私人实指定义,private ostensive definition
ostensive definition实指定义
3)designated confirmer指定证实人
1.Convertible designated confirmer partially blind signatures;可转换指定证实人部分盲签名
4)private enforcement私人实施
1.The enforcement of anti-trust law is divided into public and private enforcement.反垄断法的实施分为公权实施和私人实施两种,美国反垄断法私人实施的情况比较普遍,我国传统上看重的是公权力的实施作用,而忽略私人力量对反垄断法的实施。
2.It is testified by legal system at all times and in all over the world that private enforcement is a ubiquitous social phenomena.“私人实施法律”是指私人依法开展的监督、追诉、裁判和制裁违法行为的活动。
3.The enforcement mechanism of anti-monopoly law comprises public enforcement and private enforcement.反垄断法的实施制度有公共实施与私人实施的分野。
5)designated confirmer signature指定证实人签名
1.A secure designated confirmer signature scheme;一种安全的指定证实人签名方案
2.Testament signing protocol was designed based on elliptic curve,according to the designated confirmer signature idea.根据指定证实人签名的原理,设计了一个基于椭圆曲线的电子商务———网上遗嘱签署协议,具有保护立遗嘱者的遗嘱不被复制、散布、更改等特点,当立遗嘱者去世后,可对其遗嘱的签名提供认证和保护。
3.A new convertible designated confirmer signature based on elliptic curve is presented.提出了一个新的基于椭圆曲线的可转换的指定证实人签名方案 。
6)the notion sense实指义

私人1.古时称公卿﹑大夫或王室的家臣。 2.亲戚朋友或以私交﹑私利相依附的人。 3.通奸的情人。 4.个人。对公家而言。