让存在,Let it Be
1)Let it Be让存在

1.On the Problem and Countermeasures of Operation Right Transferral of a Scenic Spot;旅游景区经营权转让存在问题分析与对策研究
2.make every day a holiday and celebrate just living.让每天都是节假日, 并感激生命的存在
3.How to Dealing with the Problems Concerning the Assessment of Mineral Exploitation Right Transfer;采矿权出让评估中存在的问题与建议
4.Through it advertisement can reach being itself and a world of existence and meaning also can be uncovered.从而让广告在存在论境域上所关切的生存与意义世界得以敞开。
5.Exposure is having sex with someone and putting yourself at risk for getting HIV风险存在于进行让您有感染爱滋病毒的性行为
6."Enables you to view or store information in a clipbook."让您可以在“剪贴簿查看器”中查看或存储信息。
7.The system could not log you on. The requested certificate does not exist on the smart card.系统无法让您登录。智能卡中不存在请求的证书。
8.Forgiveness allows us to move on towards a better understanding of universal love and our true purpose.宽恕让我们更明白博爱和我们存在的真正含义。
9.Let us take them down and put them in the great chest in the treasure room.让我们把它取下来,放在存珍宝库的大箱子里吧!
10.Cryobiology has allowed unborn fetuses be kept under cryopreservation for years.低温生物技术能让胎儿在低温条件下存活数年。
11.Problems and Countermeasures of Selling Land Using Right by Hanging Out One s Shingle;土地使用权挂牌出让中存在的问题及对策研究
12.Criticism:Let Literary Works Exist--On the Hermeneutics of Art;批评:让作品存在——关于艺术诠释学的考量
13.Research on Problems Existing in Industrial Land User Rights Granting and its Countermeasures;工业用地使用权出让中存在的问题及对策研究
14.Gain from Equity Transferring, Gain from Share-holding, Income Tax Law Reform;我国股权转让所得税法存在的问题与改进
15.Study of Defects and Improved Measures on the Land Grant System in China我国土地出让制度存在的缺陷及改进研究
16.Jean-Paul Sartre's Existential Human Studies and Inspiration让-保罗·萨特的存在主义人学理论及启示
17.Because of the internet, homosexual literature exists and develops quickly.由于网络的存在,让这一地下文化得以生存和长大。
18.It seems to me that there is an important difference between wholly owned subsidiaries and licensing.在我看来在独资分支机构和许可转让之间存在着重要的区别

1.Nonexistence of Positive Solutions to Quasilinear Elliptic Obstacle Problems with Critical Exponents;带有临界指数的拟线性椭圆障碍问题的正解的非存在性(英文)
2.The Study of Regional Folklore:Its Theory、Existence、Inheritance and Dissemination;区域民俗:理论、存在和传承
1.Mechanism analysis existing in enterprise s human resources risk;企业人力资源风险存在的机理分析
2.Fiction,Reference and Nonexistence——The Truth Problem and Its Solutions;虚构、指称与非存在——为真难题及其解决方案
3.He is an existential hero who is bold to act and has the courage to shoulder the responsibility, linking individual with society, ideological and action.萨特的境遇悲剧《苍蝇》,刻画了俄瑞斯忒斯这样一个有着自由之身,勇于行动,勇于承担责任的存在主义英雄,将个人与社会、思想与行动联系起来,借戏剧表达了存在先于本质的基本原则,强调自由与责任的不可分离。
1.Falling of Time ——Merleau-Ponty s way of Phenomenology from time to being;时间的塌陷——梅洛庞蒂从时间到存在的现象学道路
2.A Generative Game of Language,Being and Thought——An Enigma of Heidegger’s Later Thought;语言与存在、思想的生成游戏——海德格尔晚期思想之谜
3.New probe into the theory of being and its value in Marx s philosophy;马克思哲学存在论价值新探
1.Sein","Dasein"and"Shi Fei":Zhuang Zi and Heidegger s Opinions on the Issue of Human Existence;“存在”、“此在”与“是非”——兼论庄子、海德格尔对人的存在问题观点之异同
2.Among the modern thoughts,the idea of "life" has become a fundamental horizon of thoughts which does not indicate any beings(Seiendes),but ‘to be’(Sein).在当代思想中,标示着存在、而不是存在者的"生活"观念已经成为基本的思想视域。
3.Again the metaphysical idea “shi (是)” is from the characteristic of copula of the more original “shi (是)”, which is a pre-metaphysical idea as Sein itself.作为价值判断的“是非”观念 ,来源于作为形而上学观念的早期“是”的存在者化的指代神圣性 ;而这种形而上学的“是”观念 ,又来源于前形而上学的更为原始的“是”“时”的标示存在本身的系词性 ;这种原始的“是”“时”观念 ,乃是华夏先民的源始的生存之领会与解释。
1.The designs of developing modes under the guide of the small and medium enterprise existing theories,and the princiles for the choice of developing modes;中小企业存在理论指导下的发展模式设计及其选择
2.Philosophy Thinking about Existing of "Building Field"“建筑场”存在的哲学思考
3.As an age-old language, "existing" is human life s eternal theme.因此 ,对于人类整体而言 ,生存的阐释和探析 ,能够使人类正视自己的生存 ,从而引导人们的超越性 ,走向人类本身的存
