熊彼德主义竞争国家,The Schumpeterian Competition State
1)The Schumpeterian Competition State熊彼德主义竞争国家
1.The Schumpeterian Competition State Theory is the latest reflection which is conducted by contemporary western scholars, however, which does not be interpreted and analyzed from the point of practice and value orientation, and it does not be combined by realistic change and philosophical analysis.熊彼德主义竞争国家理论是当今西方学者对国家问题的最新思考。
2)Schumpeterian Competition熊彼特竞争
1.Innovation,Creative Destruction and Endogenous Economic Change:The Development of Schumpeterian Economic Theory;创新、创造性破坏与内生经济变迁——熊彼特主义经济理论的发展

1.Innovation,Creative Destruction and Endogenous Economic Change:The Development of Schumpeterian Economic Theory;创新、创造性破坏与内生经济变迁——熊彼特主义经济理论的发展
2.Technological Progress,Economic Growth and Unemployment: Development of Neo-Classical Schumpeterian Economic Theory;技术进步、经济增长与失业:新古典熊彼特主义经济理论的新进展
3.Reflections on the Democracy and Socialism of Schumpeter;关于熊彼特“民主与社会主义关系”的几点思考
4.On Neo-Schumpeterian and Marxism Long-Wave Theory新熊彼特派和马克思主义长波理论述评
5.Schumpeterian Theory of Capitalist Evolution: A Re-evaluation熊彼特的资本主义演化理论:一个再评价
6.An Analysis on J.Schumpeter’s Thoughts of Socialism Naturally Replacing Capitalism;熊彼特关于社会主义必然取代资本主义的思想评析
7.As a western bourgeoisie economist,J Schumpeter,however,thinks that capitalism will be doomed naturally and socialism is workable.作为西方资产阶级的经济学家,熊彼特却反而认为资本主义将必然灭亡,社会主义能行得通。
8.More generally, Schumpeter seemed to be playing the role of grand seigneur, and he tended to flatter where flattery was not due, no doubt satirically.更一般的意义上,熊彼特像在扮演大领主的角色,当别人没有夸他,他会自夸,当然是挖苦的。
9.A Missing Link Between Schumpeter s Theories of Economic Development,Business Cycles and Democracy--Schumpeter s Unknown Article Development;熊彼特之经济发展理论、商业周期理论和民主理论间的缺环——评熊彼特的《发展》
10.Joseph A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, New York: Haper& Row,1796, p.269.[5]熊比特:《资本主义、会主义和民主主义》,第312页。
11.Schumpeter had a rise-and-fall mechanism in mind.熊彼特头脑中有一个兴盛衰废的机制。
12.Analyzing the “Dichotomy Paradox” of Marx and Schumpeter;解读马克思与熊彼特的“二分法悖论”
13.Exceeding Schumpeter--The Rethinking of Traditional Innovation View;超越熊彼特——对传统创新观的反思
14.The Growth Mechanism of Entrepreneurs in Schumpeter s Innovation Theory;熊彼特创新理论中的企业家生成机制
15.Review of Schumpeterian Innovation and Entrepreneur Thought and its Prevalence;熊彼特的创新创业思想、传播及其评述
16.On the Social Philosophy Meaning of "Innovative Theory" Given by Schumpeter;论熊彼特“创新理论”的社会哲学意蕴
17.Market Competition and Innovation:Schumpeter s Hypothesis and Its Empirical Verification;市场竞争与创新:熊彼特假说及其实证检验
18.A Comparison of Marx s Economic Cycle Theory and Schumpeter s Economic Cycle Theory;马克思与熊彼特的经济周期理论的比较研究

Schumpeterian Competition熊彼特竞争
1.Innovation,Creative Destruction and Endogenous Economic Change:The Development of Schumpeterian Economic Theory;创新、创造性破坏与内生经济变迁——熊彼特主义经济理论的发展
1.The service innovation theory, firstly, got through a Neo-Schumpeterism period, in which there are technological, non-technological and synthesis paradigms.服务创新研究首先经历了新熊彼特主义阶段,这期间对应的研究范式有三种:技术主义、非技术主义和综合研究。
5)competitive country竞争国家
6)national moralism国家道德主义
