知识庸人,the Philistines of Culture
1)the Philistines of Culture知识庸人
1.Nietzsche criticized two kinds of decadence,the decadent art and the Philistines of Culture.与此相类,尼采展开对另一种现象的批评,这就是对知识庸人批判。
2)Fool have fortune.庸人庸福。
3)Humanistic knowledge人文知识
1.Research on the Olympic education of humanistic knowledge;奥林匹克人文知识教育内涵研究
2.College English teaching should aim at transmitting humanistic knowledge,fostering humanistic spirit while analyzing the text and appreciating literary works and movies,and cultivating humanistic personality by means of various and flexible teaching methods.大学英语教学应注重传授人文知识,在课文赏析和文学、影视作品的鉴赏中培养人文精神,通过灵活多样的教学方式方法塑造学生的人文品格。

1.Humanity intellectuals: The Perfect Expression to Intellectual Spirit;人文知识分子:“知识分子精神”的完整表达
2.Thinking on the Function of Natural Knowledge and Humane Study Knowledge;关于自然知识与人文知识作用的再思考
3.On Combination of Mathematical Knowledge and Human Knowledge in Quality Education;论数学知识与人文知识在素质教育中的融合
4.On Humane Intellectuals Discourse in Chinese Cultural Context;中国文化语境中的人文知识分子话语
5.Situational Teaching:A mechanism of Converting Human Knowledge into Human Quality;情境教学:人文知识内化为人文素质的中观机制
6.Affective education: a mechanism to internalize humanity knowledge into humanity quality;情感教育:人文知识内化为人文素质的机制
7.“Consumption Age” in Cultural Knowledge and its Criticism;人文知识中的“消费时代”及其批判
8.14-17Century Western Europe Citizenry Culture and Humanities Intellect;14至17世纪西欧市民文化与人文知识分子
9.Humane Knowledge and Humane Quality;人文知识与人文素质——理工科大学生人文素质培养的内在要求
10.Research on Humanities Knowledge and the Creativity of Sciences and Engineering Graduate Students;人文知识与理工科研究生创新能力培养研究
11.The Legitimation Crisis of Contemporary Intellectual in China;论当代中国人文知识分子的合法性危机
12.The investigation and study the present situation of the humanities knowledge for the freshmen in police university and college;公安院校一年级大学生人文知识现状调查研究
13.The Histonc Drift of Local Knowledge--The Thought of Knouledge View of Literary Anthropotogy;“地方知识”的历史性漂移——文学人类学知识观思考
14.The Person Teaches the Version High School Language Textbook Writings in Classical Style Language Knowledge Research;人教版高中语文教科书文言文语言知识研究
15.a woman having literary or intellectual interests.有文学或知识兴趣的女人。
16.Knowledge Production and Humanistic Criticism in the Post-modern Context;后现代背景下的知识生产与人文批判
17.Educational Form of "Humanistic Competence" and Its Knowledge Ecology;“人文素质”的教育形态及其知识生态
18.Epistemological Evidence for Personalized Writing of Literary History;当代文学史写作个人化的知识学依据

Fool have fortune.庸人庸福。
3)Humanistic knowledge人文知识
1.Research on the Olympic education of humanistic knowledge;奥林匹克人文知识教育内涵研究
2.College English teaching should aim at transmitting humanistic knowledge,fostering humanistic spirit while analyzing the text and appreciating literary works and movies,and cultivating humanistic personality by means of various and flexible teaching methods.大学英语教学应注重传授人文知识,在课文赏析和文学、影视作品的鉴赏中培养人文精神,通过灵活多样的教学方式方法塑造学生的人文品格。
4)humanity knowledge人文知识
1.From the viewpoint of humanity education in medical schools, this paper proposes that humanity knowledge is quite different from humanity spirit.从医学院校人文教育的视角,提出"人文知识"不等同于"人文精神",前者是知识的记忆性,后者是批判性思考性的一种思考态度与方法。
2.Affective education is the mechanism by which humanity knowledge is internalized into humanity quality and humanity spirit.情感教育是人文知识内化为人文素质、人文精神的机制。
5)intellectual talent知识人才
6)personal knowledge个人知识
1.Polanyi s personal knowledge and the teaching of computers;波兰尼“个人知识”学说对计算机教学的启示
2.Personal Knowledge and Interpretation of the Concept of Humanistic Education;个人知识与人本教育观透析——波兰尼《个人知识》合法性的一种阐述
3.Paying chose attention to personal knowledge:the discurse of vocational education in the 21st century;关注个人知识:21世纪的职业教育话语

庸人1.平常的人。 2.指见识浅陋﹑没有作为的人。