迪昂,Pierre Duhem
1)Pierre Duhem迪昂
1.Pierre Duhem s Viewpoints on Christianity and the Rise of Modern Science;迪昂论基督教与现代科学的兴起

1.clausius duhem inequality克劳修斯 迪昂不等式
2.Duhem-Quine Thesis and Change of Scientific Argumentation Mode;迪昂-奎因论点与科学论证模式的转变
3.The Comparison between Two Bayesian Solutions to Duhem-Quine Problem;解决迪昂—奎因问题的两种贝叶斯方案之比较
4.Ben and Jerry <p>Ha Ha Ha我是里昂好吗?特迪
5.spectacular splotches of color and beauty in the blossoms(Wendy Lyon Moonan)花丛中引人注意的鲜艳色块(温迪 里昂 穆南)
6.spectacular splotches of color and beauty in the blossoms(bWendy Lyon Moonan)花丛中引人注意的鲜艳色块(b温迪 里昂 穆南)
7.Sierra Leone and Burundi have been designated as the first two beneficiaries.塞拉里昂与布隆迪被选定为最先两个受益国。
8.Philosophical Meditation on Lyon Hypothesis and Clonality Examination Assay;“莱昂假说”与克隆性分析技术的思想启迪
9.Lionel and Mandy were thick as thieves until Lionel changed his job; now they hardly see each other.莱昂内尔调工作前,他同曼迪过从甚密,现在他们难得见面。
10.James Byron Dean was born on February 8, 1931 in Marion, Indiana.詹姆斯?拜伦?迪恩于1931年2月8日生于印地安那州的马里昂。
11.The death of Santino Corleone sent shock waves through the underworld of the nation.桑迪诺-考利昂之死,在整个地下世界掀起了惊心动魄的波涛。
12.Olympique Lyon midfielder Alou Diarra is in talks with Juventus.里昂奥林匹克队中场阿劳·迪亚拉正在和尤文图斯谈话。
13.We had an expensive lunch, but fortunately Andy picked up the tab.我们吃了一顿昂贵的午餐,不过幸运的是安迪支付了费用。
14.Leonardi also moved quickly to dismiss claims that the Bianconeri are on the verge of netting Fabio Liverani from Lazio.莱昂纳迪也很快地表示乌迪内斯将放弃来自拉齐奥的法比奥·维拉尼。
15.Those who could afford to trade up were more likely to graduate to a Buick, Oldsmobile, or Cadillac.能购买得起较昂贵的汽车的人更有可能升级购买一辆别克、欧尔茨或迪拉车。
16.Portsmouth have expressed an interest in signing John Utaka, the Rennes attacking midfield player, and Alou Diarra, another midfield player, who plays for Lyons.朴次茅斯杯报道有意签约雷恩攻击中场约翰.乌塔卡和另一位里昂的中场阿劳.迪亚拉。
17.The murder of Santino Corleone made him the most vulnerable person in this group if war broke out again.要是战争重新爆发,由于桑迪诺-考利昂遭到谋杀,他就会首当其冲,是一个受攻击的目标。
18.Strutting and dancing across the disco floor in his white suit, Travolta became a superstar.片中的他身着白西装昂首阔步,在迪斯科舞池里劲舞,已然成为超级巨星。

Duhem problem迪昂问题
1.The so called Duhem problem is raised from the point of view of holism,which questions the power of certain evidence to refute a single hypothesis since one evidence only can refute a set of hypotheses.迪昂问题是从整体论的立场提出的,它论述的问题是:既然一个证据只能反驳一组假设,那么一个证据反驳某一单个假设如何可能?这一问题成为当代科学哲学争论的主题之一。
2.Duhem problem is one of the controversial problem in modern science, to which Popper, Lakatos and Kuhn all have provided different solutions.迪昂问题是当代科学哲学争论的主题之一。
3)Seydou Badian (1928~  )巴迪昂,S.
4)Duhum-Quine problem迪昂-奎因问题
6)gibbs duhem relation吉布斯迪昂关系

巴迪昂,S.  马里小说家、剧作家。原名塞杜·巴迪昂·库雅泰。生于巴马科。先在国内受教育,后至法国进修,1955年获医学博士学位,做过医生。马里独立后,曾一度担任行政领导工作。他的小说《暴风雨下》(1957)描写农村中两代人的冲突,主张青年和老年要彼此谅解,在新风俗和旧传统之间保持平衡。他的五幕历史剧《沙卡之死》(1961)是黑非洲第一部悲剧,宣扬了黑非洲人民只有团结才能抵御外侮的思想。他的政论作品《非洲领导人面向他们的人民》(1964)获1965年度黑非洲文学大奖。