魅力型统治,rule of charisma
1)rule of charisma魅力型统治
1.The other, from the point of political operation state, it represents a rule of charisma which integrates ethical .本文依据马克思·韦伯关于政治合法性的三种理想类型的划分 ,从两个方面解释了中国传统政治的合法性问题 :从政治哲学建构的角度看 ,中国传统政治是一种在伦理与道德之间确立其合法性根据的“德化的统治”的政治形态 ,主要表现为传统型统治 ;从政治运行状态看 ,中国传统政治则表现为将伦理榜样与政治权威合而为一的魅力型统治
2)political charms政治魅力
1.Nowadays,the political charms can produce the huge social functions which are favourable for politicians to win identifications and supports of the public.政治魅力是政治人物具有的超凡的、或超自然的品质及由此产生的能够吸引社会大众的魔力。
3)the legitimacy of charm authority魅力型
1.It is different based on the valid origin the government power,these three stages operating mechanism of government power can be summarized as the legitimacy of tradition authority,the legitimacy of charm authority and the legitimacy of legal-rule authority.依据权力运行的合法性来源不同,可大体上将这三个阶段占主导地位的政府权力运行机制分别概括为传统型政府权力运行机制、魅力型政府权力运行机制和法理型政府权力运行机制。

1.A Model of CEO Charismatic Leadership Based on Leadership Distance;基于“领导距离”的魅力型CEO模型
2.A Research on the Trait and Structure of Charismatic Leadership in Chinese Enterprises我国企业魅力型领导的特质结构研究
3.Developing an Understanding of Charismatic and Transformational Leadership魅力型领导与变革型领导行为比较研究
4.A Study on Chinese Company Executive Charismatic Leadership Behaviors Based on Emotional Intelligence;基于情商的中国企业高层魅力型领导行为研究
5.Research on Relationship between Charismatic Leadership and OCB魅力型领导行为与组织公民行为关系研究
6.Study of the Influence Mechanism of the Small or Middle-size Enterprise Owners Charismatic Leadership on Subordinates;中小型企业主的魅力型领导行为方式对下属影响机制研究
7.Study on charismatic leadership of Chinese executives:Subordinates emotional intelligence as the moderator;下属情商作为调节变量的中国企业高层魅力型领导行为研究
8.An empirical study on charismatic-typed leader and performance of team innovation in discipline group of university;高校学科团队中魅力型领导对团队创新绩效影响的实证研究
9.Charismatic Leadership and Self-innovation:Mechanism and Contingency魅力型领导行为对自主技术创新的影响——机制与情境因素研究
10.The Captivation and Lost of Captivation of Shelun Essays in Han Dynasty;汉代设论文的魅力及魅力的失落——兼论汉代士人典型人格的构建
11.The Charm of Light and Spacing in Cinematographical Modelling;电影摄影造型中光线魅力和空间魅力的初步探讨
12.One of the paintings, "playing the Pipaby putting the instrument on her back", was extremely eye-catching.其中"反弹琵琶"造型,独具魅力。
13.On Gong Peng s Personal Charms-Personification of the Unity of Beauty and A Revolutionary;龚澎的人格魅力——美与革命完美结合的典型
14.Special Quality and Charm within Restraint --About Japanese Pattern Dyeing;制约中的特质与魅力——谈日本型染艺术的创作
15.From Mr.Q to Xu Sanguan --On the Artistic Charm of Literary Archetype;从阿Q到许三观——谈文学典型的艺术魅力
16.the lure of adventure [Paris]冒险 [巴黎] 的魅力
17.Charms of Alliteration;头韵(Alliteration)的魅力
18.To be brilliantly, often deceptively, attractive.有魅力有魅力,常指虚假地,华而不实地

political charms政治魅力
1.Nowadays,the political charms can produce the huge social functions which are favourable for politicians to win identifications and supports of the public.政治魅力是政治人物具有的超凡的、或超自然的品质及由此产生的能够吸引社会大众的魔力。
3)the legitimacy of charm authority魅力型
1.It is different based on the valid origin the government power,these three stages operating mechanism of government power can be summarized as the legitimacy of tradition authority,the legitimacy of charm authority and the legitimacy of legal-rule authority.依据权力运行的合法性来源不同,可大体上将这三个阶段占主导地位的政府权力运行机制分别概括为传统型政府权力运行机制、魅力型政府权力运行机制和法理型政府权力运行机制。
4)personal-charmed authority魅力型权威
1.One of the causes for this great difference is the decline of personal-charmed authority.造成这种地位巨大反差的一个重要原因,则是陈独秀个人魅力型权威的消解。
5)charismatic leadership魅力型领导
1.Study on charismatic leadership of Chinese executives:Subordinates emotional intelligence as the moderator;下属情商作为调节变量的中国企业高层魅力型领导行为研究
2.This paper analyzes the concept of charismatic leadership,the personal traits of Charismatic leaders and their actions.魅力型领导的概念是在20世纪70年代提出的,这种领导较多强调了使命、卓越才能、超凡魅力、预见、变化、承诺、额外的努力和预先的行动。
3.In recent years, a growing trend on the study of theories of leadership is that research focusing on Charismatic leadership has been shifting the introduction of emotional intelligence.而在最近几年中,领导理论研究的一个越来越明显的趋势,是对魅力型领导的研究焦点已转移到情绪智力的引入上。
6)the Glamourous university魅力型大学

电影演员的魅力一、银幕形象赋予演员的魅力 演员是根据电影剧本所提供的人物也即是角色去进行二度创作的。因此观众往往把演员和剧中角色联系在一起。一想起某个演员马上就会想起他所演的角色。二、剧作形象赋予演员的魅力 在银幕形象的魅力中,首先应归功于剧本的文学形象的魅力,即电影文学剧本中人物角色的巨大魅力。文学剧本已经提供了真实、生动、丰满的人物。这样的文学形象往往能产生优秀的银幕表演,因而也往往会造就优秀的电影演员。三、伟大人物的艺术形象在观众中产生强烈共鸣的魅力 以真人、伟大人物为题材的传记片中,由于伟大人物在人们心目中的崇高威望,往往会产生一种发自内心的共振,产生强烈的共鸣。这是伟大人物人格的魅力在起着决定的作用,这种魅力由于演员的出色表现而得到升华。四、从银幕上到银幕外,从演员到社会人的魅力 电影明星正是利用银幕形象获取了广大观众对他们的热爱。因而当他(她)们作为社会人参加各种社会活动时,又无疑会产生巨大社会效应,以其演员的魅力去带动社会的魅力,并使自己在其他领域里大展才华。电影演员往往会成为观众崇拜的对象。演员和他(她)们塑造的形象常常成为人们理想的奋斗目标。因此有人说过一个电影演员对社会风尚和人们生活带来的影响有时比一个政治家的作用还要大得多,正是反映了电影演员的影响和吸引力。优秀电影演员的魅力竟然是那样的迷人,那样的惊人。这是其他艺术门类无法比拟的一种奇特现象。