绝对理念,supreme care
1)supreme care绝对理念
1.However the outlet for the fulfillment of Western traditional reason historically is presented in Marxist philosophy, practical philosophy about human being raised by Karl Marx contains supreme care which has eliminate the logical tension between transcendence and experience and which makes reason possess the quality of reality in history of human being.这个思路的关键在于需要我们重新理解黑格尔的绝对理念,重新理解黑格尔如何通过绝对理念在形而上学的维度上穿透理性的自内意识,超越了理性的主体性和客体性的最高对立。

1.The difference between Lao Zi s principe and Hegel s absolure idea;老子的“道”与黑格尔“绝对理念”的本体差异
2.Absolute Truth Is An Ideal Conception;绝对真理是个理想概念——关于真理的逻辑思考
3.(physics) the theory that space and time are relative concepts rather than absolute concepts.(物理学)时间和空间不是绝对观念而是相对观念的理论。
4.In the theory, Einstein discards the concepts of absolute time and absolute rest.在这个理论中,爱因斯坦抛弃了绝对时间和绝对静止的观念。
5.From Capital Basement to Labor and Capital s Harmony:Aanalysis of the Fundamental Idea of Corporation Act;从资本绝对到劳资和谐:现代公司法理念的变迁
6.Obama's Idea on "Nuclear-free World" as Seen from the U.S. "Absolute Security" Concept从美国“绝对安全”理念看奥巴马“无核世界”思想
7."an authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.""有权威的原理、信仰或观念意见的陈述,尤指人们认为绝对正确者."
8.absolute and relative truth绝对真理和相对真理
9.The Construction of the Concept of Absolute Value from the Episte mological Perspective;建构绝对价值观念:从认识论视角看
10.Such markets are ideal for any investor - small or large - so long as he sticks to his investment knitting.不管资金多寡,这样的市场绝对有利于任何投资者,只要他能够坚持自己的投资理念,
11.the bare facts; shocked by the mere idea; the simple passage of time was enough; the simple truth.纯粹的事实;仅仅是这个念头已经让人感到很震惊了;一段时间就够了;绝对的真理。
12.An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.信条有权威的原理、信仰或观念意见的陈述,尤指人们认为绝对正确者
13.absolute criteria in regression theory回归理论中的绝对准则
14.The absolute and relative, the general and specific, generality and individuality, are quite different notions though they are related to each other.绝对相对、一般个别、共性个性是同等级的概念,但并非等同的概念。
15.On Harmonious Combination of Chinese and Western Culture--Analysis to the Core Value of the Hui s Culture;中伊合璧,文脉不绝——回族文化的核心理念探析
16.A general or abstract concept or term considered absolute or axiomatic.一般概念普遍的或抽象的概念或术语,认为是绝对的或自明的
17.Reflecting on the Concept of Absolute Ownership:From the Perspective of Variance of the Ownership Concept of Real Property;绝对所有权观念的检讨——以不动产所有权的观念变迁为视角
18.It runs on all fours with the perfectly wise man, and with the absolutely complete experience;绝对真理与绝顶聪明的人同行,与绝对完整的经验同在;

Absolute idea绝对观念
3)absolute notion绝对概念
4)Absolute truth绝对真理
1.Husserl proposed phenomenology, which orientates to object itself in philosophical study, suspends or brackets various viewpoints and hypotheses, reveals the "intention" of consciousness by analyzing phenomena, returns consciousness to its essentials by getting rid of things unrelated to essence, and seeks absolute truth in philosophy by self-examining intentional activities.胡塞尔提出“现象学” ,在哲学研究中“面向事物本身” ,把各种观点和假设“悬置”或“加括号” ,通过现象分析 ,揭示意识的“意向性” ,通过排除与本质不相干的东西 ,把意识还原成它的本质的东西 ,通过先验自我的意向性活动寻求哲学生命中的绝对真理。
2.A reasonable connotation of absolute truth is the key to grasp the dialectic relationship of absolute truth and relative truth.正确理解绝对真理和相对真理的关系。
3.Subordinate to dialectics, the relation between absolute truth and relative truth should be established according to the law of unity of opposite.当把绝对真理解释为真理的种类或者完全正确的认识时,它是一个虚假概念,应当被摒弃;当把绝对真理作为相对真理的对立面并共同构成真理的属性时,绝对真理被保留下来,并且绝对真理与相对真理的关系从属于辩证法,通过辩证法的对立统一规律分析绝对真理和相对真理,确立它们的关系。
5)absolute ideal绝对理想
1.Its social ideal is to overthrow and overpass the"absolute ideal"in the Western traditional philosophy,thus reflecting the reforming essence of social ideal theory from Marx,which includes ideal personality and ideal society as well as ideal and reality.它所构建的社会理想实现了对西方传统哲学的"绝对理想"的颠覆与超越,从而彰显出马克思社会理想理论的变革实质。
6)absolute ration绝对理性

绝对理念  19世纪德国古典哲学家G.W.F.黑格尔客观唯心主义哲学体系的基本概念。指作为一切存在的共同本质和根据的某种无限的、"客观的"、无人身的思想、理性或精神。自然、社会、人的思维是它的特殊存在的不同形态,是作为它的"异在"和从异在向自身回复的阶段,艺术、宗教、哲学是它认识自身的不同方式。在这一广泛的意义上,绝对理念可以和绝对精神互用,是黑格尔哲学的唯一对象和内容。狭义的绝对理念仅指尚未表现为自然和人类精神的逻辑理念从抽象到具体的辩证发展的最高阶段和最后结果。它包括前此的全部逻辑过程,是最具体、最丰富的普遍,是逻辑理念的有机统一的全体和全部的真理。新黑格尔主义者在解释绝对理念时,掺入了大量主观唯心主义和反理性主义的因素,甚至把它变成了绝对经验,即绝对化的知觉经验,其中包括感觉、感情、思想和意志。黑格尔的绝对理念是绝对化和神化了的人的理性思维过程。这个概念本身同科学的事实相违反,是一种唯心的和神学的虚构。马克思主义哲学彻底抛弃了它,但却批判地挽救、改造和发展了黑格尔关于绝对理念学说中全部有价值的辩证法的合理内容。