否定神学,the Negative Theology
1)the Negative Theology否定神学
1.Occultism thus includes two elements: first, God should be interpreted as an source with absolute transcendence, that is what the Negative Theology wants to say; the second, man should be interpreted as the divine self.所谓神秘主义至少包含两个要点:一是要对上帝作否定神学

1.Irigaray s Parle Femme,Mysticism and Negative Theology;依利加雷的女性言说与神秘主义和否定神学
2.An analysis of judicial appraisal on 39 cases denied crime;否认犯罪事件者的司法精神医学鉴定分析
3.Academic freedom has to be freedom of spirit and it is not political with passive negativity.学术自由权应是精神自由权,具有非政治性和消极否定性。
4.There are different views on the problem that whether the compensation for death can be inheritted as heritage and whether it can be regarded as compensation for mental injury in academe.关于死亡赔偿金能否作为遗产继承,是否定性为精神损害赔偿,学界存在着不同的看法。
5.Double Negation: Historical Development of Chinese Literary Theory;否定之否定:中国文学理论发展的历史过程
6.The Evolution Philosophy of the Trade-Partner Criteria in Trade Statistics: Negation-of-Negation;贸易统计国别标准的演进哲学:否定之否定
7.Contemporary philosophy: development of idealism negate and negate;现代西方哲学:唯心主义否定之否定的发展
8.Most contemporary physicists reject the notion that man can ever discover what these mysterious forces "really" are.大多数当代物理学家否定这样一个概念,即:人类能够发现这种神秘的力量到底是什么。
9.On Negative Spirit in Adorno′s Musical Sociology;简论阿多尔诺音乐社会学的否定精神——从阿多尔诺对勋伯格和斯特拉文斯基的评论谈起
10.Confused: Then how should we determine the existence of such essence( of love)?惑儒:那我们该如何界定这个精神是否存在呢?
11.Two noes make a yes.否定的否定就是肯定。
12.Negation and Affirmation,Antagonism and Sorrow --On the Philosophical Polytone of Existential Literature;否定与肯定 对抗与悲哀——存在文学哲学复调探微
13.Can the Postmodernism Offer Some New Spiritual Resources For Psychology?;后现代主义能否为心理学提供新的精神资源
14.dye, reactive, synthetic, whether or not chemically defied合成活性染料,不论是否化学规定的
15.Definitely, my block of wood negative Century School teacher level!当然,我不否定世纪学校教师的水平!
16.Several Expressions of "Negation" in College English“否定”在大学英语中的几种表示方法
17.The geneticists said no,遗传学家的回答是否定的,
18.Critique to Terry Eaglton--From the View of Literature in Negativism;伊格尔顿批判——兼谈否定主义的文学观

spirit of negation否定精神
1.His collection of prose Writings on the Edge of Life is full of his spirit of doubt,spirit of negation,and spirit of critique.散文集《写在人生边上》贯穿着他的怀疑精神、否定精神、批判精神。
3)negative aesthetics否定美学
4)aesthetics of negativity否定性美学
1.This article aims at analyzing briefly the relationships between the aesthetics of negativity and Kant s aesthetic view,modern art,media culture,and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the aesthetics of negativity at critical action of media culture in the new social context.阿多诺的否定性美学与康德的美学观念、现代主义艺术、大众文化之间有着密切的联系。
2.Modern poets represented by Mu Dan, absorbed the "aesthetics of negativity" idea in western modernism, and broke the rigidity of mode in former Chinese "modernists" in which western discourse and the Chinese reality were pieced together by force in terms of technique and content.以穆旦为代表的现代诗人注重吸收西方现代主义“否定性美学”的精神内核 ,突破了中国旧现代主义者从技法、内容上强行拼凑西方话语于中国现实之上的僵硬模式。
5)negative literature否定性文学
6)Art On Negation否定的美学
