绝对自我,absolute self
1)absolute self绝对自我
2)absolute selfhood绝对我性
3)I would not do it for anything.我绝对不干。
4)I'm dead sure.我绝对肯定。
5)Absolute freedom绝对自由
1.The concept of freedom is the thinking of Sartre s existential core of Sartre s "there is freedom" as the basis to people is freedom,freedom is a natural attribute of people,was later known as the "Absolute freedom" concept.自由观是萨特存在主义思想的核心,萨特以"存在即自由"为基础提出人就是自由,自由是人具有的天然属性,被后人称为"绝对自由"观。
2.Ownership guaranty underwent a reconstruction process of ups in 19 century and downs in 20 century,but the reconstruction is not to discard a late concept and create a new ownership type but to reform and improve it and to desert the nature of absolute freedom and adopt the nature of relative limitation.但现代所有权概念之重构的目的并不是完全抛弃近代所有权概念,重新创造一个新的所有权,而是对近代所有权加以改造,摒弃其绝对自由性,改采相对受限制性。

1.We are absolutely free to create ourselves and our values--"existence precedes essence."我们享有绝对自由去创造我们自己和我们的价值——“存在先于本质”。
2.but not half enough to buy so much as half an hour of pure freedom.不过,要想换来半个小时的绝对自由,也许还差得远呢。
3.I clearly understand the operation of a healthy market requires an absolutely free flow of information.我很清楚知道一个健康市场的运作是需要绝对自由的信息流通。
4.Absolute Freedom and Legal Rules:Meager Opinion about the Legality and Justness of Modern Police Power;绝对自由与法律规则:现代警察权之合法性与正当性刍议
5.Many in their teenage years may enter nature and allow nature to take care of them, finding absolute freedom from the human dance for a time.很多人会在十几岁时进入大自然,让大自然将其照顾,并在人类舞蹈中找到绝对自由的一段时间。
6.The Absolute and Human Freedom;绝对与人类自由——谢林《自由论》探析
7.and none is completely free in which they do not exist absolute and unqualified.如果这些自由不是绝对地、无条件地存在,社会就不是完全自由的。
8.Each rout can establish absolutely which network a packet is coming from.每个路由器都能绝对证实一个包来自哪个网络。
9.Each rout can establish absolutely which network a packet is come from每个路由器都能绝对证实一个包来自哪个网络
10.It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive.使自由保持活力的是冲突而不是绝对的一致。
11.Arminius is misrepresented as teaching the absolute freedom of the will.阿明尼乌被曲解教导人类绝对的自由意志。
12.The Diffculty Position of Morden Chinese Poem;绝对的自由——现代汉语诗歌在语言上的困境
14.But you can refuse it."不过,你也有拒绝的自由。
15.an indefeasible right to freedom; an indefeasible claim to the title.对自由的绝对权利;对这一头衔不可取消的拥有权。
16.Both democracy and freedom are relative, not absolute, and they come into being and develop in specific historical conditions.民主自由都是相对的,不是绝对的,都是在历史上发生和发展的。
17.Loosely speaking, the Whigs were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious to freedom for Nonconformists.辉格党是指那些反对绝对王权的,支持宗教自由的异教徒。
18.In sense of existentialism, love is subject to the liberty of others and is against absoluteness.从存在主义角度来看,爱是趋向于他人自由的,是反对绝对的;

absolute selfhood绝对我性
3)I would not do it for anything.我绝对不干。
4)I'm dead sure.我绝对肯定。
5)Absolute freedom绝对自由
1.The concept of freedom is the thinking of Sartre s existential core of Sartre s "there is freedom" as the basis to people is freedom,freedom is a natural attribute of people,was later known as the "Absolute freedom" concept.自由观是萨特存在主义思想的核心,萨特以"存在即自由"为基础提出人就是自由,自由是人具有的天然属性,被后人称为"绝对自由"观。
2.Ownership guaranty underwent a reconstruction process of ups in 19 century and downs in 20 century,but the reconstruction is not to discard a late concept and create a new ownership type but to reform and improve it and to desert the nature of absolute freedom and adopt the nature of relative limitation.但现代所有权概念之重构的目的并不是完全抛弃近代所有权概念,重新创造一个新的所有权,而是对近代所有权加以改造,摒弃其绝对自由性,改采相对受限制性。
6)absolute proper motion绝对自行
1.Thepositions and absolute proper motions of 24 stars in ACT catalogue,which links with the Hipparcos Catalogue based on the InternationalCelestial Reference System, are used as the reference frame.本文使用上海天文台佘山40厘米折射望远镜拍摄的14张最长 时间跨度为81年的球状星团M3底片的PDS扫描结果,使用与 Hipparcos星表相联系的基于国际大球惯性参考系的ACT星表中的 24颗恒星的位置和绝对自行为参考架,用中心重叠法进行天体测量 归算,得到了这个星团中心附近100 ×100 天区内534颗恒星的位置 和绝对自行,并利用这些自行对成员概率进行了估算,得到这个星 团的赤经方向绝对自行为- 0。

必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedom  of口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。