纯存在,pure existence
1)pure existence纯存在
1.As the essence of Hegel\'s philosophy, Shorter Logic begins the study of "quality" with pure existence.《小逻辑》是黑格尔哲学的精华,其中"质"的研究中以纯存在为开端。

1.Simplicity consists in a just medium, in which we are neither too much excited, nor too composed.单纯存在于适度之中,我们在其中既不过分兴奋,也不过分平静。
2.And there must be simple substances, since there are compounds; for a compound is nothing but a collection or aggregatum of simple things.由于存在复合物,因此必然存在单纯物,所谓复合物,即单纯物的集合。
3.What was once corrupt is now pure.被腐化的存在现在已经被重归纯净。
4.Titanium in the pure state can exist in either of two allotropic forms.纯钛以两种同素异形的形式存在。
5.Existence and Continuation of Holomorphic Solutions for a Functional Equation Pure Mathematics;一类函数方程全纯解的存在性与延拓
6.The Exisience Theorem of Borel Point of Quasimeromorphic Mapping in Unit Disk;单位圆内拟亚纯映射Borel点的存在性
7.He would never base his standard of values on pure being.他从不把他的价值标准建筑在纯粹的存在之上。
8.Purity is the value of the existence of an artistic form.纯粹性是一种艺术形式得以存在的价值所在。
9.The indirect evidence favors the vacuolar localization of the passive poll.这一间接证据有利于证明在液泡中存在一个纯态库存。
10.They are beings of pure spirituality and exist to fulfill the tasks given to them by God.他们是纯灵性存在而存在完成上帝赋予他们的任务。
11.The division of labor is purely primitive, between the sexes only.分工是纯粹自然产生的; 它只存在于两性之间。
12.Existence Distinguish of Pure strategy Nash Equilibrium in Two-person Static Games双人静态博弈纯战略纳什均衡存在性判别
13.An Existence Distinguishing Method for Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium Existence in Finite Static Games静态博弈纯战略纳什均衡存在性判别法
14.The Existence of Two Strictly Disjoint Pure Idempotent Latin Squares;两个严格不相交的纯幂等拉丁方存在性之研究
15.On Existence of Singular Directions for Meromorphic Algebroidal Functions关于亚纯代数体函数奇异方向的存在性
16.Some impurities are entirely substitutional or interstitial in behavior, but others can exist in either lattice position.有些杂质是单纯的替代位或单纯的间隙位杂质,但也有的可以在任一晶格位置存在。
17.There is a touch of optimism in every worry aBout one's own moral cleanliness在对自身道德纯净度的每次焦虑中,都存在一种乐观因素
18.Of course, pure market systems are notable for their absence in the real world.当然,在现实世界中,纯粹市场体系显然是不存在的。

existence of pure culture纯粹文化存在
1.Nonexistence of Positive Solutions to Quasilinear Elliptic Obstacle Problems with Critical Exponents;带有临界指数的拟线性椭圆障碍问题的正解的非存在性(英文)
2.The Study of Regional Folklore:Its Theory、Existence、Inheritance and Dissemination;区域民俗:理论、存在和传承
1.Mechanism analysis existing in enterprise s human resources risk;企业人力资源风险存在的机理分析
2.Fiction,Reference and Nonexistence——The Truth Problem and Its Solutions;虚构、指称与非存在——为真难题及其解决方案
3.He is an existential hero who is bold to act and has the courage to shoulder the responsibility, linking individual with society, ideological and action.萨特的境遇悲剧《苍蝇》,刻画了俄瑞斯忒斯这样一个有着自由之身,勇于行动,勇于承担责任的存在主义英雄,将个人与社会、思想与行动联系起来,借戏剧表达了存在先于本质的基本原则,强调自由与责任的不可分离。
1.Falling of Time ——Merleau-Ponty s way of Phenomenology from time to being;时间的塌陷——梅洛庞蒂从时间到存在的现象学道路
2.A Generative Game of Language,Being and Thought——An Enigma of Heidegger’s Later Thought;语言与存在、思想的生成游戏——海德格尔晚期思想之谜
3.New probe into the theory of being and its value in Marx s philosophy;马克思哲学存在论价值新探
1.Sein","Dasein"and"Shi Fei":Zhuang Zi and Heidegger s Opinions on the Issue of Human Existence;“存在”、“此在”与“是非”——兼论庄子、海德格尔对人的存在问题观点之异同
2.Among the modern thoughts,the idea of "life" has become a fundamental horizon of thoughts which does not indicate any beings(Seiendes),but ‘to be’(Sein).在当代思想中,标示着存在、而不是存在者的"生活"观念已经成为基本的思想视域。
3.Again the metaphysical idea “shi (是)” is from the characteristic of copula of the more original “shi (是)”, which is a pre-metaphysical idea as Sein itself.作为价值判断的“是非”观念 ,来源于作为形而上学观念的早期“是”的存在者化的指代神圣性 ;而这种形而上学的“是”观念 ,又来源于前形而上学的更为原始的“是”“时”的标示存在本身的系词性 ;这种原始的“是”“时”观念 ,乃是华夏先民的源始的生存之领会与解释。

存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethics  cu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸