普遍必然性,general necessity
1)general necessity普遍必然性

1.From General Necessity to Diverse Meanings--Change in the concepts of knowledge from modern times to post modern times;从普遍必然性到意义多样性——从近现代到后现代知识观念的变化
2.We believe the STGPS will get wide application because the STGPS has many advantages compared with a totalstation or GPS.由于它的普遍性、便性、活性和经济性,必然有广泛的应用前景。
3.Catholicity of Calligraphy, for example, it contains time, space, movement, cause and effect, inevitability, orderliness.书法的普遍性,如空间,时间,运动,因果性,必然性,规律性。
4.It is a necessary result of the principle of conservation widely applied.它是节约原则普遍应用的必然结果。
5.Sexual transmission remained the most important mode of spread of the infection.性接触仍然是最普遍的传染途径。
6.An Analysis of Natural Universality and Free Causality of Kant;康德的自然普遍律与自由原因性辨析
7.It is always the theme of philosophy and science to purchase universal and inevitable determinacy knowledge including social science.追求具有普遍必然的确定性知识一直是哲学和科学的主题,社会科学也不例外。
8.also, the need for a universal campaign of the whole people to increase production naturally becomes more obvious, and this too is carried on more energetically.全体人民的普遍增产运动,当然也更显得必要,更有劲了。
9.As the most universal and most representative organization in the world, the United Nations must play the central role.联合国作为世界上最具普遍性和代表性的组织,必须发挥核心作用。
10.K.Popper Falls into the Possible World without logic from the Necessity;从必然性退却——波普的无逻辑可能世界
11.universality and particularity of contradiction矛盾的普遍性和特殊性
12.objectivity and universality of connections联系的客观性和普遍性
13.The popular belief that unemployment is due to the absence of development, and will inevitably be reduced by development, is clearly without foundation.人们普遍认为失业是由于缺乏发展,而发展将必然地减少失业,这种认识显然是站不住脚的。
14.The quality, fact, or condition of being universal.一般性;普遍性成为普遍的性质、事实或条件
15.universal Alfven-wave instability普遍阿尔芬波不稳定性
16.sentence of a universal character具有普遍特性的语句
17.general nondiscriminatory system of preferences非歧视性普遍优惠制
18.psycholinguistic universals心理语言学的普遍性

universally valid knowledge普遍必然的科学知识
3)the necessary and universally valids law普遍必然有效的法则
1.On the Existence of Logic in Ancient China ——From the Angles of Universality &Particalarity;中国古代有没有逻辑——从普遍性与特殊性的角度看
2.On the Universality and Generation Mechanism of Structural Metaphor;论结构隐喻的普遍性与产生机制
3.The Universality and the Value of the Self-help Group in Hong Kong;自助团体在香港发展的普遍性与价值性
1.At the same time,the article deals with the generality of value and its basis.同时探讨了价值的普遍性及其根据。
6)general properties普遍性质
1.On the general properties of time-dependent invariants;关于含时不变量的一些普遍性质

普遍【普遍】  广泛而全面,谓之“普遍”。如明·陈大声《集贤宾·中秋》套曲:“月有意清光普遍,人幸得此身康健。”又如柳青《铜墙铁壁》第十一章:“村里普遍地点着了灯,上下渠有几道手电光一闪一晃。”“普遍”源出佛经。唐代不空译有《普遍光明焰鬘清净炽盛如意宝印心无能胜大明王大随求陀罗尼经》二卷。这是一部密教的经典,说的是佛在金刚须弥峰,放顶毫之光普照十方一切佛土(“普遍光明”),为大众说的是大神咒。此外,《大阿弥陀经》中讲到“普遍三摩地”(三摩地,三昧,犹言定),谓入此三昧定力中,遍见一切诸佛。(李明权)