纯粹综合,pure synthesis
1)pure synthesis纯粹综合
2)Mixing Assemblage纯粹系综
3)Not mixed; pure.未混合的;纯粹的
1.Naoji appreciates the people with unreservedness and pureness.直治推崇拥有本真、纯粹的品质的精神贵族,对虚伪的社会与人类充满不信,批判着世俗。
2.This thesis attempts to probe into his spirit course from the pureness to variedness, and explores and understands his tasteful consciousness and gradual change of rhetoric, and the collision of his soul and the tend towards of his spirit.从一个纯粹的少年布尔什维克到被人讥为“消解理想”、“躲避崇高”的“犬儒主义者”,王蒙呈现给文学研究者的是杂色的存在。

1.“Pure” excise“纯粹”的附加工作
2.Pure Theory of Law and Purifying of Law;纯粹法学与纯粹法律——论原则性法典
3.The table is solid oak.这桌子是纯粹栎木的.
4.This is sheer nonsense.这纯粹是无稽之谈。
5.It is pure gold.这是一块纯粹的金子。
6.he's a mere slip of a lad.他纯粹是个瘦小青年。
7.His story is nothing but a pack of lies.他说的纯粹是一派鬼话.
8.What you are saying is pure nonsense.你说的纯粹是废话。
9.Its behavior is pure deception它的行为是纯粹的欺骗
10.utter darkness, bliss, nonsense漆黑、 极乐、 纯粹的废话
11.It would be downright [sheer] madness to do such a thing.做这种事纯粹是发疯。
12.Ignorance is mere privation.无知是一种纯粹的贫乏。
13.Her performance was pure camp.她的表现纯粹是演戏.
14.The shooting was in pure self-defense.开枪纯粹是为了自卫。
15.This is a sheer day dream.这是一个纯粹的白日梦。
16.He's just a cheap crook.他纯粹是个卑鄙的无赖.
17.Attendance is purely voluntary.这次出席纯粹是自愿的.
18.The poem is a pure inspiration.这首诗纯粹是灵感之作。

Mixing Assemblage纯粹系综
3)Not mixed; pure.未混合的;纯粹的
1.Naoji appreciates the people with unreservedness and pureness.直治推崇拥有本真、纯粹的品质的精神贵族,对虚伪的社会与人类充满不信,批判着世俗。
2.This thesis attempts to probe into his spirit course from the pureness to variedness, and explores and understands his tasteful consciousness and gradual change of rhetoric, and the collision of his soul and the tend towards of his spirit.从一个纯粹的少年布尔什维克到被人讥为“消解理想”、“躲避崇高”的“犬儒主义者”,王蒙呈现给文学研究者的是杂色的存在。
1.The interlocution between two architects in a teahouse illustrates that architectural activity is social, and that purity and impurity in architecture is relative.通过两位建筑师茶室中的对话,阐明建筑活动是一项社会活动,建筑的纯粹和混杂具有一定的相对性。
2.At the age of 36,he committed suicide after murdering his wife,which does not mean the end of his life but also the end of his pursuit of the aesthetic feature of "purity" in his poems.三十六岁的他杀妻后自缢,可以说又是一次人生的巅峰亦结局:生命结束了,他所追求的"纯粹"也结束了。
3.The pursuit of "purity" is one of the basic features of Kantianism and also the basis of his theory of transcendentalism and criticism.本文试图说明对“纯粹性”的追求是康德哲学的根本特性之一 ,而且是其先验主义与批判主义的理论前提。
1.Through the analysis of theories and projects, the author proves that pure tectonic is unavailable, and reveals the true sense of pursuing tectonic.通过理论和实例的分析,揭示了纯粹建构的不可得,以及时下追求“建构”概念的真正意
2.But this pure heroic discourse violated the logic of life,and meanwhile,caused the internal spirit of the times of the Republic of China completely lost.这种纯粹的英雄话语因违背了生活本身的逻辑而打破了"仿真"局面,造成了叙事目的全面失效,同时也使民国时代的内在精神彻底迷失。
3.A mixture of elements to promote the development of fashion,mixture is a kind of Design thinking;and mixture is relatively pure,pure and created a style of reservation,and clear style and long-term change is the essence of fashion;how to walk between mixed and pure grasp is the designer must face the eternal issues.元素的混合推动时尚的发展,混合是一种设计思维;与混合相对的是纯粹,纯粹化的保留造就了风格,而鲜明的、长久不变的风格又是时尚的真谛;如何在混合与纯粹间游走把握,是设计师必须面对的永恒课题。
