否定与肯定,negation and affirmative
1)negation and affirmative否定与肯定

1.Negation and Affirmation,Antagonism and Sorrow --On the Philosophical Polytone of Existential Literature;否定与肯定 对抗与悲哀——存在文学哲学复调探微
2.answer in the affirmative [ negative ]作肯定[否定]回答
3.Two noes make a yes.否定的否定就是肯定。
4.affirmative and negative statements肯定的说法与否定的说法
5.Two negatives make an affirmative.两个否定构成肯定。
6.an affirmative constructed from two negatives.两个否定构成的肯定。
7.English Negation and Affirmative-negative Transition in Translation英语否定结构的译法及英汉互译中肯定与否定的转换
8.Reasons of Unparalleled Affirmative and Negative for Potential Mood of Complement补语的可能式的肯定式与否定式不平行的原因
9.Semantic accumulation and constructional integration:An explanation on the asymmetry between affirmation and negation;概念叠加与构式整合——肯定否定不对称的解释
10.On the Tendency of More Chinese and Less English Negative Expressions in the Cross-translation of the Two Languages;试论英语肯定表达与汉语否定表达的互译趋势
11.Strange Positive and Negative--Discuss From"very/not very +adj";奇怪的肯定与否定——从“好/好不+形容词”谈起
12.On The Position of Affirmative, Negative and Time-Period Elements Relating to the Verb;肯定、否定与时量成分在动词前后的位置
13.The Transformation of Attitude of Liang Qichao toward Confucianism;论戊戌前后梁启超保教思想的肯定与否定
14.If not, refusal would be certain.否则的话,肯定会碰钉子。
15.Reasonable Definition on the Objectivity Of Litigation Evidence;诉讼证据客观性的理性定位——与绝对肯定说、否定说和统一体说商榷
16.A Study of Spanish Affirmation and Negation through the Pattern"No… hasta (que)";由No...hasta(que)...句式谈西班牙语以肯定表否定和以否定表肯定
17.Altering the meaning of a term from positive to negative.表否定的将一个词的意义由肯定变为否定的
18.On the Asymmetry of Negation and Affirmation--On the Convention and Variation of “Wang Qi Xiang Bei”;关于肯定与否定不对称现象——“望其项背”的常规与变异

affirmation and negation肯定与否定
1.On the basis of the corpus of Chinese teaching,this paper mainly chooses some time adverbs to classify and describe their affirmation and negation.本文试图以"时间副词"为研究对象,以教学中和语料库的语料为基础,从肯定、否定的角度对这些副词进行考察、分类和描述,以期通过"时间副词"来揭示副词中肯定与否定的不对称现象,给对外汉语教学提供参考和帮助。
3)Appearance and the implication of the compared point肯定式与否定式
4)Approve Disapprove肯定否定
5)dissymmetry between negative and positive否定与肯定的不对称
6)variations in affirmation and negation肯定与否定的变化
