寓意解释,allegorical interpretation
1)allegorical interpretation寓意解释
2)fable interpretation寓言解释
3)intentional explanation意向解释
4)interpretation of significance意义解释

1.interpret one's order literally照字面意义解释自己所接到的命令
2.take a person (too) literally(过分地) 照字面意义解释某人的话
3.an interpretation that clears up ambiguity.弄清楚含混意义的解释。
4.The teacher explained the meaning of the word.老师解释那个字的意义。
5.a verBose But meaningless explanation;冗长而无意义的解释;
6.To interpret or explain the moral meaning of.教化阐释或解释道德方面的意义
7.To deduce(a principle or doctrine); construe(a meaning).演绎,解释推断(原则或教义);分析(意义)
8.The Sense of Interpretation Principles on Contract Law;意思表示解释原则在合同法上的意义
9.give a spiritual meaning to; read in a spiritual sense.赋予……以精神上的意义;从精神上来解释。
10.explain the force of a phrase解释一个短语的确切意义
11.Explain the meaning of a breakdown position.解释处于崩溃状态的意义。
12.Explain the categorical imperative. What is the meaning of categorical?解释绝对命令。这里“绝对”有什么意义?
13.He puzzled out the significance of the statement.他解释了这一论断的意义
14.The meaning of the passage comes out clearly in his interpretation.经他一解释,这段文字的意义就明白了。
15.Please explain the meaning of this abbreviation( mark, symbol) on the drawing.请解释图上这个缩写(记、号)意义。
16.Let us explore the meaning of this term.让我们解释这个名词的意义。
17.Previous judicial interpretations are of great weight.以往的司法解释具有重大意义。
18.Please define the words.请准确地解释这些字的意义。

fable interpretation寓言解释
3)intentional explanation意向解释
4)interpretation of significance意义解释
5)free explanation任意解释
1.During administrative lawsuit,the majority of administrative norms are non-source free explanations except a small part as administrative explanations.在行政诉讼中,除少部分法律、法规、规章授权制定的行政规范属于行政解释外,大部分行政规范是不具有法源地位的任意解释。
6)meaning of interpretation解释蕴意
