超人形象,superman image
1)superman image超人形象

1.Intercultural Communication studies:Review and Reflection;评马丁·伊登:杰克·伦敦笔下的超人形象
2.From Making Shows of Human Nature to Loss of the Existence Significance";从人性作秀到“存在意义的失落”——《儒林外史》中的匡超人形象分析
3.Life beyond the Betrayal--Gao Jialin image analysis;背叛之上的人生超越——高加林形象分析
4.Ordinary Person or Superman;超人还是凡人──论《三国演义》中的刘备形象
5.Seeking and Transcending --Appreciating the two Protagonists Ayab and Santiago寻求与超越——亚哈与桑提亚哥人物形象解读
6.Shifting Ideals and Overstepping Reality--An analysis of Madame Bovary s character;理想转嫁与现实超越——包法利夫人形象分析
7.Western characters like Superman, Spiderman and Batman, all have the qualities of an ordinary person.西方的超人、蜘蛛侠、蝙蝠侠等形象都具有普通人的特征。
8.The Extramundane Spirit of Character by Hemingway:--The Image Re-explaination of The Old Man and Sea;海明威笔下人物的精神世界的超越性——《老人与海》形象再解
9.Superman is a fancied person.超人是想象出来的人物。
10.Free from the Dichotomy of Zhong (Chinese)/Xi (Western);超越“中”/“西”——有关西方中国形象的研究
11.On the Effect of Thinking in Image in the Found ation of Pro Theory of String;论形象思维在超弦理论建立中的作用
12.Defendence,Confrontation and Surmounting --A Cultural Interpretation of the Character Wang Er in The Golden Age;固守 对抗 超越——对王二形象的文化阐释
13.On the image of "super dog" in The Call of the Wild论《野性的呼唤》中的“超狗”形象
14.an impressionistic portrayal of a person.给人深刻印象的人物形象的塑造。
15.Not coincidentally, Peanuts hit superstardom after Snoopy adopted his World War I flying-ace persona.在史努比以第一次世界大战王牌飞行员的人物形象出现之后,他就成为超级大明星,这并非偶然。
16.The solo dance "Herding Horses"choreographed and performed by Jia himself in the 1940s successfully presented to us a broad-minded herdsman good at riding.40年代自编自演的独舞《牧马》,成功地塑造了性格豪迈,马术高超的牧人形象。
17.Although none of the heroines in Dubliners are represented as New Women, their images are not confined to subordinate to men.虽然《都柏林人》中的女性形象没有完全超越时代,但也并不局限于顺从依赖的男性附属品。
18.represent, as of a character on stage.舞台上扮演人物形象。

Supermarket image超市形象
3)the image of "super dog""超狗"形象
1.On the image of "super dog" in The Call of the Wild论《野性的呼唤》中的“超狗”形象
4)human visualize人文形象
1.The Theory of Characterization in Li Zhuowu s Criticism on “Outlaws Of The Marsh;署名李卓吾《水浒传》评点的人物形象论
2.The Study of Characterization of ShiShuo Xin Yu;《世说新语》人物形象研究
3.An analysis of the character s discourse role switching in drama will help delve into his inner world,thereby shedding light on the characterization.通过分析戏剧人物话语角色的转换来剖析人物的内在意图,可以深入人物内心,帮助理解人物形象的塑造。
1.On People s Existence Structure in History——Also on the Characters Choice of Historical Novels;论人在历史中的存在结构——兼论历史题材小说人物形象的选择
2.From the Dunhuang frescoes,we can find the ways of communication--the eyes of the characters,the gestures of the characters whole body and the relationship among the characters.论述了历代艺术匠师是如何以佛教故事为依托,在壁画创作中发挥出他们的卓越才能、非凡想象,创造出大量鲜活的人物形象和引人入胜的意境的。
3.In the article A letter to LIU Yi, the author creates typical characters with cartoonlike style of writing , and exhibits the disposition of character by strong con trasts; The author adopts a standard and flexible writing style according to the pur pose of writing and demand of the subject; The cold narration reveals the author s subjective preference ,resulting in an ironic artistic effect.宗巨的《报刘一丈书》以漫画笔法塑造典型人物形象,以强烈的反差突现人物性格;根据写作目的和主题的需要选择规范而灵活的文章格式,内容详略得当;在冷峻的叙述中,流露出作者的主观倾向,达到讽刺的艺术效果。
