万物统一,world unification
1)world unification万物统一
2)everything as the same万物齐一
1.Taoism s thought of "everything as the same" gives it an important inspiration to the.在这一意识流动过程中,道家的"万物齐一"提供了重要的思想启示。

1.Awakening of Ecological Awareness:Significance of Taoism s Thought about "Everything as the Same";生态意识的觉醒:道家“万物齐一”思想的意义
2.The Equality Concept on the Ideological Background of "Equality of All Beings"“万物一齐”思想背景下的平等观念
3.A dry May and a dripping June bring all things into tune.五月晴,六月雨,百花齐放,万物茂盛。
4.After they wrote out the invitations, it was all systems go for the wedding.在写完了邀请函之后,婚礼就一应俱全,万事齐备。
5."Our four hundred million people have been making a concerted effort since the Lukouchiao Incident, and the final victory will belong to China."“卢沟桥事变以来,四万万人一齐努力,最后胜利是中国的。”
6.Equality of Things, Equality of Language & Equality of Opinions;齐物·齐言·齐论——“齐物论”也释
7.The Twist of Shifting Creation and Universal Coequality An Explanation of "Qiang Yang" in "Zhuang Zi;万物以形相禅观念和齐物论的纠结——兼释《庄子》中“强阳”的含义
8.The sun shine upon all alike.太阳普照万物,一视同仁。
9.Flowers are blooming in a riot of color.百花齐放,万紫千红。
10.The Implicit Development of Zhuangzi s "on the Equality of Things;试论庄子《齐物论》一文的内在线索
11."Qi Feng"and "Qi Qi" --Shangdong Poetry World in Wanli Dynasty;“齐风”与“齐气”——万历朝山东诗坛
12.If our 450 million countrymen all exert themselves, the Chinese nation will certainly achieve final victory!只要四亿五千万同胞一齐努力,最后的胜利是属于中华民族的!
13.These starving brutes will shoot out of it like bullets.这些饿慌了的小畜牲就会像万箭齐发一样窜出来。
14.There was nothing of peculiar note in the event which set all the bells and the good people of Paris thus in motion from early dawn.一清早便使群钟轰鸣、万民齐动的事情,也无关紧要,不足记
15.These starving brutes will shoot at you like bullets.这些饿慌了的小畜牲就会象万箭齐发一样窜出来。
16.Rome today to mourn the Pope's death.汉娜:我知道,有篇报导说,超过一百万人今天齐聚罗马,哀悼教宗。
17.Used less than one year, all accessory included.(3 M pixels,5 x digital zoom), Good condition!三百万像素,5倍数字变焦,使用不到一年,配件及说明书齐全。
18.If there is one sole source of everything, there is one sole end of everything.如果万物有一条唯一的原则,万物也就有一个唯一的归宿。

everything as the same万物齐一
1.Taoism s thought of "everything as the same" gives it an important inspiration to the.在这一意识流动过程中,道家的"万物齐一"提供了重要的思想启示。
3)all in one万物一体
4)all things as one万物一如
5)Everything in the universe is derived from the One一生万物
6)Equality of All Beings万物一齐
1.Like "everyone is equal before God," Chuang Tzu thinks" Equality of All Beings": 1, his understanding about the relationship between all equal things is built on the "Tao"; 2, dialectical logic way of thinking as " between right and wrong " makes all things equality.《庄子》为他的平等观念作了“万物一齐”的预设:1、他对万物平等关系的认识是建立在“道”的基础上的,“以道观之,物无贵贱”;2、“彼此是非”的辩证逻辑思维方式得到了“天地一指,万物一马”的结论。

万物1.统指宇宙间的一切事物。 2.犹众人。