自然的回忆,remembrance of nature
1)remembrance of nature自然的回忆
1.The continuance of enlightenment may rely on the remembrance of nature to expose the above illusion.奥德赛形成主体的过程不仅意味着启蒙的牺牲与放弃,也是意味通过自然的回忆和反思实现自我的独立性和自主性。
2)free recall自由回忆
1.Two experiments of free recall and order recall were made to explore the role of phonological codes in Chinese character processing.本研究采用韵母相同、声母相同、音异形似和音同形似四类汉字字组 ,对使用手语聋生、使用口语聋生和听力正常大学生进行了自由回忆和词序位置记忆两个实验。
2.By using free recall method, we want to find out men will recall more sexual infidelity, while women will recall more emotional infidelity.在自由回忆时,男性会回忆出更多性背叛线索,而女性会回忆出更多感情背叛线索。

2.A Study of change of primacy Effect and Recency Effect in Free Recall首位及新近效应在自由回忆中的变化
3.An Empirical Study of Mental Lexicon Organization: Evidence from Free Recall心理词汇组织和自由回忆的实证研究
4.An Experimental Study of Free Recall and Order Recall in Deaf Students' Chinese Characters Processing聋生汉字加工的自由回忆与词序位置记忆实验研究
5.But from the second time onwards, primacyeffect and recency effect were found to function alternately.但自第二次自由回忆开始,首位效应和新近效应的优势互换。
6.The Study of Evolutionary Psychology about the Sex Difference in the Free Recall of Infidelity Cues对背叛线索自由回忆的性别差异的进化心理学研究
7.----Excerpts from Portraits from Memory——节译自:《来自回忆的画像》
8.Her ghosted memoirs, ie written by someone else她那由别人代笔的回忆录
9.The Functions of Dependent Memories--About Aesthetic Memory from Remembrance of Things Past;“非自主记忆”的诗学功用——从《追忆似水年华》看审美回忆
10.I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the road.我看着地图,想使自己回忆起那条道路。
11.His antobiography, or memoir, is ready for publication.他的自传,也就是回忆录,即可出版了.
12.The old worker cast back to his miserable childhood.老工人回忆起自己苦难的童年。
13.Edward was trying to recall that service.爱德华使劲回忆自己对古德森的恩惠。
14.Pinkerton is overcome by his memories.平克顿见景生情,回忆起往事,不能自已。
15.Remembrance is a form of meeting. Forgetfulness is a form of freedom.追忆是一种会面.遗忘是一种自由.
16.It came floating back to him, momentarily, with the coffee and liqueurs.由于喝了咖啡和烈性甜酒,他暂时回忆起往事来。
17.History is a cyclic poem written by time upon the memories of man.历史是是由时间写在人的记忆中的回文诗。
18.There are 3 stages in the origin and development of autobiographical memory, which are childhood amnesia, the reminiscence bump and recency in autobiographical memory.自传记忆的形成和发展可分为三个阶段 :即童年期遗忘、回忆高峰、自传记忆近因期。

free recall自由回忆
1.Two experiments of free recall and order recall were made to explore the role of phonological codes in Chinese character processing.本研究采用韵母相同、声母相同、音异形似和音同形似四类汉字字组 ,对使用手语聋生、使用口语聋生和听力正常大学生进行了自由回忆和词序位置记忆两个实验。
2.By using free recall method, we want to find out men will recall more sexual infidelity, while women will recall more emotional infidelity.在自由回忆时,男性会回忆出更多性背叛线索,而女性会回忆出更多感情背叛线索。
3)spontaneous recall自发回忆
4)The Futility of Returning to Nature回归自然的徒劳

自由回忆自由回忆free recall 自由回忆(ftee recall)记忆实验中测量保持量的方法之一。被试先学习一些材料,然后让他不必依原先呈现的顺序尽可能多地回忆这些材料。以被试能够回忆的数量作为保持量的指标。 (金志成撰林仲肾审)