进步观,concept of progress
1)concept of progress进步观

1.Rethinking of History Outlook on Shang Jun Shu(《商君书》);进步观还是变易观——《商君书》历史观再认识
2.Laudan s View of Scientific Progress and Its Significance for Psychology;劳丹科学进步观对心理学研究的启示
3.Progresses of Technology and Science:the 'Invisible' Ideology--on Habermas' Viewpoints about Progresses of Technology and Science科技进步:一种“隐形的”意识形态——析哈贝马斯的科技进步观
4.The old ideas are a drag on progress.旧观念是进步的障碍。
5.Persist in the Scientific Development View,Pushing Forward the Science and Technology Development of Electric Design;落实科学发展观,促进电力科技进步
6.Adhere to the Scientific View of Development and Promote College Education;坚持科学发展观 促进高校事业进步
7.I do not agree with the more detailed development of this view.我并不同意这个观点的进一步引伸。
8.The spectroscopic data muddy the picture further.分光观测资料进一步扰乱了这一图景。
9.The viewpoint of the article is biased, You'd better revise it.这篇文章的观点偏颇, 最好进一步修改。
10.The State macro-regulation system was further strengthened.国家宏观调控体系进一步健全。
11.On Scientific Development Concept and All-round Improvement of China Socialism;论科学发展观与中国社会的全面进步
12.To Discuss Effect of Concept Change on Enterprise Progress;关于观念转变对企业进步作用的探讨
13.Learning Theory in American Progressive Education and Its Enlightenment;美国进步主义教育的学习观及其启示
14.Prison Work Makes Overall Progress Guided by Scientific Principle;用科学发展观指导监狱工作全面进步
15.A Brief Analysis on the Progressive Loving Mentality in the Novel "The Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio;浅谈《聊斋志异》表现的进步爱情观
16.On the macro design of developing Kunshan - Taiwan economic cooperation;进一步发展昆台经济合作的宏观思路
17.Shi Shuo Xin Yu(New Anecdotes of Social Talk):How It Reflects Scholars Views on Women During Wei & Jin Dynasties;从《世说新语》看魏晋士人进步的妇女观
18.People s Progressive View on Women in Yuan Dynasty as Shown in Guan Hanqing s Dramas;从关汉卿的剧作看元人进步的妇女观

advanced history view进步史观
1.In this paper, after studying a variety of western social, cultural and literature ideas or concepts as well as relevant major works since Greek and Roman times, the author points out how westerners have formed the advanced history view in the process of self-identity to shape popular narration, hoping to find the way to identify Chinese.本文在西方的原始语境中,对自希腊、罗马以来的西方各种社会、文化、文学思潮及各式概念、思想以及相关的主要代表作品和作家进行串读,从中梳理出西方在确定自身身份认同过程中如何形成了进步史观,并成为了现代西方的主流叙事,以希望对现代中国寻求寻求自身身份认同的构建之旅,起到借鉴的作用。
3)progressive conception进步观念
1.The article draws support from the connection between the two styles of the culture and the psychology of the intellectual in order to investigate the progressive conception in Sanqu about love affairs of the Yuan Dynasty.本文将元散曲中的情爱作品放在中国封建传统文化与俗文化剧烈冲撞的大环境中 ,并结合社会历史文化以及元代文人心态来探究元散曲情爱作品在恋爱、婚姻、妇女待遇等问题上所表现出的进步观
4)Advancing no tion观念进步
5)Advanced Peace Viewpoint进步和平观
6)progressive views on women进步妇女观

不自观音,以观观者【不自观音,以观观者】  不自观音者,谓不随声尘所起知见也。以观观者,谓返照自性也。不起知见,则无所妄;返照自性,则一切真寂,无复苦恼。故令受苦众生,蒙此真观,即得解脱,是为无畏。经云:观其音声,即得解脱。是也。