先验范畴,priori category
1)priori category先验范畴
1.In "concept analytics" Kant separates two questions,determination of category and proof of "rights" ,which should be dealt together because of his limitations of demonstration and analysis,thus having some inappropriateness,namely,determining the priori category in advance without priori result from deduction.由于论证上的分析方法的局限,在"概念分析论"中,康德分离了本该统一处理的两个问题,即范畴的确定及其"权利"的证明,从而显现出结构上的不妥当性:在缺乏先验演绎结果支持条件下而"抢先"确认先验范畴

1.Time,Space and A Priori Categories--Some Amendments to Kant's System of A Priori Categories时间、空间与先验范畴——对康德先验范畴体系的修正
2.Kant’s Priori Deduction and the Human’s Subjective Activity;康德哲学范畴的先验演绎与人的主体能动性
3.Why Kant Wrote Two Transcendental Deductions of the Categories;为什么康德对范畴的先验演绎写了两个阐释
4.A Further Discussion on Meta-ethics Categories:From Definitions of the Sages;再论元伦理学范畴——从先哲的定义说起
5.On the "Li" Category of Chinese Classical Aesthetics in the Qin-Han Dynasty;先秦两汉时期古典美学“丽”范畴论
6.Commentary of Logic Category by Peng Yilian--A New Exploration and Achievement of Logic Category Theory;彭漪涟先生《逻辑范畴论》述评——逻辑范畴理论的新探索、新成果
7.From the Chinese Idiom "Wangmeizhike" to the Embodied Conceptual Category;从“望梅止渴”看概念范畴的体验性
9.The Proof of Embodied Hypothesis from the Semantic Category Expansion in Guangya;《广雅》中的语义范畴扩展对体验性假说验证
10.Experience:a Kind of Language of Pedagogy-a Preliminary Study of Experience Category of Pedagogy;体验:一种教育学的话语——初探教育学的体验范畴
11.Inner Canon of Huangdi establishing fundamental theoretical category of TCM:verif ication《黄帝内经》建构中医药理论的基本范畴——证验
12.Recollement of Triangulated Categories;三角范畴的recollement
13.The results are as follows: (l) When measure was delayed 2、6 and l0 seconds, temporal order memory for the same - category word within the list was better than across lists;实验一发现:2分钟延缓测试词表内范畴相同项时序记忆和项目记忆优于词表间范畴相同项;
14.The progressiveness of the Party is a historic conception and the dialectic unity of class and times.党的先进性是个历史范畴,是阶级性与时代性的辩证统一。
15.Good faith above all belongs to economic category;诚信首先是经济范畴——重读恩格斯《英国工人阶级状况》序言
16.The western sages exploration about the "balance and felicity category" and the relation between them;西方先哲关于平衡与幸福范畴及其相互关系的探索
17.Population Carrying Capacity Belongs To Social Category Or Natural Categoey?人口容量属于社会范畴还是自然范畴?
18.The category kernel-mode drivers includes many subcategories.内核模式驱动范畴包含许多子范畴。

the definition of Trial试验范畴
3)category test范畴实验
4)Booklet Category Test手册式范畴测验
5)empirical use of category范畴的经验使用
1.In the present study, the writers lay emphasis on the analysis of the scope of medical civil judicature, and discuss its definition and contents so as to make a basic research for the establishment of the medical civil ju.医事民事司法范畴研究一文,着重介绍医事民事司法的范畴,探讨其内涵和外延,为医事民事司法的构建作铺垫性研究。
2.There are differences in connotation and research scope between the two, and they also have natural and intrinsic relations:research of the former necessarily extends to the later, and research of later necessarily trace to the former.课程论是解决“教什么”的问题,教学论是解决“怎么教”的问题,两者内涵与研究的范畴不同,又有着天然的内在联系。
