未成文学说,unwritten doctrines
1)unwritten doctrines未成文学说
1.This article hopes to expand the problem of eidos in Philebus in the tradition of Plato’s unwritten doctrines .本论文希望在柏拉图未成文学说的传统下来展开《菲勒布》的理念问题。
3)the future literature未来文学
4)outstanding message未完成报文
5)an uncompleted novel未完成的小说

1.A Brief Comment on Jane Austen s Early Works and Her Incomplete Novels;简评奥斯丁的早期作品及其未完成的小说片段
2.Avant-garde Tradition: the "Completion" and "Non-Completion" of Chinese Avant-garde Fiction in the 1990s;先锋的传统:20世纪90年代中国先锋小说的“完成性”和“未完成性”
3.The Unfinished Postmodernistic Text-An Interpretation to Process in Wang Xiao-bo s fictions;未完成的后现代性文本——对王小波小说发展脉络的一种解读
4.Regret at Novels and Literary Choice--Analysis of Lu Xun s Three Unfinished Novels;长篇的遗憾与文学的选择——鲁迅三部未完成的长篇小说探析
5.Banditry nature, humanity and poetry in times of chaos--About Shi To’s unfinished novel "wilderness";乱世中的匪性、人性、诗性——论四十年代师陀的未完成长篇小说《荒野》
6.We finished each other's sentences.我们能够说出对方未完成的话语。
7.The novelist just finished the manuscript of his novel.那个小说家刚刚完成他的小说的手稿。
8.We have all heard about his completion of the late artist's unfinished masterpiece.我们都听说他完成了这位已故艺术家的未完成的杰作。
9.Before he finished one novel, he had another on the stocks.他一本小说尚未完稿, 已在进行另一本小说的写作了。
10.He is a self-educated man. He didn't finish even elementary school.他是一个自学成材的人。他连小学也未读完。
11.By the end of the year Jim had produced a first draft of his new novel.年底,吉姆完成了他的新小说的初稿。
12.The novel remained incomplete at the author's death.作者去世时,那部小说仍未写完。
13.He left the picture unfinished.他搁下未完成的图画。
15.investigation caseload未完成调查的个案总数
16.The bulk of the work has not been completed.大部分的工作尚未完成。
17.the imperfect tenses in French法语的过去未完成时态.
18.The artist' s picture is incomplete.画家的这张画未完成。

3)the future literature未来文学
4)outstanding message未完成报文
5)an uncompleted novel未完成的小说
6)literary story文学小说
