人的完成,fulfillment of human beings
1)fulfillment of human beings人的完成
4)imperfect social adults不完全的社会性成人

1.The Imperfect Social Adults--Interviews with Lanzhou s Married Businesswomen from Hunan s Rural Areas;不完全的社会性成人——对来自湖南农村的兰州已婚女性经营者的访谈
2.It was put forward by Spencer,Bentham,Mill,Ostin and Main that the world is not constructed and the public order is not kept reasoningly.他们认为 ,世界不是由人的理性的构建的世界 ,社会秩序不完全是理性秩序。
3.Belonging to, characteristic of, or constituting another and very different place, society, or person; strange.陌生的,异族的,异己的属于、组成或具有另外一个完全不同的地方、社会或人的特征的;陌生的
4.The societies are not all exactly the same.这些社会并不完全一样。
5.The differences in the children’s achievements were not wholly explicable in terms of their social backgrounds.那些孩子成绩方面的差异不能完全从社会背景来解释。
6.But our socialist system has only just been set up; it is not yet fully established or fully consolidated.但是,我国的社会主义制度还刚刚建立,还没有完全建成,还不完全巩固。
7.And completed the acculturation of the female and social sex in this kind of social milieu.并在这种社会环境中完成了女性性别的社会化。
8.So far as ownership is concerned, these enterprises are not yet completely socialist in nature.就所有制这点上说,这类企业还不是完全的社会主义性质的。
9.It doesn't means all of the person in the society have the same style for life.这并不意味着社会中所有的人生活方式都完全相同。
10.As an" unfinished scheme", modernity is the necessary and inevitable fate during the development of human societies.现代性作为“未完成的谋划”,是人类社会发展的必然和不可逃避的命运。
11.With this as its basic constitution, civilization achieved things of which gentile society was not even remotely capable.以这种基本制度为基础的文明时代,完成了古代氏族社会完全做不到的事情。
12.Incompleteness of Human Development in Socialism Primary Phase and Its Solutions;社会主义初级阶段人的不全面性及其克服
13.a static village community and a completely undynamic type of agriculture; static feudal societies.停滞不前的村落社会和完全没有活力的农业;停滞不前的封建社会。
14.Failure to fulfil what can be fulfilled is impermissible, it shows a lack of enthusiasm for socialism.有可能完成而不去完成,那是不行的,那就是对社会主义不热心。
15.Because emotional and social factors operate in addiction, we cannot expect medications to fully treat the syndrome of addiction.因为成瘾掺杂有情绪与社会因素在内,我们不能预期医疗手段可以完全治疗成瘾的症状。
16.She's used to mixing in an altogether different sphere.她习惯于在一个完全不同的社会阶层里交往。
17.Talk about an all-round development of man and the perfection of socialist market economy system;论人的全面发展与完善社会主义市场经济体制
18.To Perfect the Socialist Market Economic System and All-Round Development of People完善社会主义市场经济体制与人的全面发展

4)imperfect social adults不完全的社会性成人
