诗意之思,Thought of poesy
1)Thought of poesy诗意之思

1.Thought of Poesy or the Tendency of Non-philosophy in the Philosophy of Merleau-Ponty;梅洛-庞蒂哲学中的诗意之思或非哲学倾向
2.On the Implication of the Poetry of Vietnamese Poet Hao Chunxuang;越南诗人胡春香诗歌思想意蕴之探析
3.Analysis of Chen Yan s Poetics Paradigm and Aesthetic Ideals;“学人之诗”、“诗人之诗”合一的现代思辨
4.The thinking of Tao and poetic expression in Chuang-Tzu --A key to the understanding of Chuang-Tzu;《庄子》的道思及其诗意表达——通《庄子》玄奥之门
5.From "Indescribability" to "Poetic Description"--Pure Thoughts of Heidegger and Confucius s Perspectives of Poetry;从“不可说”到“诗意之说”——海德格尔与孔子论诗的纯思想性
6.In the dark era ,the poet and the thinker think of the truth of Being in the forgotten state of Being when they poetically sing .在黑暗的时代,诗人和思想家在诗意的吟唱中从“存在之遗忘状态”思入存在之真理。
7.Meaning in Poetry and Disease out of Poetry--The Reflection of Disease in Tang Poetry;诗中之意与诗外之“疫”——由唐诗的疫病表现说起
8.Poetry Expression in Musicology Dissertation:Thoughts about Comment and Literature Beijing Literature Forum in 2007;音乐学论文的诗意表达——“批评与文艺:2007·北京文艺论坛”归思之三
9.The Aesthetics of "The Poetic Dwelling"--The Discussion of Zeng Fan-ren s Ecology Existing Theory Aesthetics;“诗意栖居”的美学之思——曾繁仁“生态存在论美学”研究
10.The feminine Image in the Nineteen Ancient Poems: Yearning Women in Reality and Ideology;《古诗十九首》之女性形象——思妇的此岸形象与彼岸意义
11.The Connections and Similarities of Style Asthetic between Su shi and Sikong Tu;苏轼之风格论与司空图的相似性——苏轼《书黄子思诗集后》风格论意义
12.Discernment of Relationship Between Language and Meaning and Visual Thinking--And to Explain Heidegger s Poetics;言意之辨与视觉思维——兼及对海德格尔诗论的阐释
13.Beauty of the Small--Non-heroism in Larkin's Animal Poetry小之美——从拉金诗歌中的动物意象看其“非英雄”思想
14.Some thoughts about GUSHISHIJIUSHOU生命意识觉醒之初的感伤——《古诗十九首》中的人生思考
15.On the Poetic Significance of the Declined Royal Court and The Book of Songs Withered;“王者之迹熄而《诗》亡”的诗学意义
16.English nightingales and the Chinese cuckoo: A comparative view of poetic images;英诗中夜莺与汉诗中杜鹃之意象观照
17.The Significance of Reform in Song Zhiwen s Poems in the Poetry Circles at the Beginning of Tang Dynasty;宋之问诗歌在初唐诗坛上的创新意义
18.Intoxication and Solitude in Poem Consciousness--On the Images of Poems and Poets in Chengzhai's Poems诗意识的沉醉与孤独——诚斋诗之“诗”及“诗人”意象疏议

the poem thinking诗性之思
1.Heidegger pays more attention to the poem thinking of the Greek philosophy.海德格尔尤其关注希腊哲学中的诗性之思,海德格尔的存在论思想就是受到希腊时代巴门尼德、赫拉克利特、苏格拉底三人一定程度上的诗性之思的影响。
3)thinking of poetry诗之思
1.The self-closing and opening of the muse --aspiring after paradoxical thinking of poetry;缪斯的自闭与开放——诗之思的悖论性诉求
1.Starting with "Hanshiwaizhuan" to Discuss the Development of Han Dynasty Study about the Book of Songs;从“推诗之意”到“推诗人之意”
5)Whom does the poet allude to?诗人之意
6)poetical thinking诗意运思
1.In his opinion, the way of poetical thinking means Tao of Lao-tzu.海德格尔就西方传统思维模式走出困境做出思的努力 ,其意指诗意运思的道路即老子之道。

诗意1.诗思﹔诗情。 2.诗的内容和意境。 3.像诗里表达的那样给人以美感的意境。 4.指作诗的方法。