早期海德格尔,carly Herdegger
1)carly Herdegger早期海德格尔

1.The Concept of "the World": Analysis of "the World" in the Early Thought of Heidegger;世界之为世界:早期海德格尔的世界现象分析
2.A Deformed Modality of Factual Life Experience--Early Heidegger’s Understanding of Science;“实际生活经验”的一种扭变样式——早期海德格尔对科学的理解
3.A Comparison of Heidegger s and Husserl s the Concept of Phenomenon in the Early Phase;海德格尔与胡塞尔早期现象概念比较
4.On Heidegger s Hermeneutin of the Early Greek Thinkings;试论海德格尔对早期希腊思想的诠释
5.An Argument on "Being" and "Nothingness": A Tentative Discussion of the Formation of Hydegel s Metaphysics;“在”“无”之辨──试论海德格尔早期形上姿态
6.Heidegger s Designs and Interpretations of Early Greek Thinkers;海德格尔对早期希腊思想家的筹划与阐释
7.Beauty as Question of Being--A Study of Heidegger s Early Aesthetics Thought;美作为存在的问题——海德格尔早期美学思想研究
8.Phenomenology of Formal Manifestation;形式显示的现象学——海德格尔早期弗莱堡讲座研究
9.Heidegger s Thought Concerning the Problem of God during the Period of the "Turning";海德格尔“转向”时期关于神的思考
10.Later Heidegger and Laotzu Meeting in the "Thing";晚期海德格尔和老子在“物”中相遇
11.On transformation in the later period of Heidegger s poetics and its significances;论海德格尔诗学的后期转向及其意义
12.The Three Remarked Characteristics of Heidegger s Language View in His Later Period;海德格尔后期语言观的“三大特征”
13.Representation of Women in Margaret Drabble's Early Novels玛格丽特·德拉布尔早期小说中的女性再现
14.Early Sino-Tibetan Art,Heater Karmay,Warmister,1975.《早期汉藏艺术》,海德·噶尔梅,瓦明斯特,1975年。
15.The Role of Intention Context Structure in the Thought of Husserl and Heidegger in his Early Years;意向性关联结构在胡塞尔和早年海德格尔思想中的作用
16.The Essence of Language--The Research of Heidegger s Thought of Language of the Later Stage;语言的本质——海德格尔后期语言思想疏论
17.Time and Existence--Heidegger s Theory of Temporality on the later stage;时间与存在——后期海德格尔的时间性疏论
18.The research on Heidegger s Conception of Quadripartite Structure of the World of Heaven, Earth God and Man;海德格尔晚期天地神人四重奏思想探究

Martin Heidegger海德格尔
1.An Interpretation of Karl Jaspers' Idea of Cipher——Comparing the Views of Aesthetics of Karl Jaspers with Martin Heidegger and Jean-Paul Sartre雅斯贝斯“密码论”发微——兼与海德格尔、萨特美学观比较
2.New Review on the Relations Among Words,Image and Meaning——Explanation From the Thought of Martin Heidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein's Linguistic Philosophy言、象、意关系新论——从海德格尔与维特根斯坦语言哲学思想解读
3.Starting from his "Fundamentals to Ontology",Martin Heidegger had to face the problem of materialization.海德格尔从他的“基础本体论”出发,接触到了“物化”问题。
1.Modern Technology and Human Destiny in Heidegger’s Horizon;海德格尔视野里的现代技术与人类命运
2.Heidegger s Philosophy of Architecture and Its Luspiration;海德格尔的建筑哲学及其启示
1.From the Other s Transcendental Structure to Leaving his Existence Alone——A Co-discussion on the Issue of Time by Husseri and Hedgel;从他人的先验构造到让他人存在——结合胡塞尔、海德格尔关于时间的问题谈
2.Implication of Artistic Existentialism and Establishment of the View of Ecological Aesthetics——A View of the Relation of Art to Ecological Aesthetics in Terms of Hedgel s Course of Thinking;艺术的存在论意蕴与生态存在论美学观的确立——从海德格尔的思想历程看艺术与生态美学观的关系
3.Hedgel s Artistic Creation and View of Man s Poetic Survival;论海德格尔的艺术创造及其人的诗意生存思想
5)Martin Heidegger (1889~1976)海德格尔,M.
6)Heidegger's poetics海德格尔诗学

英国作家杰无•科林斯的作品,主要马丁•海德格尔一度热烈拥抱纳粹主义,因而在后现代性的政治文化中留下不和谐的轨迹。作为一名哲学家,他提出了一种旨在“克服”西方哲学的异乎寻常的思想。他的著作作为后现代时代中诸种反哲学、反本质主义和解构运动的主要源泉,对福柯、接康、德里达、德勒兹和鲍德里亚等思想家产生了重大影响。但在批评者看来,这些思想家的作品中存在某些政治责任和判断上的危险疏漏,他们对海德格尔的颂扬似乎极大地表明了这一点。本书重新评估围绕海德格尔政治问题的事实与争论,并把它们放置于迈向21世纪的重大政治争论的背景中。理性、现代性、主体性、身份认同以及未来马克思主义和社会民主等正是其中的议题。此中的关键,不仅关于哲学的声誉,还事关我们能否成功抵御当今诸种借尸还魂的纳粹主义。本书虽然简短,但值得一读。科林斯没有被现成的立场和分类法套死,体现出了“朝向事物本身”的态度,得出一些比较合情合理的结论。正是因为他与海德格尔毫不“沽亲带故”,所以他在这个问题上的阐述所具有的公正性就更值得重视。 无论如何,这本书在明确表达作者的个人倾向的同时,强化了而不是扑灭了我们的问题意识,让我们看到了更多的而不是更少的理解海德格尔和我们这个时代的可能。