四因说,Four causes
1)Four causes四因说

1.Lao-tze s Theory on Tao and Aristotle s Theory on “Four Causes”;老子的道论和亚里士多德的“四因说
2.Compare Aristotle s “Four Causes” with Object Making Principles of “Book of Diverse Crafts”;亚里士多德“四因说”与《考工记》造物原则比较
3.He sprayed because of the missing teeth.他因为掉了门牙,说起话来唾沫四溅。
4.The Traditional Conception of Novel and the Analysis of The General Catalogue for Complete Collection of Four Treasuries;《四库全书总目》的小说观及其原因探析
5.The Foreign Literature s Fluence on the Fiction Creation of the Period of May 4~(th);试论"五四"时期小说创作中的外因影响
6.The Statement that the Last Forty Chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions Copy and Imitate Predecessors:An Argument《红楼梦》后四十回“因袭模仿前人”辩说
7.Hypothesis of Four Factors for Fraudulent Financial Reporting and Its Empirical Test;财务报告舞弊四因子假说及其实证检验
8.On the Tragical Ideas and Their Causes of the Four most Famous Folk Legends;略论民间四大传说的悲剧意识及其成因
9.About the Determination of Mode(diao)Through the Foruth and Seventh Grades of the Scale (bian yin);变声四定说——兼谈七声调式基因的对称模式
10.You'll find him two-faced because he speaks one thing to one person and the opposite to another.你会发现他是虚伪的,因为他对张三这么说,对李四又那么说。
11.April 4th, she will say,四月四号那天,她就会说,
12.Oh, I've heard of Sichuan.噢,我听说过四川,
13.I would say there are "four little freedoms".我说是“四小自由”。
14.The four quote on 'the social necessary labor-time' of address oneself of Marx and Engls without explain is not taken for grounds of argument.对引用的马恩的四例论述未加解释说明因而不能作为论据 ;
15.They just sat around, the researchers conclude, because nobody else had any food to steal.它们只是四处散休息,研究者们说,这是因为没有任何可偷的食物。
16.said Mr. Cruncher, looking about, as if he rather expected to see the loaf disappear under the efficacy of his wife's petitions.克朗彻先生四面望望说,仿佛希望面包因为他妻子的请求而消失。
17.On the Inner and Outside Reasons of Four Folklores of Han Nationality Varying in the Area of She Nationality;论汉族四大民间传说在畲族地区发生变异的内外在原因
18.Having Feature of Peasants and Citizens:Analysis about Reasons of Popularization of Two Kinds of Novels in 1940 ;农民化与市民化:四十年代两种小说通俗化的动因考察

Hypothesis of Four Factors四因子假说
1.Hypothesis of Four Factors for Fraudulent Financial Reporting and Its Empirical Test;财务报告舞弊四因子假说及其实证检验
3)theory of four body fluids四体液说
4)Four element Doctrine四元素说
1.The former regarded the Four body Fluid Pathological Doctrine that develoed from the Four element Doctrine as its theoretical tool,the latter regarded the Five element Doctrine as its philosohical base.西医以四元素说发展而来的四体液病理学说为其理论工具 ,中医以阳阳五行学说为其哲学基础。
5)four discussion of one text一课四说
6)The Four-Sentences Doctrine of Wang Longxi四无说

四不可说【四不可说】 (术语)涅槃经二十一就诸法之生与不生,说六句之不可说。曰:“不生生不可说,生生亦不可说,生不生亦不可说,不生不生亦不可说,生亦不可说,不生亦不可说,以有因缘故可得说。”此中天台取四种之不可说,配于自家所判之四教:一生生不可说,藏教说能生之因缘,所生之诸法,俱为实有,故云生生。二生不生不可说,通教说能生所生之当体即空,故云生不生。三不生生不可说,别教说真如不生之理,生十界差别之事,故云不生生。四不生不生不可说,圆教说真如之理与十界之事无二,故云不生不生。此四者,皆云不可说者,则以此四教之理,但可以智证,不可言说,其理本来无说也。