人生与命运,life and destiny
1)life and destiny人生与命运
2)life and fate人生命运
1.The aesthetic expression of life and fate is the foundation and core in the aesthetics of fiction, hence masters of philosophy such as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Bergson, Sartre, Freud, Marcuse of the Occidental school of Marxism, etc.人生命运的表达是小说美学的基础与核心,叔本华、尼采、伯格森、萨特、弗洛伊德以及马克思主义西方学派马尔库塞等哲学巨匠都十分重视文学艺术的人生命运的美学表达问题。

1.A New Annotation of Fate:Rereading XU Dishan's Homeward Journey人生命运的新诠释——重读许地山《归途》
2.Possible Explanation of Fortune on Life and Psychological World;寻求对人生命运和心灵世界的合理解答
3.The Aesthetic Expression of Life and Fate in Fiction;小说:人生命运的美学表达——再谈路遥小说《人生》的审美范式
4.The turns of luck in the course of one's life.时运,命运人一生中运气的转变
5.Life Can Be So Tough-A Comparison Between Destiny of a Man and To live;生命坚强如斯——《人的命运》与《活着》之比较
6.For man is man and master of his fate.(A.Tennyson)人就是人,是自己命运的主人。(丁尼生)
7.Of roman are man and master of his fate. -- A. Tennyson人就是人,是自己命运的主人。——丁尼生
8.It is good to Be good in your time, for you know not how long it will last.人生在世命运无常,得志之时与人为善。
9.Something that befalls one because of or as if because of determination by lot.命运,运气由于或似乎由于命运的决定而发生于某人身上的事
10.Analysis of the Notion about the Relation between the Human Being and God as well as Living and Death Destiny试析世界神话中人神关系和生死命运观命题
11.My destiny is solitude , and my life is work .我的命运是孤独,我的人生是工作。
12.The Art of Weiqi,Life and Fate──Review on Chu Fujin′s Novel Black and White棋艺·人生·命运——评储福金长篇小说《黑白》
13.A Life Elegy in the Early Spring:the Tragedy of CUI Yi's Fate in XIAO Hong's Work生命早春里的一缕轻烟——对《小城三月》主人公翠姨的命运分析
14.Banon: The lives of my people depend on you, young warrior. May fortune favor you!年轻的武士,吾之族人的生命就靠你了。祝你好运。
15.The red color expresses the Chinese people's passion for life and the Olympics.红色表达了中国人民对生命、对奥运的热情。
16.The Survival Dilemma of Destiny--An exploration of the character s destiny in Jin Suoji;走不出的生存困境——《金锁记》的主人公命运探索
17.Facing Destiny Straightly to Seek Tranquility--A Elementary Research of the Aurelius Outlook on Life;直面命运 寻求宁静——奥勒留人生哲学初探
18.Concern About Qu Yuan s Life and Fate and Solicitude for Scholar-Officials Life in Song Dynasty;屈原身世命运的关注与宋代士大夫的人生关怀

life and fate人生命运
1.The aesthetic expression of life and fate is the foundation and core in the aesthetics of fiction, hence masters of philosophy such as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Bergson, Sartre, Freud, Marcuse of the Occidental school of Marxism, etc.人生命运的表达是小说美学的基础与核心,叔本华、尼采、伯格森、萨特、弗洛伊德以及马克思主义西方学派马尔库塞等哲学巨匠都十分重视文学艺术的人生命运的美学表达问题。
3)Life,Exercise and Health生命、运动与健康
4)cast in one's lot with与...共命运
5)cast in one's lot with与¥共命运
6)Life Questions and the Fate of China人生问题和中国的命运

人生【人生】 (术语)鞞婆沙论问曰云:何知人中有化生?答曰:劫初人也。朱子亦尝言及,其云佛经说初生人云云,今见阿含经。世界初成,光音天人下来,各有身光,飞行自在。因地肥香美,取食多者,即失神足,体重无光,日月始生。因贪食故,地肥灭没,复生婆罗。婆罗灭没,复生粳米。食彼米故,方分男行、女相行、不净行,云云是也。见余冬序录。