理学家悉德尼.
11.rational approach合乎情理的处理,合理的方法
12.Be aBove[Below] proof合乎[不合乎]标准
13.be reasonable or logical or comprehensible.使合理,合乎逻辑或者可理解。
14.Courts have little competence to evaluate the rationality of discretionary choices such as these?法院几乎没有评估诸如这些裁量权限的合理性的能力。
15.Virtuous Practical Action: A Study of the Moral Action Theory in Nicomachus Ethnics;合乎德性的现实活动——论《尼各马科伦理学》的德行思想
16.With good sense or justification;reasonably.合乎情理地具有良好情理或证明的;合情合理地
17.a legitimate argument, reason, case, etc合乎情理的论据、 理由、 例子等
18.apparently reasonable and valid.表面看似乎是合理和正确的。

Does Science Conform with Rationalism?科学合乎理性吗?
3)reasonable; sensible合乎情理
4)be logical; stand to reason合乎论理
5)suitability of the human nature合乎人性
