古德曼问题,Goodman Problem
1)Goodman Problem古德曼问题
2)Mandelbrot problem曼德勃罗特问题
3)Nelson Goodman古德曼

1.Goodman duckbill loader古德曼型鸭嘴铲式装载机
2.Benny Goodman and Lionel Hampton本尼·古德曼和莱昂内尔·汉普顿。
3.On the Images and Symolism in “Young Goodman Brown”浅议《年轻的古德曼·布朗》中形象的寓意
4.On the Ambiguous Theme of Young Goodman Brown;《年轻的古德曼·布朗》的含混主题论析
5.Well Al Goodman has details on the recovery efforts.艾尔-古德曼将为我们报道救援情况的详情。
6.The Terrifying Mental Experience--Comment on"Yong Goodman Brown恐怖的心理历程——简评《年轻的古德曼·布朗》
7.Journey of Heart"Leading to Ruin──The Tragedy of Young Goodman Brown通向毁灭的“心路历程”──《年轻人古德曼·布朗》的悲剧
8.From Innocence to Mental Disorder: Interpretation of "Young Goodman Brown"从无知到心理失常:《小伙子古德曼·布朗》解读
9.On Goodman's Thinking of Analysis Aesthetics符号学视野中的分析美学——论古德曼的美学思想
10.Taking Young Goodman Brown as an Example to Analyze the Characteristics of Hawthorne's Writing以《小伙子古德曼·布朗》为例试论霍桑的写作特点
11.Collapse of Goodman Brown s Faith--Perspective from Freudian Psychoanalytical Theories;论古德曼·布朗的信仰崩溃——来自弗洛伊德精神分析理论的透视
12."Hampton continued to make history when he joined Benny Good-man's small combo in 1936.”1936年,汉普顿加入本尼·古德曼的小乐队,并继续创造经典。
13.You learn.even the ability to compartmentalize ethics(Ellen Goodman)你甚至学习…把伦理学加以分割的能力(埃伦 古德曼)
14.You learn.even the ability to compartmentalize ethics(bEllen Goodman)你甚至学习…把伦理学加以分割的能力(b埃伦 古德曼)
15.The new riddle of induction is a kind of confirmationary reduction for the induction problem that Nelson Goodman does.新归纳之谜是古德曼对休谟归纳问题的确证式划归。
16.Bimbos had become major role models for young girls everywhere(Ellen Goodman)妓女已成为各地年轻姑娘仿效的主要社会形象(埃伦 古德曼)
17.Young Goodman Brown came forth at sunset into the street of Salem village.日落时分,年轻的古德曼·布朗出现在塞勒姆村的大街上。
18.On Nathaniel Hawthorne s Puritanism perspective--Analysis of Brown s death in Young Goodman Brown;霍桑的清教主义观——《小伙子古德曼·布朗》中布朗之死解读

Mandelbrot problem曼德勃罗特问题
3)Nelson Goodman古德曼
4)Nelson Goodman (1906~  )古德曼,N.
5)Benny Goodman (1909~  )古德曼,B.
6)Riemann problem黎曼问题
1.Two-dimensional Riemann problem for zero-pressure gas dynamics-three J cases;二维零压气体动力学系统的黎曼问题-3J情形
2.A kernel lies in the setup of a cell hydraulic model-step flow, which can be described mathematically by a special type of Riemann problem.核心是建立单元水力模型—阶梯流,在数学上可用一类特殊的黎曼问题来描述。
3.The properties of the solutions for the hyperbolic conservative Riemann problems:u_t+f_x=0,u=u_l(x<0),u=u_r(x>0).关于标量双曲守恒型方程式ut+fx=0的黎曼问题u=ul(x<0),u=ur(x>0),当f为非凸时解的性质同ur,ul的位置及同曲线f=f(u)的某些核心判别位置Uncl(nucleation criterion)有关。
