无所谓,1.cannot be designated as; not deserve the name of; 2.to be indifferent; don't mind
1)1.cannot be designated as; not deserve the name of; 2.to be indifferent; don't mind无所谓

1.It makes no difference……没有差别无所谓
2.Without yin, there would be no yang; without yang, there would also be no yin.(1)没有阴,无所谓阳;没有阳,也无所谓阴。
3.There is neither happiness nor misery in the world;世界上既无所谓快乐或也无所谓痛苦;
4.It doesn't signify, so you needn't worry about it.这无所谓, 你不必担心.
5.That's fine with me.我无所谓。我没问题。
6.It is quite indifferent to me whether you go or not.你去不去,我都无所谓
7.It doesn't matter to me what you do.你做什麽我都无所谓.
8.Make it anytime that suits you.I'm always free.我无所谓,就你的时间吧。
9.I don't think it matters much, now.现在,我什么都无所谓了。”
10."No harm in just meeting her."“认识认识无所谓呀。”
11.It makes no odds to me where to go .到哪去我都无所谓
12.Considerations that do not weigh with her.对她来说无所谓的考虑
13.It made no difference to me.这对我完全无所谓
14.It cannot be said to be good or bad.这种事无所谓好坏。
15.That is fine. Here is the deal.“那无所谓。咱们打个商量,
16.It is immaterial (to me) whether he stays or leaves.他的去留(对我)无所谓.
17.The patrols did not matter, however.然而巡警其实无所谓
18.A bit of weeding wouldn't hurt .有一点杂草也无所谓.

I am easy .我无所谓。
3)L I D喜欢-无所谓-厌恶
4)That's more than I care for.那我可无所谓。
5)She is nothing to me.我对她无所谓。
6)It is quite immaterial to me.那对我无所谓。

无所谓1.没有什么;说不上。 2.不足道;不在乎。