神圣幸福,Divine happiness
1)Divine happiness神圣幸福
1.Divine happiness is self-sufficient, contains no material elements and concerned with the will of the God (pure rational will).本文尝试澄清康德伦理学中的幸福概念的含义,认为康德伦理学中幸福概念有三个层次:自然幸福、道德幸福和神圣幸福
2)spiritual well-being精神幸福

1.material and spiritual welfare物质幸福和精神幸福
3.What s Happiness and by What Happiness:the Education of Utopia Spirit;何以幸福与以何幸福:教育的乌托邦精神
4.Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly often attributed by the living to the dead, now usually attributed by adults to children, and by children to adults.--Szasz Thomas, American psychiatrist幸福是想象中的东西。从前,生者认为死者幸福,孩子则认为大人幸福。美国精神病学家托马斯
5.material needs; the moral and material welfare of all good citizens- T.Roosevelt.身体需要;所有良好公民精神和身体的幸福安宁。
6.Willa Cather s View on Happiness and the Spiritual Redemption of Modern Humanity;薇拉·凯瑟的幸福观和现代人的精神救赎
7.mental images of happy times; mental calculations; in a terrible mental state; mental suffering; free from mental defects.对幸福时光的想象;心算;精神状况糟糕;精神上的伤害;没有精神缺陷的。
8.In the bliss, in the agony her spirit failed and she tottered.在幸福中,在极度的痛苦中,她的精神衰竭了,她摇摇欲坠。
9.concerned with or affecting physical as distinct from intellectual or psychological well-being.不同于精神和心理上的,与身体有关或影响身体的幸福。
10.Our spiritual intelligence quotient, or SQ, helps us understand ourselves, and live fuller, happier lives.我们的精神智商,或SQ,帮助我们了解自我,生活得更充实,更幸福。
11.From Happiness to Glory--About the Duties of Spiritual Construction of Socialism;从幸福到高尚——论社会主义精神文明建设的时代任务
12.The Happy and Naughty Children with Game Spirits--The Protagonist Image in Children Fictions during the Initial Stage of the Foundation of PRC充满“游戏精神”的幸福顽童——建国初儿童小说中的主人公形象
13.A Comparative Study on University Students' Spirituality, Sense of Community and Well-being and the Relationship among Them大学生精神性、社区感与幸福感的比较及相互关系探讨
14.Research has piled up steadily when it comes to looking at patients who are neurotic or dysfunctional, while the happy or joyful people among us have received little scientific scrutiny.有关神经症或精神失常患者的研究资料堆积如山,而幸福或快乐的人群几乎无人关注。
15.The spiritual harmony you feel in this intimate relationship will be exhilarating as you share your dreams together.精神上的和睦你会感到相处的很亲密并体会到共同享受梦想的幸福。
16.After the happy freedom of six months the confinement of body and soul would be doubly intolerable to her.过了6个月幸福自由的日子之后,肉体和精神的桎梏将使她加倍地痛苦。
17.Rising wealth and expectations of happiness are behind unprecedented demand for counselling as well as psychiatric care.对于专业心理开导和精神医疗空前需求的背后是不断增长的财富和对幸福的期望。
18.One of my sisters has recently married, and family gatherings are now occasions of happiness and renewal.我的一个妹妹最近已经结婚,如今家庭团聚是获得幸福与焕发精神的所在。

spiritual well-being精神幸福
3)"Happy Plum Trees" in Sansheng County三圣乡"幸福梅林"
1.A Solution to the Happiness-Income Puzzle:Theory and Evidence;对“幸福—收入之谜”的一个解答
2.Plato s Cave-Metaphor and the Possibility of Philosophical Education:some views on how to orient education toward happiness;从柏拉图洞穴隐喻看哲学教育的可能性——兼论教育应该怎样关涉幸福
1.Therein this disquisition explores the question of ultimate spirit from three Han-folks-related perspectives,including spirit of soul,outlook on life and death and attitude to worldly well-being.本文就汉代人的灵魂观念,生死观念以及世俗的幸福观念三个方面考察其中蕴涵的终极精神。
2.The well-being implied in the basic theories of the"new educational experiment"such as the development of humanities,human potentials and personalities,and pursuit of loftiness and harmony,ignored but essentially needed in current education,are awfully vital for the educated to enjoy schooling life."新教育实验"以帮助新教育共同体成员过一种幸福完整的教育生活为最高追求和努力方向,其理论基础中所蕴涵的人的发展、人的潜力的开发和个性的形成、追求崇高和和谐等一系列教育幸福观正是当前教育生活中所忽视和缺乏的教育理想。
1.Happy people also need to ponder in friends experience(friendship) and to realize .亚里士多德的伦理学最终的、最圆满的目的就是幸福。
2.In modern management,managers should have to comprehend employees emotions more,use happiness management make employees feel happy.在现代管理中,管理者应该更多地理解员工的情感,运用快乐管理让员工从工作中获得幸福。
3.It also points out the structure of happy education: the unity of acquisition and feeling, physical and psychological unity, the unity of personality and society, and the cultivation of happy ability.从全面发展的角度 ,透视了教育与幸福 ;提出建构幸福教育的设想 ,分为四个层次 :认知与情感统一的教育与幸福 ;生理与心理统一的教育与幸福 ;个性与社会性统一的教育与幸福 ;幸福能力的培

神圣1.形容崇高﹑尊贵,庄严而不可亵渎。 2.帝王的尊称。 3.泛指天神,神灵。