主客体统一,the Unification of the Subject and the Object
1)the Unification of the Subject and the Object主客体统一

1.Unity of Subject and Object:on Meaning of Education in Construction of Harmonious;主客体统一:教育在和谐社会构建中的应有之义
2.On the Unification of Subjectivity and Objectivity Based on Practice;论实践基础上主体性与客观性的统一
3.The Dialectical Unification between the Subjectivity and Objectivity in the Social Law;社会规律主体性与客观性的辩证统一
4.This trend is exhibited in the process from external unification to the subjective unification.这一历史趋势表现为从客观统一体到主观统一体的发展进程。
5.Starting from distinguishing subjectivity and objectivity of values, this paper discusses the unity of subjectivity and objectivity, monism and pluralism of values to the point.从厘清价值的主体性和客观性出发,扼要地探讨了价值的主体性和客观性、样化与一元化的统一。
6.An Artistic Monument in the History of Reportage: Object-subject and Subject-object Art in Red Star Over China;报告文学的艺术丰碑——试析《西行漫记》的主体、客体辩证统一艺术
7.This article expounds suspision's important role in pushing the development of Westrn epistemology from the3 aspects of object, subject and the unity of subject and object.文章从客体、体以及主客体的统一性三个方面论及怀疑在推动西方认识论发展中的重要作用。
8.To Adhere to the Particular and Historical Unity of the Subjective and the Objective and Theory and Practice--To commemorate the Seventieth Anniversary of the Publication of Mao Zedong s On Practice;坚持主观和客观、理论和实践具体的历史的统一——纪念《实践论》70周年
9.An Outlook Incorporating Objectivity and Subjectivity:Impressions of the Scientific Outlook on Development尊重客观规律与发挥主体能动性相统一的发展观——学习科学发展观
10.On the Thought of G, Lukacs's Identity of Subject--Object论卢卡奇的同一的主体——客体思想
11.Human Rights Is The Dialectic Unity Of Objectivity And Subjectivity;人权法是客观性与主观性的辩证统一
12.The Dialectical and United Relation between Subjective and Objective in China s Criminal Law;论我国刑法中的主客观辩证统一关系
13.Access control is an important protection mechanism for information systems, an access control matrix grants subject access right to objects.访问控制是信息系统中一个重要的安全保护机制,访问控制矩阵确定主体对客体的访问权限。
14.On establishing a uniform and efficient customer relationship management system;论建立统一高效的客户关系管理体系
15.Object Relations and Social Cognition in Adolescent: A Thematic Apperception Test Analysis;运用主题统觉测验对青少年客体关系进行研究
16.Main Functions and Characters of LODE's ClientLODE本体开发系统客户端的主要功能与特点
17.Subject and object is an essential issue in the study of philosophy.主体和客体是哲学研究的一个重要问题。
18.Object and Subject in the process of Reform and Realization --New Reflection on the Interrelationship between Subject and Object;认识与改造活动过程中的主体与客体——一种对主体与客体相互关系的新思考

unity of subject and object主客体的统一性
1.This article expounds suspision s important role in pushing the development of Westrn epistemology from the 3 aspects of object, subject and the unity of subject and object.文章从客体、主体以及主客体的统一性三个方面论及怀疑在推动西方认识论发展中的重要作用。
3)the Unified Basis主客体统一根据
4)unity of the subjective and the objective主客统一
5)integration of the subject and the object主客一体
1.At present,the revolutionary paradigm of "the integration of the subject and the object",strongly advocated by some scholars,has not only demonstrated their clear awareness of the necessity of paradigm construction but also enabled the theory of the Environmental Law to develop in a pluralistic fashion.当下"主客一体"的革命性范式,彰显了相关论者范式建构的自觉,并推动了环境法理论的多元化发展。
6)internal unity of subject and object主体与客体的内在统一
