道与德,dao yu de
1)dao yu de道与德
2)moral and beauty道德与美
1.Its persure for moral and beauty and its deep depiction of humanity are still meaningful even today.《巴黎圣母院》作为经典的浪漫主义作品,具有永恒的生命力,它对于道德与美的追求,对于人性深入地刻画与描摹,在今天仍然具有现实意义。
3)morals and law道德与法
1.In the proce ss of developing socialism market economy,morals and law are essential guarantees, and not a single one can be dispensed with.在社会主义市场经济的发展过程中,道德与法是必不可少的保障,二者缺一不可。

1.Study on the Relationship between Moral and Law Based on the Principle of Administering a Country by Law;依法治国背景下道德与法律关系研究
2.Reorganization Reformation of Ideological and Moral--Curriculum Reformation of Ideological and Moral Training and Legal basis;道德与法律的重组——析《思想道德修养与法律基础》课程改革
3.Filial Piety and Revenge --the Relations between Morals and Legal System in the Han Dynasty;孝与复仇:汉代道德与法制的关系表现
4.On Moral and Legal Control of Covert Coverage;论隐性采访的道德与法律的双重制衡
5.Interpretating the Combinatation of Morality and Law in Ancient China and the West;关于中西道德与法律结合思想之评析
6.Children's Moral "Deep Grammar" and "Moral Education"儿童道德的“深层语法”与“道德教化”
7.contrary to conscience or morality or law.与良心、道德和法律相反。
8.The Relationship Between Law and Morality from the Philosophy of Law from Kant's View从康德的法哲学看法律与道德的关系
9.Distance between Law and Ethics;法律与道德的距离——兼论民法与道德的界限
10.On the Relation of Law and Morality;道德性:法律的人性之维——兼论法与道德的关系
11.Difficult Position on Keeping Scientific and Technical Behavior within the Bounds of Morality and Mutual Aid of Morality and Law;科技行为道德约束的困境与法德并济
12.Moralization of legal and Legalization of Morality:Analytical Jurisprudence Views of Rite and Law法律的道德化与道德的法律化——分析法学视角中的“礼”与“法”
13.Law and Ethics under the Legal Goal;法律目的下的法律与道德——庞德的阐释及启示
14.On the Relation of Rule by Law and Rule by Virtue-Discussion from the Inner Morals of Law;论法治与德治的关系——从法律的内在道德谈起
15.The Scarlet Letter:A Conflict between Natural Principle and Moral Principle;《红字》:自然法则与道德法则的对抗
16.Looking for the Legislation of Credit in China from the Relation between Law and Morals;从法律与道德的关系看中国信用立法
17.Environmental Morality & Environmental Law;谈谈环境道德与环境法的双向趋同——环境道德的法律化与环境法的道德化
18.The Methods of the Confusionist s Morality Self-cultivation --To Be Compared With Kant s Ethics;儒家道德修养方法探析——兼与康德伦理思想比较

moral and beauty道德与美
1.Its persure for moral and beauty and its deep depiction of humanity are still meaningful even today.《巴黎圣母院》作为经典的浪漫主义作品,具有永恒的生命力,它对于道德与美的追求,对于人性深入地刻画与描摹,在今天仍然具有现实意义。
3)morals and law道德与法
1.In the proce ss of developing socialism market economy,morals and law are essential guarantees, and not a single one can be dispensed with.在社会主义市场经济的发展过程中,道德与法是必不可少的保障,二者缺一不可。
4)People and morals人与道德
5)virtue and morality德与道
6)non-morality and anti-morality非道德与反道德

道与德  中国古代哲学、伦理思想中的一对基本范畴。"道"、"德"对举,始于孔子,《论语·述而》中说:"志于道,据于德"。《老子》对道、德作了哲学升华。"道"原意为人行的道路,用作哲学范畴,通常指事物运动变化必须遵循的普遍规律,亦指世界万物的本原或本体;"德"与"得"相通,意为具体事物得之于"道"的特殊性质。"故德者得也。得也者,其谓所得以然也"(《管子·心术上》)。在伦理学意义上,"道"指人所共同遵循的普遍原则,"德"指合乎"道"的行为和品德。"道"与 "德" 在先秦的一些著作中开始联用,合成一词。《管子·君臣下》说:"道德定于上,则百姓化于下矣"。《荀子·劝学》也说:"故学至乎礼而止矣,夫是之谓道德之极"。    在中国历史上,不同伦理学派对"道"与"德"的具体规定互有差异。 唐代思想家韩愈指出:"道" 与"德"作为范畴,一般只是"虚位",不是"定名"。因而各家都"道其所道,德其所德"。佛、老以"清净寂灭"为"道"、"德","凡吾所谓道德云者,合仁与义言之也"。