影响焦虑,influence's anxious
1)influence's anxious影响焦虑
1.Its source's old standard and the influence's anxious——The literary mind and carving of dragons' humanity and inheritance原道古训与影响焦虑——《文心雕龙》的人文意蕴及其传承
2)anxiety influence焦虑影响

1.Path analysis of influencing factors of anxiety in rural and urban secondary school students;城乡中学生焦虑影响因素的通径分析
2.Path analysis of the influencing factors of test anxiety in secondary school students;中学生考试焦虑影响因素的通径分析
3.Anxiety of Influence and Influence of Anxiety:A Threefold Interpretation of William Blake s Poem "The Fly";影响的焦虑与焦虑的影响:对布莱克小诗《飞虻》的三层阐释
4.Influence of Cognition on Test Anxiety不同认知条件对考试焦虑者的影响
5.22.2% revealed family environment affected anxious levels;家庭环境影响其焦虑的占22.2%;
6.The Influence and Analysis of the Anxiety and Depression to the Delivery Mode;焦虑和抑郁对分娩方式的影响和分析
7.Study on the Influence of Anxiety on the English Learning of Grade Three Students in High School;高三学生英语学习焦虑因素影响研究
8.Study on Vocational Selection Anxiety and Influence Factors of Higher Vocational School Graduate;高职毕业生择业焦虑及影响因素研究
9.The Effect of Foreign Language Anxiety on Senior School Students and Its Solutions;外语学习焦虑对高中生的影响及对策
10.A Study on Foreign Language Learning Anxiety;关于焦虑对第二语言学习影响的研究
11.The Effects of Second Language Writing Apprehension on L2 Writing Performance;二语写作焦虑对二语写作过程的影响
12.The Effect of Foreign Language Anxiety on Vocational School Students and Its Solutions;外语学习焦虑对中专生的影响及对策
13.Impact of Language Anxiety on the English Learners of High Schools;语言焦虑对高中学生英语学习的影响
14.Effects of Sequence of Multiple-Choice Questions on Test Anxiety;论多项选择题题序对测试焦虑的影响
15.The Impact of Anxiety on Second Language Learning;实证探析焦虑对第二语言学习的影响
16.The Effects of Anxiety on Students Listening Comprehension Performance;焦虑心理对学生英语听力成绩的影响
17.Parental Rearing Style and Anxiety of Adolescents;父母教养方式对子女焦虑的影响研究
18.Rethinking of the tradition and the individual--comparison between Tradition and Individual Talent and The Anxiety of Influence;“传统与个人才能”与《影响的焦虑》之比较

anxiety influence焦虑影响
3)the anxiety of influence影响的焦虑
1.Surmounting "The Anxiety of Influence "——Review of The Landing of Dust and As I Lay Dying超越“影响的焦虑”——论小说《尘埃落定》与《我弥留之际》
2.Besides the obvious factor of the feudalism ideology,this phenomenon spiritual agent reveals,"the anxiety of influence " and "the consciousness of breaking through " of the successor psychology stratification plane initiated by the pioneer classics are the b.明清小说的创作盛况有目共睹,就其内部的创作关系而言,存在一种经典与颠覆经典重建经典的矛盾冲突事实,这一现象的精神动因除了封建意识形态等显在因素外,由先驱经典所引发的后来者心理层面的“影响的焦虑”及“突围意识”是关键。
3.Overcoming "the anxiety of influence" is very important to study literature.克服"影响的焦虑"是文学研究创新的必然要求。
4)anxiety of influence影响与焦虑
5)factors influencing trait anxiety特质焦虑影响因素
6)The Influence of Anxiety on Painting焦虑对绘画的影响

操作焦虑操作焦虑  心理学术语。为焦虑表现之一。 由于不能达到目标或不能克服障碍的威胁,致使自尊心与自信心受挫,或失败感和内疚感增 加。形成紧张不安、恐惧的情绪状态,以致外部活动失调。在性医学领域,往往与预期性失 败焦虑相联系,多致勃起障碍、早泄或不射精症。多有早年性创伤史或性交失败经历。可用 人类性感集中训练疗法治疗。