情感理性,emotional reason
1)emotional reason情感理性
1.The essential definition of this dissertation is“emotional reason”, which is proposed on the basis of the rationality and emotion development through systematic analysis.本论文的核心概念是“情感理性”。
2)policy rational emotion理性情感
3)affective handling情感性处理
1.These two affective handling strategies aim at promoting the students interest for learning.研究结果表明:运用这两条策略对包含隐性情感因素的大学英语教材内容进行情感性处理,能直接激发学生对教学内容的学习兴趣,有助于其认知学习和积极情感的发展。
2.the affective handling of teaching materials which contained recessive affective factors, to Chinese teaching.将对内含隐性情感因素的教材内容实施情感性处理的一种策略———发掘情感策略运用于语文教学 ,进行现场的教学实验研究。
4)rationality and emotion理性与情感
1.This paper especially analyzes the educational combination of both major and minor issues, knowledge and act, rationality and emotion, and directness and openness with the analytical methodology.通过对传统教育模式及教育理念滞后于新时代大学生思想道德观念的分析,探究适应当代大学生特点的高校思想道德教育新方法、新思路,从而论证大与小的教育统一、知与行的教育统一、理性与情感的教育统一、主攻与开放的教育统一,是适应全面教育培养当代大学生思想道德观念的新方法。

1.The Tension between Reason and Passion--on Hume s Moral Philosophy;理性与情感的张力——评休谟的道德哲学
2.On Virginia Woolf s “Intermediacy”:Between Reason and Emotion;伍尔夫“中和”观解析:理性与情感之间
3."Three Problems on Agriculture" under the Dual Attention of Sense and Sensibility;理性与情感双重关注下的“三农”问题
4.Reason and emotion: Different orientations of ethics of Aristotle and Mencius;理性与情感:亚里士多德与孟子伦理思想的差异
5.Sense and Sensibility: the Recognition of Ideological and Political Theory s Teaching;理性与情感:思想政治理论课教学的认知维度
6.A Dilemma of Sense or Sensibility--The Contradictory Narrative Mentality of Saga Litera ture;理性与情感的两难——家族文学的背反叙事心态
7.Sense and Sensibility理智与情感/理性与感性
8.Sensible Love to Fulfilled Marriage--An Interpretation of Sensation and Sensibility理性的爱情 幸福的婚姻——从《理智与情感》谈起
9.Rationality and Emotionality --An Analysis of the Plot in Pride and Prejudice;理性与感情——试析《傲慢与偏见》之情节构思
10.appeal to the gut rather than the mind与其说是诉诸理性,不如说是诉诸感情
11.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Women Language in Sense and Sensibility;《理智与情感》女性语言的批评话语分析
12.Music Appreciation of emotional and rational knowledge;音乐欣赏课中的情感体验与理性认识
13.About Human Modernization and Emotional Needs;人的现代化与人的情感需要——转型期两性情感现状的理性思考
14.The reason of being addicted to feelings --The awakening and losing of the reason of the “May Fourth”溺于情感的理性——五四理性的觉醒与迷失
15.Between Sentiment and Reason: On Du Heng s Dissociation and Hesitation;情感与理智之间——杜衡的游离性与徘徊性
16.The Character Description of Bustling Metropolis and the Rational Explore about Feminine Emotion繁华都市的个性特写与女性情感的理性探索
17.The Change of Feminist Consciousness from Sense to Sensibility--Analysis of Sense and Sensibility;女性主义意识由感性向理智的转变——解读简·奥斯丁的《理智与情感》
18.psychotic and mood disorder精神性与情感性疾病

policy rational emotion理性情感
3)affective handling情感性处理
1.These two affective handling strategies aim at promoting the students interest for learning.研究结果表明:运用这两条策略对包含隐性情感因素的大学英语教材内容进行情感性处理,能直接激发学生对教学内容的学习兴趣,有助于其认知学习和积极情感的发展。
2.the affective handling of teaching materials which contained recessive affective factors, to Chinese teaching.将对内含隐性情感因素的教材内容实施情感性处理的一种策略———发掘情感策略运用于语文教学 ,进行现场的教学实验研究。
4)rationality and emotion理性与情感
1.This paper especially analyzes the educational combination of both major and minor issues, knowledge and act, rationality and emotion, and directness and openness with the analytical methodology.通过对传统教育模式及教育理念滞后于新时代大学生思想道德观念的分析,探究适应当代大学生特点的高校思想道德教育新方法、新思路,从而论证大与小的教育统一、知与行的教育统一、理性与情感的教育统一、主攻与开放的教育统一,是适应全面教育培养当代大学生思想道德观念的新方法。
5)Emotional Control情感性管理
1.Elementary Discussions on the Emotional Control towards the Students During the Teaching Practices given by the Teachers;浅谈教师在教学中对学生的情感性管理
6)Sense & Sensibility理性与感性;理智与情感

情感情感feeling  人们对周围事物持有不同态度时的相应内心体验。情感活动与认识活动、意志活动密切相关。情感活动与边缘系统、下丘脑及新皮层(颞、额叶皮层)的生理功能有关。情感活动时常伴有一系列的躯体变化,如面部表情肌活动、手势及姿势、语调变化;特别是植物性神经功能活动,如心率、呼吸、血压、竖毛、汗腺分泌等变化。通过这些变化和言语、文字的内容,以及绘画、音乐等,可以表达与了解人的情感活动。正常人的表情与其内心体验是一致的。